
Peerless God Asura

Abandoned by his family, a homeless boy travels to a prospering city, taking up a job and gaining prestige. Seven years later, he gains the attention of one of the most powerful people in the entire realm. Follow Chou Feng as he embarks upon the long and arduous path of cultivation.

_DragonAsura · ตะวันออก
16 Chs

Entering Rocky Stone Mountain

There was a fierce wind blowing throughout the entire Spectral Province. From the direction of it, it came from the Star Province, the neighbouring province of the Spectral Province.

Chao Feng's steed was called Li Fei, and it was dark brown with a long, silky white mane flowing from its lifted head.

On its body was the aura of valiance, it had been through many years of life. It was also surprisingly fast, another bonus.

The way to get to the Rocky Stone Mountain was through a derelict tunnel deep in a nearby forest.

At the end of the long tunnel, the mountain supposedly stood, permeating into the clouds above.

Chao Feng rode through the forest, admiring the natural majestic beauty of the forest.

At that instant, while his head was still turned, he suddenly felt a collision between his horse and something.


A bone-chilling scream belonging to a young woman suddenly rang out.

Chao Feng instantly dropped down and rushed over: "Are you alright?"

The young woman looked up at Chao Feng with big blue eyes, shocking Chao Feng with her beauty.

"This girl is even more beautiful than the forest!" He laughed in his mind, as a young man, he would naturally have such thoughts.

He extended his hand with a concerned expression on his face, and the girl's petite hand took it.

He noticed her snow-white skin, her sharp eyebrows and her small mouth which was as red as an apple.

She really was a peerless beauty, enough to send continuous ripples through Chao Feng's heart.

"Are you alright?" Chao Feng repeated.

"Yes." The girl nodded her head, looking away and blushing.

"Why is she - oh, I'm still holding her hand." Chao Feng noticed his mistake and instantly let go of her hand.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Chao Feng asked, but that question really was an excuse to examine the girl's body, her delicious curves were something otherworldly.

While he had seen many pretty women at the restaurant, he had never seen a true beauty. Furthermore, the women he had seen in the past all had a similar aura of uncleanliness and impurity while he couldn't sense any impurities in this girl's aura, in fact, she was emanating the idea of pure.

"Um, sir." The girl suddenly talked, looking away while she did.


"If I may, could I come with you? I am all alone, and this is my first time leaving home." The girl asked as politely as possible.

"No isn't an answer here, is it?" Chao Feng thought.

He smiled and nodded his head, mounting Li Fei once again, beckoning the girl with his hand to hop on.

"Um, how do I get on the horse?" The girl really was clueless.

"Sigh, this is gonna be a long ride." Chao Feng sighed in his heart, but he helped the girl mount Li Fei and they set off, this time at a walking pace.

"Where are you trying to go?" Chao Feng asked.

"I'll go to the same place that you are going." After a few moments of thinking, the girl replied.

Chao Feng was taken aback.

A weak young lady on a dangerous and mysterious mountain that even Chao Feng did not know much about, that didn't sound good.

"Sigh, I'm going to an extremely dangerous place. If you're adamant on following me, then I won't stop you." Chao Feng said, sighing.

"Where are you going?" The girl was curious.

"Rocky Stone Mountain."

After hearing those words, the girl's big eyes suddenly widened as she placed her dainty little hand over her similarly sized mouth.

"Is that the-" She begun. "No, you cannot go there."

After saying that, she shook her head vigorously to further emphasise her point.

Chao Feng's eyes also widened: "Do you know about the mountain?"

"I have heard stories of it in the past. I know that is very dangerous and there is even the possibility that that thing is there…" The girl said.

"What thing?" Chao Feng was curious.

The girl just shook her head and stopped talking.

Chao Feng naturally knew of the danger, yet he was still going. The girl had even emphasised this, and he was still adamant. This left an impression on the young girl.

