
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Dangerous Path

The disciples all descended down the mountain in an excited mood, every sect with their people separated towards different direction the Silver Wing Sect took the east direction and headed east.

Aitor and Zita seeming the leader of the group took the lead to be in front to instruct and command the students in what to do as they embarked on their training.

They moved for a few hours still they haven't seen any magical beast on the way.

"What is going on, this is the outskirt of the forest, the weak magical beast can't dare to go deep into the forest so they should be here,but we have moved in this place now for an hour but still no sign of any beast, it seems odd"Aitor said out loud frustratingly

They intended to rest, but they were all ways at alert Incase of attack, Huxton was the last person there seating at the back, he was looking for a means to brake away from the group to begin his own training else where in the forest.

"How do I move away from this people"Huxton thought to himself


"A perfect opportunity"Huxton said to himself with a smile

A beast roar was hear not very far from them, it was approaching them in a fast speed, they all stood up in alert, prepared to attack or defend

"Our first beast, prepare to attack"Aitor said seriously, he gathered nature essence all over the sword in his hand.

The disciples all brought out their weapon in preparation to attack the incoming beast.

Suddenly a bull with a stone horn and a stone body was running down with full speed,it had an horrifying expression and also an arrow stocked on its for-head and on top of his back was a beautiful girl of about twelve years old on a green robe, she had a charming face and her hair was long down to her waist,a bow and arrow was hanged on her back, the wind was blowing fiercely on the long hair, making her more beautiful.

Aitor was the oldest and more matured among them and some of the older disciples there were amazed by the girls beauty.

The girl firmly held the horn of the bull tightly with her two hands, she gently used one of the hands and brought out an arrow From the quiver, she ruthlessly stabbed the arrow into the bulls eyes

"Rooaaarr..."the bull shouted in pain, the bull still continued to run faster trying the shake the girl off its back, the girl held firmly towards the horn, she brought out another arrow stabbing it again into the other eye of the bull, the bull became blind without seeing where it was running to, it slumped to the ground helpless in front of Huxtons team.

When the bull fell, the girl stood in front of the bull with her two hands on her waist, staring at the bull with a mocking smile

"Why did you stop running?, I was having fun just now, weren't you having fun too?, ahhh... guess the fun is over,time to go, bye bye"She said with a sweet voice and a cute smile

She brought out a dagger from her robe and immediately stabbed the bull on its core, killing it immediately, she retrieved the core in a professional manner. She turned to Aitor and his group with a confused gaze

"Which sect is this?"she asked nonchalantly

"The Silver Wing Sect beauty"Aitor replied with a smile

"Oh... the sect that found the metal element technique, lucky you guys, but you guys are still as weak as babies,you are still at the 9th level of element building tier, the beast I just killed is at the 7th level of element building tier, then what type would you see when you go deeper, hope you all survive it here, I can't waist my time with you lamer's,got a lot of hurting to do, hope to not see you all again"The girl said rudely before turning to take off

Aitor and the male disciples there swallowed the insult, but the girls were pretty angry

"Beauty, why are you all alone, you can join us,it would be much safer for you,I can protect you"Aitor said in a gentle man way

The girl stop and turned to look at Aitor, "can you even protect yourself, I will pretend I didn't hear what you just said, scram"She turned and took a step to leave

"Beauty, you are too harsh with your words and it's hurting me"Aitor said sadly

"I can see your tongue needs a forever rest, one more word from you, I will give your tongue the rest it deserves" She said staring fiercely at the disciples there, but something surprised her, she saw a boy with an trying to Snick out of the group during their talk, she was puzzled by the boys action because he was wearing the same uniform as them but she didn't bother to ask because it was none of her business.

She turned and ran off in an extreme speed which shocked the people standing there.

"Wow... a rear beauty, powerful and charming but cold and rude, I like it,if I can have her to myself I will be the proudest man in this world"Aitor said to himself with a smile

Zita stared at him with a frown"What are you thinking about you bad boy"

"Nothing, just amazed by her beauty"Aitor gently replied with a light smile

"Hmph...she is beautiful but no manners, she is not even better than me" Zita said to herself with a light snort

During the disturbance and talk, Huxton used that opportunity to sneak away from the group, he used the one Billion lightning Step and disappeared out of sight.

The disciples were all busy talking about the beauty not noticing Huxton's absence. Huxton ran for a few seconds before stopping.

*Grandpa, this technique consume alot of nature essence" Huxton said with a heavy breathing tone

"No it's doesn't, it is a saint level grade technique, you are not strong enough to use it for a long time"Huzzah gently replied

"Ok grandpa, let's go,my training begins"

He walked towards a direction, he walked for a few minutes still no sign of any beast, he continued walking suddenly a stench smell passed his nose.

"What is that smell"Huxton said with his hands on his nose

He continued to walk ahead, getting to a point he saw a cloth covered in blood on the ground, he picked it up.

"This is a disciples cloth, why is it here and covered in blood"Huxton said with a frown

He continued to move ahead on alert, getting to a point he saw a wolf with blue fur and gold eyes feasting on a human, Huxton almost puked because this is the first time he is seeing such a ruthless scene.

The wolf noticed his presence and turned to him with a cold eyes.

The wolf raised it's head high and called


Immediately sounds of running could be heard in the bush approaching them, Huxton saw about twenty wolfs surround him.

He panicked,he wanted to turn and run

"Pull yourself together, relax and fight, this is an opportunity for you lord Huxton"Huzzahs voice solemnly resounded in Huxton's mind

"Grandpa,this is not good"Huxton said with a Shakey voice

"Stand up and fight, you can't run forever, if you continue running you would never get better, now take this sword and slaughter this wolfs for me"Huzzah said while throwing out a sword out of Huxtons body.

Huxton looked at the iron sword on the ground, and looked at the wolfs surrounding him, the sword had no special features, just a plain sword for mortals to fight with, Huxton bent and picked up the sword with a cold face.

"For family, vooom..."Huxton said seriously before disappearing out of the wolfs sight