Meet Billy Bubba Bill, a heavyweight champion in our world, but he died while stealing a banana. See how Billy gets reincarnated, see how he learns to adapt to the shinobi world, and who knows, you might like it. I posted this story on other sites NO HAREM Alternative universe! 104 K words as of chapter 17
Hello, author-Ossan here. I hope you enjoyed the previous chapter, and I hope you like this one as well.
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As Always Talking ""
Thinking Real Hard ''
(Sorry not Sorry) Cool ass Pic!
Billy stretched his back and walked out of the academy; he could hear Yunmi and Nawaki following him; they reached the gate of the academy district and stopped near the gate.
He turned around and pointed his head; Yunmi, understanding what he wished, closed her eyes.
Yunmi channeled some chakra, and he felt the connection return. "Nice, do that to Nawaki," Billy spoke within his mind and looked at Nawaki.
Yunmi nodded. "Come, Nawaki, let me connect our minds." When she tried, Nawaki backed away. "Stop running. Get back here!" She tried to catch him, but he kept on dodging every attempt.
Billy walked to Nawaki and stopped him. "Come. On. No. Need. To. Make. This. Hard. Be. A. Man. Stop. Bitching."
Nawaki huffed and turned his head. "Fine, let the witch do her dirty work… We have a sensei to find."
Billy looked between the glaring preteens and scratched his head. 'What is going between them?' he thought without projecting his thoughts.
Apparently, the communication that Yunmi uses must be focused with intent to communicate, or it would not work, which made Billy trust her more.
He saw Yunmi slowly approaching the twitching Nawaki that could not run on account of Billy holding him still.
Instantly he saw Yunmi clasp his head with force that made Nawaki grimace, and then she channeled chakra in; he saw Nawaki twitch now, and then in shock, he began convulsing on the ground twitching now and again akin to getting electrocuted.
"I don't remember it hurting like this before," Billy spoke and looked the Yunmi, who had an evil, satisfied look on her face; she watched Nawaki hurting with great pleasure.
Yunmi gave him a smile that did not reach her eyes. "Well, you were polite, so… yeah." She licked her lips and walked away from the convulsing Nawaki, who slowly raised his one hand with great difficulty and flipped her off.
"Shit," Billy spoke out loud in his childish voice and picked up the still-hurting Nawaki and flipped him on his shoulder akin to a potato sack.
Billy walked around the market, annoyed and irritated. "Will you guys stop fighting? We have to find our sensei, think!" He could feel the animosity that was radiating from them.
He looked around the stores, trying to find anything related to tea in the merchant district. He found a couple of stores, but there was no one drinking tea in them.
The stores around Konoha were lively at this time, with people walking around without a care about the war on the outside; the first Shinobi war, or the great war as it was called now, still had not ended.
Billy rubbed his chin and stopped near a vendor that sold dango. "Hey there, old man, can I get 18 giant dango sticks and six regular ones?"
He looked at the bickering duo while ignoring the giggling old man; he looked back to see the old man make the Dango, glutinous sweet rice flour, mixed with water, sugar, and salt, and combined into ball shapes.
The white one is the sugar one, the red one is sweet bean, and finally, the green one is matcha.
The old man dropped the balls into boiling hot water, then waited until they floated; he picked them up and dunked them into the cool icy waters; then, when he was done, he stuck them into neat rows on a stick.
Truly the greatest foods are made to be on a stick; Billy picked up his 18 giant sticks and gave the remaining regular sticks to Nawaki and Yunmi to shut them up.
And truly, as their age indicated, they stopped fighting and began eating. Billy sighed and threw a whole stick inside of his mouth; he could feel his teeth grinding and crushing the pesky wooden stick.
Some people are watching him and gasping while he throws another stick into his wide shark-like mouth.
Billy turned around, seeing them eating the dango in peace. "I think we should split up, cover more ground and try to find our sensei."
Nawaki leaned back and spoke without a care in the world. "Fine, I'm going to the onsen district; I know there are some tea shops around there."
Yunmi put one finger under her chin and thought for a moment, then she spoke. "I will go to the Noble's quarter." She replayed with a smile.
Nawaki looked at her with a glare; she turned to him and frowned. "What?!"
"I know what you are up to, witch!" Nawaki pointed at her.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" She screamed at him.
"There is no way our sensei is going there, it's too obvious! I know why you want to go there!" Nawaki kept on glaring while chewing on his dango stick.
"Oh yeah? Why?" Yunmi challenged.
"You think I don't know, huh?!"
