
Path to Reach Godhood

"Tatsuya bro, please tell me truth, are you some kind of protagonist or something." asked John. "No" "Then why is your talent so high?" "Don't worry, I am sure you will also get nice talent assessment," said Tatsuya. "Let's see," After 5 minutes , "John, weren't you saying something like being protagonist or something. Then, how can you say something like that with such perverted talent assessment?". This novel is based on John Bright's Path to reach Godhood. Will he be able to do something significant in his life? Will he be the protagonist of his story? Or will he be just another side-character. Let's find this out together

Dare_Devil_1650 · แฟนตาซี
111 Chs

Don't read this: It's not a chapter (20)

foremost, John, I must commend you on your cunning and astuteness during the match. You astutely observed that Rex possessed spear experience, which could have placed you at a disadvantage. However, by utilizing your intelligence, you managed to overcome him," Sir Vincent praised John with a serene smile before continuing:

"At the outset, you fearlessly engaged in an exchange of hit for a hit during the initial clash. Had you hesitated and withdrawn your sword at that moment, the outcome of the match would have been markedly different."

"Furthermore, it was an exceptional strategy on your part to consistently target the same area to attack as your first hit. This served to exhaust Rex more rapidly," Sir Vincent's words appeared to be a compliment to John, but they also served as a reminder to Rex of his errors.