
Pay to Win Uchiha in Konoha (Completed)

Uchiha Yoru will do anything to get money! Selling Konoha's intelligence to enemy villages? Scamming the clan? Scamming little girls out of their pocket money *cough*...? He will do it all! After all, his system is Pay to Win! = Support me in Patreon: — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
356 Chs

Chapter 100: Brother

Hyuga Clan.

In an old and dimly lit room, the elders of the Hyuga clan all looked a bit displeased at the moment. Sarutobi Hiruzen's methods were still exceptionally cunning. He seized the opportunity and acted decisively, truly swift and ruthless.

Hyuga Hiashi, as the clan head, glanced emotionlessly at the sly and wily Third Hokage and said in a deep voice, "Third Hokage, rest assured. Regarding the issue with the Hidden Cloud Village, the Hyuga clan will definitely give Konoha a satisfactory explanation."

Even at this moment, Hyuga Hiashi still maintained the dignity of the ancient family, not losing any ground. The Third Hokage, seeing this, simply shook his head and held his pipe in his hand.

"Alright, I will try to delay it for a few more days. But it's already been a month, I fear it can't be delayed much longer."

As the not-so-tall figure of the Third Hokage left, the elders of the Hyuga clan immediately began to frown and talk.

"Such means of Third Hokage, not only intimidating the Hidden Cloud Village but also trying to take advantage of this to suppress our Hyuga clan."

"What's so great about Sarutobi? He was nothing more than a third-rate player during the Warring States period, and now he's actually above our Hyuga clan, despicable."

"When his Sarutobi clan was founding the village, they didn't have this kind of courage. Now that they have produced a Hokage, they even want to produce another one."

Each of the clan elders was also furious. As rigid and arrogant individuals, they always considered themselves superior. If the Uchiha were proud, then the Hyuga clan was inherently condescending.

The Hyuga were completely like a wealthy family that had secluded themselves within their own territory. Inside their territory, they were the gods, the rulers of everything, and the branch families were their servants.

Hyuga Hiashi, as the clan head, looked at the discomfort of each elder and also kept a calm face, "Since the Third Hokage wants an explanation, then we, the Hyuga clan, will give him one. We should not cause friction with the Hidden Cloud Village because of this, otherwise the whole village will say that the trouble was caused by our Hyuga clan."

"What are you trying to do, Hiashi!" Seeing Hiashi's indifferent demeanor, one elder immediately lowered his voice and shouted.

At this moment, Hyuga Hiashi was clearly unwilling to bow his head for the dignity of his Hyuga clan; thus, he chose to counter.

"Perhaps Hiashi's idea is correct, but we can use another person."

"What do you mean?"

It seemed like everyone's eyes turned to the oldest elder, who lightly smiled, "Sarutobi Hiruzen does have good tactics, but he forgets that the dignity of a prestigious clan is never to be trampled upon. Does he really think everyone is like his third-rate Sarutobi clan?"

"The branch family has always been responsible for protecting the main family. Now is the perfect time; Hizashi can replace Hiashi. This will be our Hyuga clan's answer!"

Upon hearing this, the usually composed Hiashi's face changed dramatically, angrily saying, "Hizashi cannot go!"

A flurry of eyes turned toward him, and Hiashi, resisting the pressure from everyone, stared at them, "I am the head of the Hyuga clan, Hizashi is my brother; I absolutely won't allow it!"

He couldn't change the destiny of being a caged bird, so he had to accept it all, but he could never let his own brother take his place in death.

However, the clan elders were indifferent, "Hiashi, remember you are the head of the Hyuga clan, and you bear the rise and fall of our clan. Hizashi's destiny has always been to protect the main family."

"That's right, the branch family was born to protect the main family."

"Let Hizashi go, let's see what Sarutobi Hiruzen will do then."

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to take the opportunity to suppress the Hyuga clan, but little did he know that the Hyuga clan wasn't idle either and came up with a fierce countermeasure.

Once the Hyuga clan offers one of their own, the ball is in the Third Hokage's court. A life for a life; we, the Hyuga clan, are willing to give the life of a branch family head. You, as the Third Hokage, would you say it's enough? If it's not, the Hyuga will continue to send bodies.

In short, as the Third Hokage, you have the final say. One could say that the Hyuga clan's counter-tactic was extremely powerful, hitting the nail on the head.

It could be said that in a duel of masters, every move is deadly.

Hyuga Branch House.

Inside the quaint room, although not as imposing as the main family's, there was still an aura of antiquity.

With a creak, the sliding door opened, and a member of the branch family inside immediately showed joy upon seeing the visitor.

Someone, quite anxious, discreetly activated their Byakugan, scanning the surroundings before saying in a deep voice, "Lord Hizashi, there's no one surveilling nearby."

Entering was Hyuga Hizashi himself, looking at the four trusted members of the branch family. The once lifeless eyes of the branch family members were now filled with a hint of excitement.

"The plan has changed; we must act earlier."

Hizashi lowered his voice as he spoke, startling the four, but one of them excitedly said, "Lord Hizashi, we've been waiting for this."

"First, tell me how far we've come in completing the task."

Hizashi had just returned from the main house, his heart full of anger and resentment. If it had been earlier, he might have just accepted his fate, but now he had another option. For his children and for the future of the branch family, he had to make a move.

"Lord Hizashi, to prevent any leaks, all actions under Jonin level within the village were secretly performed. Rest assured, the 'Caged Bird' seal was placed while they were unconscious; they are unaware."

"Some are on missions far away in the Land of Fire or guarding the borders and couldn't be contacted, as it risks exposure."

"The women and children were easy; almost none were missed. However, we haven't dared to act rashly against the uncertain Jonin levels."