"Yo..." Billy spoke to them both; they stopped and finally remembered he was there. "How about you all shut the fuck up and go to whatever place you think best? I swear it's like cats and dogs with you two." Billy turned around and muted their connections, walking further into the merchant's district.
Billy walked around the merchant district; at this point, he knew it as familiar as his backhand; he had lived in this district for six years, and he knew everything to know about this district, yet for the life of him, he could not find anything related to drinking tea.
He stopped and his eyes widened for a second; he looked at a pretty familiar scene. "No fucking way...." Billy looked at what previously was the local metal trash heap, where various artisan threw away their metal.
He knew this spot; he went to this spot regularly to get scrap metal for the shop, and what stood in its place was something that made his brain itch. A memory of an old man with his daughter serving food to a blond child.
In front of Billy was a small store with green panels on the side, white walls on the upper half, rusted scrap metal beaten into shape for a rain roof, another smaller floor, and a balcony on top.
Large gas cylinders on the side of the building, pipes that ran into the building feeding the open flame, and inside was an old man who sat near the stove; in his hand was a large gnarled staff, and next to him was a child slowly kneading the dough.
Billy read the kanji letters on the covers, which read as. "Ichiraku Ramen, Grand opening." Billy slowly walked in and bent down; he could feel the sign trailing on his back. He straightened up again and looked down at the old man and the child.
(Ichiraku Ramen)
The old was thin and had wrinkled old skin, scars over both of his eyes, indicating that the man was blind, wooden sandals on his feet dangling from one toe while he leaned on his staff.
The child wore white clothes with splotches of broth on them; in his hand was a large knife that was bigger than his arm, and in his other arm was another large roll of dough that he slowly began cutting and turning into noodles.
The old man hummed and smelled the air. "Stir the broth Teuchi-Kun."
Billy looked at the kid sharply and saw the child turn around, only to stop when he saw Billy; he could see his ever-squinting eyes slowly opening up, showing fear.
Slowly Billy walked forward and sat on one of the provided chairs; he could feel the metal chair groaning from his weight. Billy leaned forward only for Teuchi to flinch back; Billy raised his right arm and leaned his head on it.
"What is wrong Teuchi-Kun... I do not hear any stirring."
Teuchi quickly looked at the old man. "There is an oni at the shop Ojiisan!" Teuchi screamed at his grandfather.
His grandfather rubbed his bald head. "Hmm? Are you trying to skimp on your duties Teuchi-kun! Now stop with your childish fantasies and start stirring."
Teuchi began screaming and pleading with his grandfather to run away, he even offered himself as a sacrifice while Billy kept on looking, and the grandfather grew angry and took out his gnarled staff and slammed it into his grandson's head.
Billy slowly reached over to one of the menus that were scattered around the countertop and looked at what was offered, and when the duo was done screaming at each other, Billy slowly reached over with one finger and knocked on the countertop.
This gained both of their attention, and Billy did not want to speak and embarrass himself more. Slowly widened his mouth and gave Teuchi a chilling smile with his bloody gums looking at him.
Billy raised his large index finger and pointed at the miso ramen. Teuchi slowly gulped. "Ehh... You want to order Oni-san?" He asked while stuttering. Billy's smile stretched and nodded; then he raised five fingers. "F-fiver orders?!" Teuchi asked, only to receive another nod.
From that point, Teuchi made the orders one by one, and every time he placed a bowl of ramen, Billy took the bowl and dumped it in his wide mouth, his mouth steaming and his smile never ending while looking at Teuchi.
When he finished eating everything, He gave Teuchi a thumbs up and handed him what he was owed, then he slowly told him to come closer, when Teuchi did. Billy whispered into his ears with his child-like voice. "No one is going to believe you, Teuchi."
Teuchi looked at him weirdly; then Billy looked at the old man who was complaining about Teuchi's lack of explanation; Billy spoke in his childish voice. "Ehhh... Teuchi, why are you eating five bowls of ramen? alone?!"
Billy screamed in his childish voice and ran out of there, leaving the screaming Teuchi to get hit by his grandfather. "YOU WERE SKIPPING YOUR JOB, TEUCHI-KUN!"
Billy laughed and ran away like a maniac.
While walking around, Billy felt a mental poke, and he opened his channel, then. He heard his two-teammate fighting again. "I told you, Yunmi, it's not on the south side; no one goes there!" Billy shook his head in defeat.
"Who died and made you an expert on tea houses!"
"I will have you know I was trained by my grandmother on tea ceremonies!"
