
Peerless God Asura

Abandoned by his family, a homeless boy travels to a prospering city, taking up a job and gaining prestige. Seven years later, he gains the attention of one of the most powerful people in the entire realm. Follow Chou Feng as he embarks upon the long and arduous path of cultivation.

_DragonAsura · ตะวันออก
16 Chs

Practising the Technique

Martial Spirits were almost never seem. To have one, one would be a peerless genius. Out of a hundred thousand people, there might not even be one who possesses a Martial Spirit.

Yet Chao Feng had suddenly awakened one out of nowhere. People that had Martial Spirits were born with them, and they instantly awakened once the person became a cultivator, Chao Feng was an exception to this rule.

Furthermore, his Martial Spirit was many times stronger than him. Other people's Martial Spirits would be at the same level as them in terms of strength.

His Martial Spirit was very special, but he didn't understand how yet.

Chao Feng noticed the dragon awakening, but he brushed it off, thinking that it was simply done with sleeping.

He began to train in the first style of the technique. After extensive reading last night, he understood that to train the first style, he needed to circulate his spiritual energy around his body and unlike he was doing beforehand, he needed to circulate it through the arteries, blood vessels and most importantly, the muscles in his body.

He had simply been circulating it exclusively through the veins, as it was easier and still yielded great effects, strengthening his body and increasing his speed greatly. But he didn't understand that while channeling the spiritual energy throughout the entire body, the effects were many times greater.

At the moment when the first round of circulation finished, the dragon in his dantian suddenly loudly roared, shaking the entire insides that the spiritual energy had just passed through.

"What the hell?" Chao Feng was scared and shocked.

Quickly afterwards, he felt his body become multiple times lighter, and his mind started to function at a faster rate. He exited the state of meditation and stood up, trying to execute the second style of the technique which was only possible after using the first style a sufficient number of times.

The second style was to channel the entirety of one's condensed spiritual energy to both the hands and feet, increasing agility and speed.

Chao Feng was able to use it, and not only that, to a scarily high degree, so much that his speed was already faster than lightning.

"Did the dragon directly raise my mastery of the technique?" Chao Feng guessed, bewildered.

The dragon hadn't raise his mastery of the technique, instead the dragon had used the first style of the technique on Chao Feng's body with an equal comprehension to him, but since its power was so much higher, the effects were proportionally greater.

His body's strength had increased by over twenty times and his speed was equal to the speed at which lightning strikes without using the second style after a single use of the first style. This was actually the peak strength he could achieve right now, in terms of strength and speed.

The first two styles were laying the foundations for the last two, which was where the 'destruction' came into play.

Chao Feng had not mastered the first technique yet, but he would not have the chance to as he couldn't do it any more before breaking through to the next rank.

He could only place his focus on the second style.

Channeling the entirety of one's condensed spiritual energy may not seem like much, but there were many factors to truly determine one's comprehension and degree of understanding of the technique.

The amount of time one could hold the energy in a single place without losing focus or letting any slip, the equal allocation of spiritual energy between the two hands and the two feet, such factors were where the true difficulty in mastering the second style lay.

Furthermore, to even train the style, one needed a great level of control over their spiritual energy, treating the movement of it as fundamental as breathing.

Chao Feng needed many improvements before he could begin to develop his understanding of the Four Styles of Destruction, and the first thing he could do was to make contact with the dragon in his dantian. After all, it was the reason he had gained huge amounts of strength and speed.

"Oi, what are you?" He reentered meditation and called out.

"Haha, what a weakling." A feminine-sounding voice emerged from the dragon, mocking Chao Feng.

"Huh?" Chao Feng was slightly hurt by the dragon's harshness, but he continued to communicate with it. "How- no, why did you give me so much strength. My current power can solely be attributed to you."

"Haha, human. I had to raise your cultivation level, you were too weak to even hold me in your dantian. For the same reason, I used that technique on you, in case of any future problems." The dragon explained.

"What are you?" Chao Feng asked the question he was most curious about.

"That is not the correct question. One day, you will understand. Think, human. Think of an adequate question to ask."

"How can I get stronger?" After deliberation, Chao Feng asked.

"That's more like it. Gather cultivation medicines on the mountain, and I will help you to quickly refine them. By then, you will understand the next course of action yourself." The dragon advised. "I recommend that you read some books on cultivation. Knowledge is the key to power. Now let me rest."

With that parting sentiment, the dragon curled up into a ball once again.

Chao Feng sighed, shook his head and went back into the building, entering the library on the first floor, where there was an abundance of books on cultivation.

After a while of perusing, Chao Feng finally picked a thick book titled: "The Origin Realm" and began to flip through the pages.

The book had many insights and interesting topics and Chao Feng began to inwardly praise the dragon for giving him such advice.

He now understood many things that he didn't before and he also understood the fastest way to raise his strength - that was to condense his spiritual energy!

The goal of the Martial Origin realm was to condense one's spiritual energy into a liquid form. This was generally completed at the eighth or ninth level of the realm, but there was no limitation on what level one could fully condense it at.

The more condensed spiritual energy one possessed. the stronger one was. It was even more so for Chao Feng because he was currently working on developing the second style of the Four Styles of Destruction technique, which revolved around moving and controlling one's condensed spiritual energy.

But to fully condense one's spiritual energy at only the third level of the Origin realm, it was much easier said than done.

Chao Feng did not expect that he would manage to fully condense his spiritual energy, but he imagined he would be able to achieve around sixty percent condensation at the third level and full condensation at the fourth level.

There were many people who fully condensed their spiritual energy early on, at the third level and the fourth level, but the main drawback with this method was that in the Martial Origin realm, there was nothing else to do other than condensing spiritual energy.

In short, it was boring.

Furthermore, it was estimated in the book that one would need to have a whopping two hundred Condensation Pills, which could help with condensation, to achieve such an earth-shattering feat at the third level.

That was way too high a number!

Chao Feng was hoping to come across some of these pills on the Rocky Stone Mountain, this was now his main reason for going.

Pretty much other than eating or sleeping, Chao Feng was cooped up in the library all the time, reading.

Coming from a mortal background, kicked out of the house by his father and working in a restaurant, he naturally had little to no knowledge on cultivation.

The books he was reading were about the refinement of spiritual medicines, herbs and fruits and the dantian, the true basics of cultivation that he did not know of.

"One has to get their fundamentals down before trying to do something far beyond their comprehension. I was like an infant holding a sword, I was too dumb and blind to see it." Chao Feng criticised himself.

He finished a book on the basics of sword combat and placed it back into the bookshelf, looking for another book to read. Behind the many books, there was a black book with no name. Intrigued, Chao Feng picked it up and began to read through the pages.

"The legend of the Rocky Stone Mountain?"