
Peaceful life in another world

in apocalypse... is it scary?

KLUX · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

chapter 2

I breathe deeply to calm down, I look around the house to check all the entrance.

I close all the windows, pushed some stuff to the front and back door so that people can't come in.

I'm starting to think clearly, I sit down at the kitchen and think what to do next.

Thinking is pointless, I can't think straight.

To survive I gather every food In one place, that is in my bedroom.

There are still water in the faucet so I get all the container and fill It with water, the electric is still on I charge every electronic that can be useful to me such as power bank, flashlight, radio, my phone and others.

After all that it's already 4:00 at noon, I lay on my bed so that I can rest.

2nd day of the nightmare

I start to think that this is like an apocalypse I watched when I'm young so I start to call them a "zombie"

"staying here might starve me to death"

So I'm thinking of going out to search for food, but going out without plan is reckless.

So I search for every weapon or anything useful at the house, my mother was an online baker and my father was a security guard.

My mother was in another country while my father was at worked, Thinking about it they might have died already.

I'm an only child and we lived in a small village, we have a lot of aluminum tray that might be useful.

We Asian have a machete knife if you live near the mountains or village you may know this.

I get the machete knife, some cooking knifes and a bag.

I used the flat aluminum tray as a shield, I make a hole in the upper center and lower center of the tray using a knife and put a rope in it where I'll be putting my hand in.

The tray was big enough to cover my whole hand so it is perfect to used as a shield.

I'm now ready, I have an;

Scooter helmet

The tray as a shield

a machete knife and some bag

I opened the door, looking right at left.

the coast is clear so I walked straight to the road.

There was a house near mine so I go there, the door was open I walk straight there.

I'm nervous, my heart was beating faster as I walk deeper.

A drop of my sweat fall from the floor,

The sweat was falling

As it touch the floor

A zombie appeared at my back and attack me, I who was extremely nervous immediately turn around accidentally slapping the zombie using my shield.

The impact was strong that he slipped at the floor, I'm shaking with fear knowing the one who attacked me was a nice uncle of mine.

I tried to talk to him

" uncle it's me! "

It can't understand me, I tried my best to calm him down but it tried to get up to attack me.

I who was extremely nervous my body just swing the machete without me knowing, and then I keep stabbing him at his face.

A lot of his blood was on my hand and it scattered all over the ground, I stopped stabbing him.

I look at my shaking hand covered in blood, again im still weak i just accidently killed the Uncle.