
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Familiar Feeling

"Every body run!!!"

The whole sect was in a total mess, with disciples everywhere, they were all running for their life's, making sure they survive

Huxton also joined in running, trying to avoid the disaster. At the same time, some figure flew out of the inner court about thirty figures, they were putting on green robes with different weapons on their hands, they were the sect leader, prime disciples and the sect elders of the sect.

When they came out and saw the beast, they were very shocked by it's size and type, the beast was about five hundred meter tall, it was a huge black tiger magical beast with golden eyes, and thick scale from it's head down to it's tale, which was sharp like a sword, it had a black armor all over it's body, making it look so fierce, it moves with a dangerous aura.

"What magical beast is this, I have never seen it before, I can't even see it's cultivation level, we must handle this with care or my silver Wing sect will be no more"The sect leader said to himself with a shocked expression, he decided to make sure nothing wrong goes on

The sect leader who was standing in the middle flew gently to approach the huge tiger with a long sword in his hand, he had a long hair and a sharp figure with a white robe on

"Hold your movement"A voice gently resounded from the top of the beasts head

The sect leader gently halted his movement and gently asked in a solemn voice

"Who are you? and what do this expert want from my Silver Wing Sect?"

The figure on the top of the beast gently said with a chuckle

"You are not worthy to know me, and also you don't have the right to ask me questions, I will do the asking"

"Insult!, how dare you speak to the sect leader like that"An elder standing beside the sect leader said angrily

The figure in the head of the tiger gently raised his hand and pointed a finger towards the elder, the elder widened his eyes in disbelief, holding his hand on his neck trying to stop the blood from coming out from his neck, his head sliced of from his body, falling down, spraying blood everywhere, and the elders beheaded body descended from the sky lifelessly.

"Ahhh..."The remaining elders shouted in shock

"A-a Spirit Soul tier cultivator easily killed with just a finger, how powerful is this person

" The sect leader said to himself with cold sweat covering his back

The sect leader, was extremely shock, he knew the figure in the tigers head is strong but, he wasn't expecting him to be this powerful.

The whole place became silent without even a the breathing of the sect leader and elders loud, the silence was finally broken by the sect leader

"How may we help you"he gathered some courage and asked

"I told you to stop asking questions, I will do the asking, one more question and I will burn this sect to the ground"The figure still in the dark gently said

"I am sorry"

"Now, where is the metal element technique you found"The figure said gently

The whole place became silent like a grave yard, if a pin was dropped, it would be heard clearly and loudly by everyone there, they all kept quiet, not knowing how to answer

The figure, gently raised his hand again pointing his finger towards an elder, killing him ruthlessly the same way he did with the other one.

"H-h-here i-it is"The sect leader brought out the metal element technique, in fright, he was really panicked, he realized not even all of them together is a match for him

"Now you are smart, if you haven't brought it out, this whole sect could have been brought down by my people" the figure said with sinister smile

"Y-your people?" the sect leader asked in fear

"Oh yes my people, oh, I forgot to tell you, your whole sect is surrounded"

Immediately he said that word, a huge rhino made of rock, with a mountain spike horn appeared beside him like a ghost, shaking everywhere and destroying all the stone houses below it, there was a figure standing on it head

surrounding the whole premises appeared different kind of people on different magical beasts, a fierce aura surrounded the whole sect

The sect leader,elders, core and prime disciples all trembled in fear

"Elder skymaple, what level is it?"The figure in the tiger is no body else but elder skymaple of the immortal demon sect.

"It's just a trash cultivation technique,I thought it might be something special, but it's just a low level at that, ColdStone, lets just get out of here"Skymaple said disappointedly after looking at the technique in his hand.

"Ok elder skymaple, but don't you think we should take over this sect"ColdStone said gently

immediately he said that word, the sect leader and elders all trembled in fear, they just wanted this people to leave at once

"No, it's a useless sect,it's not even on the top twenty strongest sect in this world, let's go"skymaple said before commanding it's beast to withdraw

ColdStones beast,was the first to move, it gently flew into the sky and flew away, disappearing from the sect in seconds.

"You all can go back to what you were doing, move it" Skymaple said calmly with a mysterious smile, his magical beast turned and moved to leap away, Skymaple felt a faint energy, it was just little and undetectable, but out of his experience he was able to feel it in just seconds, he shouted hurriedly trying to stop his beast

"Stop!"The beast halted its movement without even daring to take a step

"What a familiar feeling, I have felt it somewhere before, who is it, this person, I am sure I have felt his sense before, but I am not sure if I have seen him in person"Skymaple said to himself with a pondering look

The sect leaders and elders who have already breathed out a sigh of relieve was once again suffocated by Skymaples supreme presence

He spread out his superior spirit sense in search of the person giving him this familiar feeling, he searched for a while but couldn't identify the person, the whole student and elders trembled under his strong and superior spirit sense

"Hmm... I'm I mistaken?, I guess I must be, with my superior spirit sense it wouldn't be hard for me to identify this person who gives me this feeling, but I can't even see any person here that shows that feeling, I guess I am mistaken, move it"He said to himself before commanding his magical beast to go

The magical beast turned and immediately leaped into the air and disappeared out of sight, the whole sect were still in silent, the sect leader and the elders breathed out a sigh of relief, they felt a huge stone been lifted out of their hearts, it was so depressing.

The people brought by Skymaple and ColdStone, all disappeared at once, leaving the sect in a total mess

"Get the disciples in order, rebuild the destroyed living quarters, I will report this matter to the royal family in the capital at once" the sect leader said loudly, giving his commands before turning and leaving