

A young child grows with the strange gate that was given to her. One world has zombies, the other has crazy monsters. Now she must find a place she can stay, but it's not as easy as she thought. Not a typical cultivation story and lots of crazy situations...

JennyS · ไซไฟ
46 Chs

39. Her father...

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

He shrruged. "A knife, a rope and a bed. Temple is inside mountain and the mountain itself has enough food. I just need to hunt it."


"Wait here, I'll prepare something for you and explain you how to use it." Anna Gale went trough a shiny gate and didn't come out for a long time. Just when gate started wavering she went out and brought a huge bag with her. "Come here, I'll tell you how to use everything."

She took one roll of things and just pulled a string. A pop-up tent came out and she explained how to put it back together.

He gaped literally speechlessly at her then at the thing. When he was about to speak she took another bundle out and saw that it was some sort of bed you just unroll and go inside of it.

The material felt like silk and it looked warm.

"Now roll it together like this and you can continue the travel. Try unpacking and packing the tent." Anna Gale pointed at the tent and to her surprise he was amazingly smart and did it just as she showed it to him.

"What else do you have in this magical bag?" He saw a large bag but already a house and bed came out of it.

What's next?

Anna Gale shook her head. "We call it camping bag. It's not magical. Just well thought. Now let's continue. These are two hunting knives you can have. This is small axe in case of need. This is small pot that you can use to cook own food. This is set of spoon and fork. I put set of shoes and sturdy clothes you can use, but I fear in one year these clothes will be too little for you. At that time, find own way to cloth yourself."

He shook his head. "Temple has own clothes so accept for praying and concentrating, I will only go for hunting."

Anna Gale shrruged. "Then use these to travel until there. Rest of the bag was empty so I put something inside as you said you need hunting."

She pulled large thing and opened it.

He gasped loudly as he realized what it was.

"A crossbow?" Just like all hunters he loved a good weapon.

"This is foldable crossbow made out of special alloy. I don't know the secret of the alloy, so don't ask me. You just unfold these two sides and pull this back." At least this is how it looked in the handbook that came with it.

Almost like he knew what she was talking about he opened the sides and pulled the long sting tightly. A dozen of arrows were attached to it and he put one in place and realized that he could add more and looked at her with strange expression.

"Hey, I have only one. Don't get stupid ideas." She stepped back and pointed at it.

He calmly accepted it. Special weapons are not mass-produced in this world so he took it it is. "Don't worry. I understand. Weapons like this are hard to be made. Why don't you keep it?"

She snorted. "What for? To hunt rabbits and birds? Don't make me laugh. I give you this, if you survive ten years give it to me back if you don't want it anymore. If you do, take it as a gift. Now go back, I can see guards in your place getting anxious and probably searching for you."

He slowly unlocked sides, closed everything into the backpack and patted her head. "Ten years... If I survive, I'll be back here."

Anna Gale shook her head. "We won't stay here permanently. But don't worry. If you come back in ten years just come to this meadow. If I'm still alive, I'll come to greet you."

If I'm still alive...

Those words made him think of dangers.

"Listen well. There is a problem with creatures on other side of our world. They are angry as some idiots went there and destroyed their offspring. I fear they will attack this world. You do have this power and I'm certain you can save yourself. But still be careful." He pinched Michelle's and Alice's cheeks and disapeared.

Creatures in other side of the world?

"Gate, what is he talking about?" Anna Gale felt strangely anxious.

*I told you that this world has own monsters. But nothing is as it seems. Who are monsters and who not is on you to make your own mind.*

Those words floated for a long time in front of her and made her think about many things her father always talked about.

"Map of base." She disliked him from deep of her heart, but sometimes his words would float in her mind and would appear in certain situations.

Just like now.

Who are real monsters and who not...

Anna Gale saw her father calmly waiting in line to get two bowls of noodles. Nearby were tables and that woman that had his child.

He pushed both bowls towards her and motioned to eat while he drank whole bottle of water. His face was thin and he just ate after she left him couple spoonfuls of food.

Jocelyn Gale was nearby and rolled her eyes.

Both Jocelyn Gale and Anna Gale knew their father. He was like this even when her mother was pregnant with twins and he changed the moment he found out he will get girls.

Both children were girls and he almost flew in rage as he heard that. At that time her mother just did everything to protect the two girls.

Jocelyn Gale took her empty bowl and went to bring the bowl back to the kitchen while he looked after her for a long time.

Very long time he was starting with deep thought at the spot Jocelyn Gale was sitting at and rose his head towards the sky.

Something made him wink and sheepishly smile, making Anna Gale laugh loudly.

"Sister, what is funny?"

Anna Gale shook her head. "Gate..."

A whole bucket of rosehips appeared next to Henry Gale's foot and he chuckled. "You mischievous kid."

"I can't eat that." Gloria Stein furrowed her eyebrows as she saw plastic bucket filled with rosehips.

He just glanced at her and smirked. "Did I say you will eat this?"

He slowly took one and saw that it was really ripe. With a smile he opened the skin and sucked the sweet jelly from inside.

One after other he ate whole bunch of it and rest he brought to the kitchen. "How much food can I get for this?"

Of course the cooks knew how important that was and gave him whole big packet of instant noodles.

How he will eat it was not their problem.....