
Peerless Cultivator In Another World

In the world of cultivation of immortality, there is a person known as the 'Evil Genius'. He is an expert in many fields. Because of this, he is respected and feared by all. This is not only because he has unparalleled strength but also because he masters many unique knowledge. However, this man accidentally transmigrated into another world, and his former body no longer what it used to be. His body now had turned into a kid. And now, let's accompany him towards his journey in this unfamiliar world as he discovers of shocking things, makes companions, unravels the secrets of his transmigration, and reach the peak of his life once again. --------- Note: Even though he's entitled as "Evil Genius," he is not evil, but a neutral mc. He will only do things that benefit him. You will further understand his personality as you read the story. --------- Note: Cover is not mine.

ZenoShin · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

The Way To Make Money

After listening for a while, Ling Fan didn't find much interest in it, so he decided to go into the inner room to take a look at the so-called armor.

Upon entering, he realized that the inner room was even larger than the outside space, and it was filled with people. It seemed like there was more to it than meets the eye.

As Ling Fan entered, he was surprised to find that the entire inner room was filled with armors, helmets, and protective gear. Some of these items were placed on shelves, while others were hung on the walls.

At that moment, Laurent happened to receive a finely crafted wooden box handed to him by Erluno. Excitement filled his face as he eagerly opened the box.

Inside was a silver-white armor inlaid with some golden patterns, emitting a powerful radiance when the sunlight hit it.

Ling Fan's gaze was also drawn to it. With just a quick glance, he had a general understanding of it. The color and style were decent, but it didn't seem very practical.

"Master Erluno, here are the remaining 1800 diamond coins. Please check it." Laurent handed a bag containing diamond coins to Erluno.

Erluno accepted the money but didn't even count it. He handed it directly to a nearby dwarf. It was evident that Erluno held a position of authority in this shop.

1800 diamond coins? Hearing this amount, Ling Fan was utterly bewildered.

Was this still considered spending money? Who would pay such a hefty sum for this armor? I could probably poke holes in it just by sneezing.

Trash in Ling Fan's eyes, but a treasure in the other man's eyes. As Laurent examined the armor for a long time and was very satisfied with it. It seemed became clear for him that all the diamond coins were well spent.

It seemed that the diamond coins i spent were not in vain; you get what you pay for! Laurent thought to himself. Buying this armor wasn't just a simple transaction for him; it was years of accumulated allowance and savings. Almost all his savings were invested here. He had wanted a decent armor for a long time, and today, he finally achieved that goal. Could he not be happy?

"Master Erluno —" As Erluno was about to leave, Laurent hurriedly called him out, "My father wanted me to convey a message."

Turning back, Erluno asked without expression, "What is it?"

Laurent hesitated for a moment, unsure how to begin, as he looked at Erluno's emotionless face.

Erluno repeated, "What is it?"

"My father wanted me to tell you that he's willing to offer 200,000 diamond coins to purchase that battle armor on the west side of the wall. He's wondering if you're willing to sell it, Master." Laurent pointed at the most prominent worn-out battle armor hanging on the west wall, sounding somewhat anxious.

200,000? Diamond coins?

Ling Fan began to doubt if he had misheard. 200,000 diamond coins?!

His head mechanically turned to Robin, hoping to confirm whether he had indeed misunderstood, but Robin's expression remained calm, giving away no answers.

"I can't make that decision!" Erluno responded with a hint of emotion this time and a touch of annoyance.

He continued, "However... I think my master won't sell it. That armor itself is a witness of history, its historical and metallurgical research value can not be measured by money. I suggest you advise your father against pursuing it."

Laurent chuckled awkwardly because he also knew that Erluno would not agree, and his response wasn't much of a surprise.

Ling Fan felt almost dazed as he walked towards the worn-out battle armor. He wanted to understand what was so special about it that it was worth so much money.

However, the armor they were discussing was not only deteriorated but also covered in rust stains. Historical value? Metallurgical research value? Ling Fan was nearly amused by the thought. What was so good about this? It was already in such a terrible state, and yet it was still valued so highly.

"That's a creation from before Z War happened. Its value isn't something ordinary people can comprehend." Erluno might have sensed Ling Fan's contemptuous gaze, so he added a cold remark.

Z War? What's that? Ling Fan was about to ask for an explanation about it, but Erluno had already left on another room.

As Ling Fan pondered what was happening, a middle-aged man suddenly approached him, asking, "You seem like you're here for the first time, kid."

Seeing Ling Fan nod mechanically, the man continued, "Do you know this is the treasured item of the 'Firesmith Weapon Shop'? You're lucky that Erluno's didn't kick you out for underestimating it. It also seemed that being young had its advantages!"

"What's the Z War?" Ling Fan's primary concern was this question now.

"I can't explain the Z War clearly cause even i don't know much about it. I only know it was a world war that erupted hundreds of years ago. I don't have all the details, but these kinds of knowledge should be recorded in various magic and sword academies." The man had a contemplative expression.

Once this helpful man left, Ling Fan returned to studying the worn-out battle armor he had found that seemed to be from a garbage dump.

"I'm sorry, you can look but not touch this item." A dwarf came over to prevent Ling Fan from touching the armor.

Really? Ling Fan had never been treated like this before. In the world of cultivation, people would approach him like they're his grandchildren, asking for help in identifying various treasures' authenticity. But now, things were different, and he couldn't even touch this shabby battle armor.

If they didn't want him to touch it, then he wouldn't. It wasn't a big deal.

As Ling Fan was about to leave, he suddenly noticed a faint aura of Yin energy on the battle armor. If he hadn't been observing it closely earlier, he might not have noticed it at all.

After a moment of surprise, Ling Fan burst into laughter. He had come up with a way to earn money quickly.

What was this method? Could it work? It needed to be tested to be sure.

Exiting the weapon shop, Ling Fan, accompanied by Robin, hurried towards the Magic Beasts Forest.

Ling Fan had realized that he could use the witchcraft technique "Thousand-Mile Trace" to sense where the location of the faint Yin energy he had felt on the armor. If he could sense this energy, it might lead him to the remains left behind by the so-called Z War.

Ling Fan knew the theory was plausible, but he also understood that theory and implementation were two different things. This was a physically demanding task.

This was because the Yin energy contained in that armor was extremely weak. Ling Fan would have to use the maximum power of "Thousand-Mile Trace." But even then, finding something wasn't a quick task.

Despite the challenges, Ling Fan was willing to give it a shot. After all, it symbolized the money shining brightly waiting for him!

As long as he could find even one, his financial worries would be solved. Once the money issue was resolved, the problem of the magical ring would be solved, and with it, the problem of storage space would also be resolved.


Ling Fan was delighted just thinking about it now. He had never loved "money" this much in his entire life as he does today.