"No one cares even if you invented tea, so shut up and continue searching!" Billy shouted at them with their connection.
Just when Nawaki was about to interject, Billy shut them up again. "Please shut the fuck up! Both of you!" he stopped walking and looked around the signs. "Where are you right now?"
Nawaki answered first. "I am not so sure… I see a lot of lights and a lot of… naked ladies... One second."
"No, I am not looking for a good time! How much?" Billy could hear the rage that Yunmi was producing.
Yunmi stayed quiet for a moment, then she Screamed. "I am near the Inuzuka district… and Nawaki, you pervert!."
Billy heard them fight again. "Ok, stop! I am in the merchant district, but I could not find our sensei; I think I will try the next district…Which is called the tea district… Fuck."
Yunmi replayed. "It was so obvious, right?" Yunmi sighed in defeat.
Billy started moving towards the tea district while massaging his forehead. "Meet me there, and Nawaki, don't tell anyone where you were."
After a while of walking, he found Yunmi looking at a clothing store window, and next to her was Nawaki, covered with glitter. 'Lucky bastard… I know he did that on purpose.'
He reached them and tapped their shoulders. "Hey guys, found anything yet?"
Nawaki shook his head while Yunmi kept looking at the clothes. "Oh my God, Billy, look at this cute dress! And it is on sale!"
Billy gave her a deadpan look, and just as he was about to replay, she moved toward the store, but Billy caught her by her clothes. "Where do you think you are going? We have a mission to do."
She puffed up her cheeks. "B. But they are on sale!" Then she changed her face to a pout while widening her eyes; a small tear started to fall.
Billy raised her up to his face. "That won't work, Yunmi… I am not your daddy, and I know they teach you this shit at the academy." Nawaki started snickering to the side.
He looked at her more, her whole act dropped in a moment, and she tucked in her arms while not facing him. "Fine… you can buy your clothes; we don't even know where to start yet." Billy allowed while rubbing his face in defeat.
She smiled. "Thanks, Billy! I will be back in a second!" she jumped from his arms and ran inside the store.
Billy looked down at Nawaki and squatted near the store, looking at the passersby. "So Nawaki, any ideas?"
Billy took two cans of soda from his scroll and threw one to Nawaki while he opened his with his teeth, Slowly sucking on the metal and bending the can from the pressure alone.
Nawaki squatted near Billy and shrugged. "Why do I have to come up with an idea?" He opened his can and started drinking while looking at the people walking by.
Billy poked his finger into the sand and started writing on the sand. "Well, you are the brain of the team, I am the muscle, and Yunmi is the charm or utility. I am not sure on that one yet."
He saw someone walking by and giving him a disgusted look while looking at his face; Billy finished his soda and threw it at the man who was disgusted by him, then he smiled and flipped him off.
The man walked fast that day.
Nawaki laughed at the retreating man and started drawing. "Well, when you put it like that, it makes sense; let's see, we searched the Weapons district, merchant district, the onsens, and Noble's quarter district."
He started marking the places that they searched on a quick map he drew. "Which leaves the tea district; it seems kind of stupid how we did not search this place first."
They heard Yunmi's voice. "Well, no one goes to the tea district to drink tea… there are small cafes around, though." Then they heard her talk to the clerk. "Do you have that in size two?"
Nawaki cleared his throat. "Anyways… they mentioned that he is drinking tea, so we need to find a place that serves drinks."
Billy nodded, but something came up to him. "What if it is another code?"
Nawaki looked at him with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean, Billy?"
"What if he was not drinking, but drinking is related to something that we need to find."
Nawaki nodded. "That makes sense, but is it not safe to try and find a drinking place first? I mean, it is obvious here."
They heard the store door opening with a bell cling, and from it came Yunmi with a small shopping bag. "Oh my God, guys, I found this cute frill dress, it was all white, and they even had an umbrella combo that comes with it!"
Nawaki and Billy gave her a deadpanned look. "What?" She asked while tilting her head to the side.
She sighed. "Boys." She looked down at the drawing. "Hmm, did you come up with anything yet?" Nawaki shook his head. "Oh, then we have time, Billy. Can you seal the bags for me, pretty please!"
Billy reached into his back and pulled out a sealing paper. "Years studying an art form, just to seal shopping bags." He grumbled while reaching for Yunmi's bags.
Yunmi smiled but then stopped him before he sealed the bags. "Wait, I forgot my coupon!" She reached into the bag and brought a small coupon with a lady drinking wine. "This new store sells designer hats; I am so going to get me one later."
