
Path to rule them all

Sitting under a tree, panting and trying to catch breath, beads of sweat trickled down the face a of a 13 year old boy. His face had a look of resolution but his body had long given up. He still forces himself to get up and strike the dummy with wooden sword. A light breeze blows by.. Born with a weak body, Roland was a strong willed child who lived with a old man in a small town on the outskirts of the Terraria Kingdom. His only goal was to grow stronger so that he could help this old man who has been there for him since he was a child. But he doesn't know the terrifying secret that revolves around his existence. His birth had nearly decimated a whole star system.. Enemies of his past pursue him and the only chance at life is to grow stronger. _________ New novel. I will release 1 chapter daily. Thank you for reading.

Akshat_Jaiswal · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Two suns shone brightly in the sky, a bright and clear day. On the border of the kingdom Terraria, in a small town named Brim, a kid was running, barefoot. He had a bright red apple in hand which seemed to be almost. With his small legs of a 13 year old he ran as if his life depended on it. Behind him a group of 3 kids and a dog ran shouting all kinds of things.

"Give it back brat." the tall one among them shouted. It was strange to see him calling someone a brat when he himself looked 14 years old at most.

The small and weak looking kid at front ran surprisingly fast for someone of his age. He took sharp turns in the alleys and led them by the tail for an hour before vanishing from their sights.

"Damn it! Where did he run off to? " the tall one looked at the dog and gestured for him to sniff and find him.

"Boss our plan failed. He has become surprisingly faster than he used to. Otherwise we were sure to catch and give him a beating." the chubby one said with a flattering smile.

The tall one slapped him and left in a huff.

The 4 of them left the place.

In the other corner of the city on the path which led to a forest, a small kid was running away into the woods. Giant trees could be seen from inside which were piercing the clouds.

'Phew, that was close. I gotta thank the Old man when I get back for teaching me the short invisibility spell.' he sighed as he thought.

He quickly made his way around the trees and got back to what seemed like his usual place of hiding.

There was a small hut made of broken branches and twigs near a tree which seemed to be reaching heavens.

'No matter how many times I look at these trees, I am always thrilled by their sight. The tree to Heaven, God woods.' he sighed in his mind.

'Wonder if I could ever climb to the top. It would be so cool looking down at everything from top.'

With the longing in his eyes he took out a crooked stick which was shaped to look like a sword.

He made his way to a nearby smaller tree and started swinging his sword with full strength. His movements were crude and lacked any sort of formal practice and grace, but they had the consistency and the will to attack.

The forest was silent with only the occasional sound of wood striking wood.

It is fabled that deep within these forests reside the Giant race of legends. Long time back when the world was still on war, they came out and helped the First King of Terraria establish his Kingdom, in exchange they ordered that no person shall disturb them in this era. The King back then readily agreed and asked for their assistance, and without a doubt they won the war and established the now known Kingdom of Terraria. The Giants receded deep into the woods and they have never been seen again.

Soon the suns were setting and sounds of birds going back to their nests sounded in the golden shine of the evening.

Sitting besides the tree the Kid was panting heavily, beads of sweat trickled down his face.

His body had long given up, only his sheer will power keeping him conscious. He got back up while straining all the muscles in his body and got into position to start again. A light cold breeze blew by..

And an old man had appeared behind him. As soon as he appeared the kid had already fallen back into his arms.

The old man had a hunched back and a crooked stature holding a stick in one hand. He caught the kid with his other hand.

"It's you! I don't wanna go home yet. I wanna practice more, I wanna grow strong so that you won't have to worry about me and I can buy you a big house to sleep in and not that small hut.. " he whispered with all his strength.

The old man smiled gently at him and lightly stroked his head a soothing white light shone from his hand and the boy relaxed into sleep.

"I am proud of you Roland." A small chime later only his voice lingered.