Hearing the four's report, Hizashi nodded under immense pressure, "Alright, tomorrow, under the pretext of a branch family meeting, we will summon all branch family Jonin in the village for a gathering at night. Those willing to join us will receive help in sealing their 'Caged Bird,' those loyal to the main family will be subdued. We'll act in the middle of the night!"

"Why the rush?" someone exclaimed. Hizashi forcefully suppressed his worries, "The main house is already suspicious. We can't wait. Once we act and succeed, the main house won't dare lay a hand on the branch members outside the village because their 'Caged Bird' seals will have been rendered useless."

"If the main house does act, it's a lose-lose situation. They aren't stupid. The external branch members will be safe. Once we succeed, we will send people to seal all the 'Caged Birds' among the branch members, ending the 'Caged Bird' curse in our generation!"

Ending the 'Caged Bird' curse!

When this phrase echoed in the ears of the four branch members, tears of excitement flowed from their white eyes. Their hearts had long been numb, accepting their fate. However, a month ago, their branch family head, Hizashi, discreetly told them that he found a way to seal the 'Caged Bird,' shocking them into realizing that their hearts weren't dead but confined by the curse of the 'Caged Bird.'

Now, they were no longer living for themselves but for their descendants, to end the fate of the branch family.

The atmosphere in Konoha is seemingly peaceful, yet turbulent under the rule of the Third Hokage. His shrewd governance has caught the attention of other major nations, especially since Konoha is not making any effort to hide its military preparations. This bold stance has earned praise for Sarutobi Hiruzen and increased his reputation.

Inside Konoha, the citizens believe that peace is on the horizon. High-level disputes, such as the one with the Cloud Village, are unlikely to affect the general population, given the diplomatic stakes involved.

Three days pass quickly, which was the time the main Hyuga family had given Hyuga Hizashi, the head of the branch family, and the younger brother to the head of the main family. The sun sets, casting a red glow over Konoha. Inside the stern, oppressive Hyuga residence, the two brothers sit together in silence. Despite the division between the main and branch families, the brothers share a strong bond.

"Tonight is the deadline," says Hyuga Hiashi, maintaining his composure. "I understand. Tomorrow morning," replies Hyuga Hizashi calmly. Hiashi takes a sip of his tea, "You haven't changed, Hizashi. You never lie."

Hizashi nearly spills his tea, surprised by his brother's words. However, he controls himself and replies, "Big Brother, I don't know what you mean."

Hiashi doesn't elaborate. Instead, he finishes his tea and sighs, "Maybe the Hyuga clan has truly decayed. The enmity between the main and branch families has lasted for generations. At one point, I wished I were in the branch family, but after becoming a father and seeing Hinata, I'm glad I belong to the main family."

He slowly pulls out a scroll from his robe, showing a rare smile. "Hizashi, you've protected me for many years. Let this be my duty as an older brother. I've also studied the Byakugan but found no solution. Perhaps you'll succeed. This scroll contains some of my savings and the Hyuga clan's secret Gentle Fist techniques. Take care of yourself."

In that moment, the brothers feel like they're back on the battlefield where the distinction between the main and branch families didn't matter. Their faith was unwavering. Hizashi is filled with conflicting emotions; he realizes that his plans have been discovered, yet his brother chooses to conceal it.

"Big Brother, I want to ask you, if the Byakugan remains unsealed, would you—?"

Though the words were left unfinished, both of them clearly understood what was meant. Hiashi Hyuga did not hesitate and firmly nodded, "I will! Because I am the head of the Hyuga clan, and your brother. If I die, there will be a new leader for the Hyuga clan, but you and Neji would still be from the branch family. The curse has not been broken. Only when I'm alive I can protect Neji."

Despite hearing his own brother admit that he would watch him go to his death, Hizashi Hyuga was not disappointed; instead, he smiled.

"So, what about now?"

Hizashi Hyuga already had an answer in his mind, but he wanted to hear his brother's response.

"Now, I see an opportunity to break the curse of the Caged Bird seal. I don't want Neji to hate the main family. Let's end the grudge between the main and branch families with our generation," Hiashi Hyuga calmly said as he stood up.

As he walked to the door, Hiashi Hyuga paused and softly asked, "Will you still protect me?"

Neither looked at the other, but in their unseen gazes, there seemed to be a hint of moisture.

Hearing this abrupt question, Hizashi Hyuga scoffed a little. With a sigh of disappointment, he slowly opened the sliding door.

"The branch family will no longer protect the main family. If we still have to fight, I'd protect you as a brother."

In a gruff voice echoing in their ears, the typically stern and unsociable Hiashi Hyuga looked at the setting sun and genuinely smiled.

"If it comes to that, I'd also like to protect my little brother as an older brother. It feels really good."

Footsteps gradually faded, and though a chasm seemed to separate the Hyuga brothers, both wore faint smiles. In that moment, they were not representatives of the main and branch families, but brothers.

In the quiet room, Hizashi Hyuga suppressed his complex emotions and said in a still hoarse voice, "You heard, didn't you?"

The partition door opened, revealing two figures—members of the branch family, elite ninja. Both were silently watching their former branch family leader.

"We heard."

The relationships between the main and branch families were complex. They were, after all, blood relatives, but systems in place had caused an unbridgeable rift between them.

Over the years, there has been resentment, but there also existed relationships like that between Hizashu Hyuga and his brother—still retaining a sense of brotherhood. After all, this is a world of ninja; the branch family has protected the main family numerous times. And they are not cold-blooded; especially when watching their own younger brothers protect them with their lives.

Despite the Caged Bird seal, their blood still ran hot. Many in the main family have watched their own brothers protect them to the death, only to later collapse in regret.

The enmity between the main and branch families of the Hyuga clan was filled with complexities—a sibling rivalry. They envied the relationships between civilian brothers while also taking pride in their lineage.



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