
Path To Immortality

Tang Zhi, a naive and handsome young man with no knowledge of the cultivation world, encounters a stroke of luck when an Elder from a powerful sect visits his village and takes him on as a disciple. However, Tang Zhi's ignorance of the cultivation world becomes his greatest obstacle—one that he must face without even realizing it.

Spectat0r · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Prologue — The Scholar

The balance of the heavens is unfailing. Even the genius cultivators and formidable individuals often face setbacks or losses that temper their skills.

The same was for Tang Zhi who found himself encircled by numerous female scholars within the heart of his village.

"Zhi come over my house and I'll teach you many new things~!"

"You can help me with my scholar exam and I'll give you anything in return!"

"Can I please walk with you!"

Tang Zhi was hemmed in by a group of teenage girls, blocking his path and preventing him from reaching his destination.

After a struggle, he managed to maneuver his way through the group and finally break free.

The boy clicked his tongue in annoyance. "That Tang Zhi has such extraordinary looks, yet he never socializes with any of the girls. If I were blessed with looks like his, I'd never stay home."

His friend promptly smacked him on the head. "Even if you had his looks, I doubt you'd still be able to get a girlfriend."

"Says the one with a bucktooth!"

Strolling through a narrow alley was a young man standing at 177 cm, his long black hair pulled back and cascading down his back. His gray eyes added a striking contrast to his overall style, giving him an inviting allure. His complexion was clear and radiant, his jawline impeccably chiseled. His features were so flawless that they appeared to be sculpted by the heavens themselves.

His toned muscles added an extra layer of charm to his overall appearance, captivating everyone who glanced his way with a sense of fresh air.

Upon entering the store, Tang Zhi warmly greeted everyone present, his familiarity with the villagers evident in his friendly demeanor.

He selected water and a few items of food, then paid with 8 bronze coins at the counter.

"Zhi, how's the family holding up?" the owner asked.

"Same as usual. Dad's busy with work, and Mom's taking care of me and the house."

"Your dad's a brave man, protecting the city from those beasts and bandits." The owner said, handing Tang Zhi the bag with his purchase.

With a forced smile. "Yeah… Thank you for the food."

The owner waved Tang Zhi off and then sighed. "If only I had his looks when I was younger."

Taking the alley route back home, Tang Zhi's grip on the bag tightened, his veins bulging with tension.

Upon entering through a small wooden door, he was greeted by a delicious aroma.

"Zhi Zhi, did you get what I asked for?" A voice said from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom." Tang Zhi said, placing down the bag on the table.

Tang Zhi's mom kissed his forehead gently. "I'm sorry for sending you to get these. I would have gone myself if I could."

She has gray eyes that could melt the heart of any man, with short hazel-colored hair and jade-like skin that made her stand out from the rest. No one would believe that she was a commoner from a backwater village.

"It's okay. I have to carry my weight around here somehow."

She hugged him warmly. "You do more than enough. One day, you'll become a scholar and help me and your father even more."

"But I've failed the exam multiple times. I don't think being a scholar is for me."

"The road to being a scholar is filled with bumps and obstacles, but each bump is an opportunity for growth. So study hard for me, okay?" She said.


A few hours later, a muscular man with long black hair and brown eyes entered the house, releasing a sigh as he collapsed onto the couch.

"Hey honey." He said to the approaching woman.

"How was work today?" She asked, gently placing his head in her lap and running her fingers through his hair.

"Same old. No problems today." He said. "Where's Zhi?"

"He's in his room. I've noticed he's been a bit down lately, probably because of the scholar thing." She said, her tone sympathetic.

He rose from the couch, kissed his wife, and then made his way to Tang Zhi's room.

"Come in." Tang Zhi said.

He opened the door and peeked through. "You alright?" he said.

Tang Zhi shifted papers and continued writing.

"You can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you."

Tang Zhi picked up his papers, threw them in the trash, and started writing again.

With a bitter smile, he started to leave the room to give Tang Zhi space.

"Can I join you as a guard for the city?" Tang Zhi said.

His father stopped and turned to face him. "Didn't you want to be a scholar? If you become a guard, you may scar your handso-."

Tang Zhi slammed his hand on the desk. "Dad, please... just answer my question." He said.

"You can, but you'd need have to be 18. So your birthday next week." He said.

"Thank you."

A week passed, and during that time, Tang Zhi spent most days locked inside his room, only venturing out to purchase things for the family or to complete chores.

On his way back home, he hugged a wall to eavesdrop on some kids.

"I overheard my dad talking about a cultivator who's going to pass by here. This might be our chance to get rich or even become cultivators!"


"Yup! Once I become a cultivator, I won't forget about you."

"Same here."

Tang Zhi stealthily left and returned home.

Once he got inside, both his parents were seated on the couch. They asked him to sit down, which he did.

"It's been a week since our talk, and we want to apologize. I've been away from home so much that I didn't notice you were suffering. His father said, with a hint of regret in his voice.

"You don't have to apologize. I've always wanted to be a scholar, so I don't blame you guys for thinking I still wanted that." Tang Zhi said.

"But that's no excuse. As a man, and especially as a father, I should have seen the signs and not ignored them. That's my fault. So your mother and I put together some money to buy you a gift." He said.

He retrieved a box from the room and handed it to Tang Zhi. The box was long in size and fairly narrow.

This was the first time Tang Zhi had received a gift. Their family was very poor, and it was thanks to his father's hard work that they managed to stay afloat.

He opened the gift and saw a new sword, but instead of saying thank you, he handed it back. "I can't take this! I know a new sword isn't cheap, and buying one would mean using a lot of our saved up money."

His mother shook her head reassuringly. "You don't have to worry about it. Your father received a bonus today, and we still have our savings perfectly safe." She said with a gentle smile.

Tang Zhi felt skeptical. He knew the village was poor and likely couldn't afford to give the guards extra bonuses. Yet, there was something about the sword that made his heart race—a feeling unlike anything he had experienced before, not even with a woman.

He stood up and hugged his parents tightly. "Thank you both, I love you."

"We love you too, Zhi Zhi."

A few days later, the bells rang out in the village. These bells only sounded for one reason: beasts.