
peace macleen

A story about peace a cute and handsome guy in highschool who is gay in closet was admired and was the number one guy who all girls would love to marry because of his poor background he was avoided by all his classmates except for Sony his first love

Peace_Godfrey · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

chapter 5_school life

"Good morning student" Mr Raphael greets the students while entering the class.

"Good morning sir" the students greeted also.

"Today, we will be learning comprehension;I will try rushing my scheme of work cause we are far behind and as you guys know that I know my exam is starting next tomorrow, read your book from week 1 to week 10 the rest will shifted to next semester" Mr Raphael announces and started teaching comprehension.

"That's it for today" Mr Raphael rushed out of the class.

class greeted the next teacher in Thai language "sawadee krub"

"sawadee krub" Thai teacher also greeted back

"today we will be learning core Thai languages as your teacher told you guys the language papers will be the first papers next tomorrow so start reading or you fail" teacher started teaching While some students are listening attentively the rest are keeping the I don't care face

"ok class I will start going am tight on my schedule, so you guys can go for lunch. bye"

teacher started leaving hurriedly

" peace can you have lunch with us" Davidson said while packing is back pack

"peace I heard you are going for the biology program"Micheal asked

" stop can't you see Davidson just asked him for lunch and he is blushing.

"Michael who is blushing,can't you talking to somebody"peace said while typing

"peace are you talking your husband" Rachael asked.

"which husband, Davidson is peace one and only husband,even though that Sony is cute is not qualified"Micheal said angrily

"sorry guys can we have our lunch peacefully"peace said while sitting down. "Davidson are we dating" peace asked Davidson sitting opposite him.

"No but you're my wife" Davidson started pouting

"sorry"peace said while thinking how can I ever come out and tell am having crush on him,God help me.

"peace what are you thinking"Davidson asked while keeping his best husband face. my God peace is my crush how can i ever tell him I don't know what to do.

"nothing,I don't have class after lunch so I will be leaving,I got to help my mom at the restaurant"peace said and sigh

"can i join,I don't have class also"Sony said while sitting down.

"Don't worry am going with him"Davidson started giving the dagger eyes that said if looks can kill,Sony will dead by now.

"am going also"Rachael said while smiling.

"me too"Micheal said happily.

"okay let's go" peace said tiredly.