Chao Feng looked back at her for a bit, simultaneously admiring her beauty and trying to decipher something from her facial expression. After a while, he just shook his head and continued moving forward.

Along the journey, the girl was constantly looking at the scenery of the forest, much like how Chao Feng was.

At that instant, Chao Feng face-palmed himself.

"I forgot to ask, what is your name?" He turned around and asked.

The girl blushed and looked down, replying:

"My name is Liu Mei."

"Liu Mei…" Chao Feng engraved this name into his heart. This was the only woman he had talked this extensively with and also the only woman he had been this intimate with.

After that, they continued silently to the end of the forest, where the tunnel was located. It was very deep, and one could not see anything inside except complete darkness.

"Is this the way to the mountain?" Liu Mei pointed to the tunnel.

"Supposedly." Chao Feng replied.

After saying that, Chao Feng continued to ride into the dark tunnel with Liu Mei behind him. The tunnel was long, and so Chao Feng sped up while still considering the safety of Liu Mei, it took him around twenty minutes before he managed to exit the tunnel.

Chao Feng squinted as soon as he exited the tunnel, to protect his eyes which were accustomed to the utter darkness of the tunnel. He slowly opened them, and when they were fully open, he saw the mountain.

Reaching beyond the clouds, shrouded in mystery and bastardised by myths, the infamous Rocky Stone Mountain.

Unless one could somehow fly, one could only enter from the entrances. There was a total of three entrances, and each of them were heavily guarded by at least ninth level Origin realm cultivators, the causal person would have an extremely rough time even having thoughts of entering.

Chao Feng stopped moving, admiring it for a few seconds before he continued moving forward.

There were many trees and plants on the mountain, creating a natural habitat for cultivator beasts.

Chao Feng got off his horse and took it to a nearby tree, tying it there with a rope he had put in his sack.

He patted its back and walked back to the mountain with Liu Mei in tow.

"Are you sure you want to come? You can stay here with Li Fei." Chao Feng pointed at his horse and said.

Liu Mei considered it but she shook her head, saying: "I don't think I'll be safe alone with the horse."

Chao Feng lightly smiled and continued walking, the tree he picked was not far from the mountain at all.

Chao Feng was currently at the peak of the third level of the Martial Origin realm, but with the Unrivalled Sword of Purity and the first and second destruction style, his current strength could be matched with a fifth level Origin realm cultivator.

While Liu Mei was still a mortal, in the presence of a mythical mountain revered for its dangers, she felt deeply frightened.

Chao Feng reached an entrance before long, and after verifying that he was a cultivator and that Liu Mei was his friend, he was allowed access into the mountain.

Chao Feng wandered about before he came across his first cultivation herb.

It was a tall stick of grass, and it was the high-rank Origin Essence Grass. Spiritual herbs were not easy to pick, otherwise, any mortal would be able to gather spiritual herbs.

One had to be extremely careful when dealing with spiritual herbs, especially high-rank ones.

Chao Feng knew this from many books detailing spiritual herbs, so he approached the grass with caution before pouncing on it and removing it from the ground in one clean swoop.

The grass struggled in his hand, but under his aura, he managed to crush its will, making it an inanimate object.

Chao Feng placed into his sack and continued forward.

Liu Mei watched with shock, fright and curiosity. This was the first time in her life when a man had ignored her and simply focused on what he needed to do, she had been pampered since birth.

But she didn't mind it, out of all of the suitors her parents found for her, if Chao Feng was one of them, she would most likely be happy to marry him.

She also felt safe with him around, because she had never been in danger, she had never needed to be safe before, so this was somewhat of an alien feeling to her.

She continued to follow and observe Chao Feng's actions silently.

Chao Feng used the second destruction style as he darted from plant to plant. In a blink, the entire area was void of any cultivation herbs.

Liu Mei was shocked by his speed, to her, he was simply a blur.

At that instant, an evil-sounding laughter rung out from behind Liu Mei.