
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

That day, when night came, I packed all my clothes. Lisa was there with me, trying to convince me to staay or take her away with me. I couldn't do either. Staying meant tolerating more suffering and taking her with me meant risking her life and there was no way I was doing that.

"Melissa, remember to take care of everyone and most especially yourself. Andrew remember, no matter what happens, we'll meet someday. This is my promise to you," I said and pulled her into a warm embrace. "I love you Lisa, and I'll really miss you." I told her.

"I'll miss you too Elizabeth," she said as she returned my embrace.

We stayed like that for a while then I broke away from the hug.

"I better get going," I said.

"Bye Liz. Take care," she said. I walked out the gate and she remained standing there, waving at me. Tears streamed down my face as I fought for composure. I was leaving the only home I knew and the only family I had and going into a world that knew me not.

"No tears Liz. This is for the best," I told myself as I wiped my tears. I was embarking on a new journey all by myself and I needed to be strong if there was a chance of me walking through this alive. I found a place to sleep for the night. I had a few savings that I planned on using for transport fare the following day. I knew that I had promised to be visiting my mom everyday but I couldn't do that without risking being found by my cousins. The last thing I wanted was to go back to that dreadful place. I needed to go far away from everyone and make a stable living before I could come back.

I don't remember how I fell asleep but when I awoke, a kind looking old lady was squatting by my side.

"Are you okay child?" she asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Need any help?"

"No ma'am, I'm fine," I quickly answered and got up.

"Don't be afraid child. I'm knotted gonna harm you. Where you chased from home? I can talk to your parents if you want and ask them to take you back," she said.

I relaxed and gave her a smile. She really didn't mean bad. "I'm fine ma'am. Thank you for your concern," I said.

"If you say so," she said then left.

I got my bags and headed for the bus station. I got inn a bus heading to Mansa. I knew no one in Mansa so there was no chance of me bumping into someone I knew over there. My life would start once I got there.

The entire journey was quite and relaxing, free of worry. I dosed off and slept like a baby till we got there. When I got off at the bus station, my worries started. I was in a strange land and didn't know what to do. I started going from shop to shop asking for a job but no one was willing to employ me. I don't know if I looked suspicious because of the bags I was carrying. I decided to lose them. I found a place where I could safely hide my bags and continued with the job hunting. I had no success so I decided to go from house to house and ask for piece works or a job as a maid. I managed to do a few piece works for people who felt sorry for me and two of them asked me to go back there again. I bought some food with the money I earned and then went back for my bags.

I was really tired and needed a place to sleep. I looked around and saw some uncompleted shop buildings and went to sleep there. The night was really cold, I shivered through out. I woke up early in the morning and found a place to bath, then changed my clothes. By the time people were flocking the market place, I had packed my clothes and placed them in a corner. I went back job hunting but I still had no luck. I got a few piece works but no permanent job.

I decided to buy a small phone from half the money I got and carefully hid the other half. I usedd my previous day's earnings for food.

"Not many pretty girls take pleasure in eating food by the roadside," someone said and I looked up.

"Hi," I said. She was a pretty girl with long black hair and a fairly smooth dark skin.

"I'm Jane," she said, taking a seat beside me and stretching her hand towards me.

"I'm Elizabeth," I said.

"Elizabeth, like queen Elizabeth or mother of John the Baptist?" she asked and I laughed.

"Either," I said.

"Well nice meeting you queen Elizabeth," she said. "But what are you doing sitting by the roadside and eating a bun?"

"My money doesn't allow me to sit at a restaurant and eat pizza," I said.

She laughed and took hold of my hand. "Guess what, today is your lucky day. Because my allows me to ddo whatever I want," she said dragging me along.

She took me to debonair's pizza and ordered a very big pizza and two drinks.

"Do you always pick ladies eating by the roadside and treat them to special meals?" I asked her.

"Only those I like and think it doesn't suit them," she answered.

"Then I'm sure in a month's time when we meet again, you'll think it totally suits me," I said sadly.

" And why's that?" she asked.

"Because it should," I answered.

"Look here Elizabeth, we are friends now. You can tell me anything," she urged.

"I need a job. If you can find me one, I promise to tell you everything," I said.

"Okay. Just give me your contacts," she said.

"I haven't had time to know my number by heart so just give me yours and I'll beep you," I said.

"Sure, let me have your phone," she said.

I gave her my phone and she looked at it then at me, as if unable to believe that people still use such phones. She added her number then gave herself a missed call and handed my phone back to me.

"There's no one in your contacts list," she said.

"I just bought it. I haven't had time to add anyone," I told her.

She nodded and we continued eating silently.