
Path To Immortality

Tang Zhi, a naive and handsome young man with no knowledge of the cultivation world, encounters a stroke of luck when an Elder from a powerful sect visits his village and takes him on as a disciple. However, Tang Zhi's ignorance of the cultivation world becomes his greatest obstacle—one that he must face without even realizing it.

Spectat0r · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs


People fled from their homes, screaming in panic. Children who got lost in the chaos stood crying, searching for their parents amid the chaos.

Amidst the screams and chaos of everyone running, a voice rang out louder than all the noise.

"Stop what you're doing! This isn't a beast attack! We just needed to get your attention as quickly as possible!" Tang Zhi's father called out, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Those who hadn't escaped in time heard the announcement and paid attention. Fortunately, they had anticipated this and locked down the village, ensuring that no one could leave.

An elderly man stepped forward. "What Tang Cai says is true. This matter is far more serious than a beast invasion. An elder from the Moon Palace Sect is coming here." He announced solemnly.

Multiple shocked gasps resounded from the crowd of villagers.

"An elder from a powerful sect like that is coming here!" a man exclaimed in shock.

The Moon Palace Sect ranks 8th in the Power Ranking Chart and 5th in the Karma Chart among hundreds of thousands of sects.

To think that an elder from such a prestigious sect was coming to a nameless village was truly unbelievable. Now the villagers understood why the bell had been rung.

"Yes, such a prominent figure is arriving here within the hour. That's why we rang the bell—to gather everyone to greet the elder and avoid any risk of offense," the old man explained to the assembled villagers.

To mortals, encountering a cultivator was akin to facing the end of the world—a being they should never offend or cross paths with.

Tang Zhi stood among the crowd, listening intently without blinking. His heart raced at the mention of a cultivator, feeling a similar sensation to when he held his sword.

"Zhi Zhi, are you okay?" his mom asked, noticing his demeanor.

"Yeah, I'm just happy for some reason," Tang Zhi replied with a faint smile, trying to mask his inner excitement.

His mom looked at him with a puzzled expression. Was he really happy because a cultivator was visiting their village?

Every villager, including herself, was terrified upon learning this news, fearing that they might inadvertently offend the elder and face their wrath.

An hour had passed since news of the elder from the Moon Palace Sect visiting had spread. During this time, everyone had practiced how they would greet the elder.

During this hour, Tang Zhi spent his time training his swordsmanship. When his father gave him the sword, he had also taught him the basic techniques suitable for a guard.

Unfortunately, his father was too occupied with work to train him personally. Therefore, for the past few days, Tang Zhi had been diligently practicing his swordsmanship on his own. His parents struggled to convince him to take breaks and rest, as he was fully engrossed in his training.

Tang Zhi paused his training when the Village Lord's voice rang out. "They are here! Come to the entrance quickly!"

Everyone hurried to the entrance, forming two rows and standing side by side, leaving a clear middle path for the elder to walk through—a display reminiscent of welcoming a king into his throne room.

Everyone was astonished to see a man flying on a sword, accompanied by a beautiful young woman.

"I-Is he flying?!"

"I heard that only immortal cultivators can fly!" someone exclaimed in amazement.

He landed gracefully, and everyone bowed and greeted him in unison, "We greet the elder from the Moon Palace Sect!"

The Village Lord stepped forward and bowed deeply. "This lowly Village Lord greets the Elder! May I inquire about the purpose of your visit to our lowly village?"

The elder was an elderly man with black hair and green eyes. Despite a few wrinkles on his face, his charm was undeniable.

"I wanted to revisit my home. I wished to see what it has become since my departure," the elder explained, his words causing surprise among the villagers, though not for the Village Lord.

He trembled upon learning that the Elder was from this village. After all, he had referred to this place as lowly. If the Elder took offense to that, the consequences could be dire.

"I-I apologize! I didn't know you were from here, and I said disgraceful things about this place," the Village Lord stammered, expressing his sincere regret.

The Elder shook his head. "You weren't wrong," he remarked, his gaze sweeping over the state of the village. "This place has indeed become lowly."

The Village Lord sighed in relief and seized the opportunity to change the topic. "Now, may I offer you some of our finest food and drinks?"

The village obviously didn't have exceptional food or drinks, but the Village Lord couldn't let such an important figure stay on an empty stomach.

"No need. My purpose in coming here was to evaluate anyone who wishes to be assessed. If you possess the necessary talents, I will personally recommend you to the sect," the Elder announced. His words caused everyone to lose their composure, and even the young lady by his side showed emotion for the first time since arriving.

"In 30 minutes, for those who wish to be evaluated, please come here and line up. But for now, bring me a chair so I can relax a little; it's been a long trip." The Elder instructed, settling in for a moment of rest.

As everyone scattered back home, the Village Lord brought a chair for the Elder. Once they were alone, the young lady spoke up, expressing her thoughts.

"Master, why are you evaluating them?" she asked, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"I want to give some of these people the opportunity to change their lives, just as my master did for me." He responded, his words carrying a sense of purpose.

"But it would be a waste of time. There's no way anyone talented enough to join our sect would come from this backwater village," she remarked skeptically.

"Are you implying I'm not talented? Remember, I also came from this village," he said, causing his disciple to panic.

He watched her struggle to find the right words to explain herself and chuckled. "Relax, I'm just teasing. I too don't have high hopes for this village anymore. When I was found by my master, this place was a prosperous city filled with many talented individuals. I believe that was the beginning of its decline," he said, pausing as he reminisced about the old days.

"The point, Mao Jia, is that no matter how bleak someone's situation may appear, their potential may shine the brightest of them all," he concluded, emphasizing the importance of recognizing hidden potential.

Meanwhile, back at home, Tang Zhi and his family sat together on the couch.

His parents looked at him with wide smiles. Ever since they announced the Elder's impending visit, Tang Zhi had been unable to sit still for more than a few seconds.

"Mom, Dad! We have a chance to leave this place and join a powerful sect! We just need to pass the evaluation!" Tang Zhi exclaimed excitedly.

Tang Cai didn't want to crush his son's hopes, but he decided it was best for Tang Zhi to hear the truth from him directly, rather than from the Elder.

"It's easier said than done. Talents and abilities are often determined from birth. Even if any of us have some talent, the chances of it being enough to join such a powerful sect are slim to none. I'm not telling you this to crush your hopes, but I want you to be prepared in case things don't go as expected." Tang Cai explained honestly. He had expected his words to dampen his son's enthusiasm, but instead, they seemed to fuel Tang Zhi's desire to be evaluated.

"There's always a first time for everything! I swear upon this day, and may Heaven be my witness, my light will shine the brightest!" Tang Zhi declared passionately, his determination unwavering.