Billy slowly reached with his hand and plucked the coupon away from Yunmi. "Hey, what is the big idea!" She puffed her cheeks and tried to take it back, only for Billy to dodge her attempts while reading the coupon.
Billy took the coupon and read it to everyone. "The drinking lady welcomes you to our grand opening, 25% off for the first purchase. In the tea district."
He looked at Nawaki and smiled. Nawaki looked back at Billy and smiled. Yunmi was looking at them both. "What is wrong with you guys…Guys!" She tried to take the coupon back again.
Billy raised two fingers and stopped her from approaching while raising the coupon up in the air.
Billy looked at her. "Yunmi, you just made our search easier." He looked down at her while smiling.
She gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"
Nawaki stood up and patted himself down. "How would you like to visit this store?"
Yunmi gave them a confused look. "What is going on?!"
Just when they were about to walk away, Yunmi quickly shot her foot toward Billy's nuts and gave them a mighty kick.
"Not cool!" Billy fell down and stayed in the fetal position while Nawaki looked at Yunmi in horror and protected his nuts.
"That's what you GET NOW EXPLAIN!" She took her coupon. "You do not mess with a ladies' coupon!
"Bitch." Billy spoke in his high squeaky voice.
While walking, Billy and Nawaki explained what they came up with to Yunmi, who started gloating, saying that because of her, they may find their sensei.
Completely forgetting that she got hit with a wild haymaker from Billy, who returned the favor with a black mark on her right eye.
She tried to weasel another sympathy point with Billy, but he was not having it after she kicked him in the nuts.
Billy knew that they were shinobi; a black mark on the eyes is nothing, that's just Monday for them, but a kick in the nuts... now that is going too far, and Yunmi knew that.
When they reached the shop, they saw a banner with a classy lady with a big hat drinking red wine; on the shop, there were assortments of hats.
They walked in and started looking around, trying to find their sensei; they saw a couple of civilians and some kunoichi browsing the items in the store.
Billy, who stayed outside, started talking. "Found anything yet?" The shop entrance was too small for him to enter comfortably, and the store was small on the inside.
Nawaki sighed. "No… and Yunmi is buying stuff again."
"Damnit Nawaki! you are there to stop her from wasting time!" Billy screamed with their connection.
An annoyed voice answered. "I can hear you; you know! I am the damn connection between us!" Yunmi huffed.
Billy started adjusting his gloves. "We truly do not have time to argue here, guys; try to find someone who is strong or has any clue. And do not rule out anything related to drinking or tea."
Billy stayed outside looking at passersby trying to find anyone who was spying on them; maybe that was a clue he was looking for.
For a moment, he got suspicious of an old man that was looking at him, but then he ruled that out on account of the man falling down, and a lady helped him up and gave him his walking stick; the man proceeded to walk around bumping into stuff, he was blind and old, a deadly combination.
After a while, he heard Nawaki talk. "Found this hat called roasted tea edition… The hat looks ugly."
Hearing this, Yunmi replayed. "What do you know about hats!"
"I don't know much, but apparently, I am doing my job while you are chatting with the girls!"
"I will have you know that I am not 'Chatting with the girls.' I am gathering information!"
"Oh, please, what information is that, latest fashion tips?!"
Billy breathed out of frustration. "I am going to buy some snacks, call me when you find anything… Yunmi put me on passive." He blocked their mental communication and walked away from the store.
He walked and began checking the smaller stores; he stopped by a couple of snack shops and bought food for himself and his team.
When he returned from his shopping trip, he had a couple of sandwiches and snacks; while he was eating, he saw Yunmi and Nawaki outside looking at a hat.
Billy approached them and tapped Yunmi. "Oh, Billy is back… Did you bring me a sandwich?"
Billy nodded and gave her a club sandwich. Then he tapped his mind; she smiled and activated the link again. "Found anything?"
Nawaki smiled. "Yup, one of the hats had a code written on it; I don't know how to figure it out."
Billy looked at the code while handing Nawaki his sandwich. "B4/F2/S8/54.20th.200th."
He looked at the code more, then he remembered. " Oh, I know what this is." He took a large bite of his meat sandwich, which was made out of a whole buttered twelve-inch husk bread, twelve types of smoked meats, and one pickle.
Both of them looked at Billy. "Really?" Nawaki asked.
"Yup. I go there all the time to pick up materials for the store; these are the shipping buildings. See B4 means Building four, F2 means floor two, S8 means section eight, 54 means the number of the rack, 20th means what length, and 200th means what location."
Yunmi smiled. "Well, I guess working in a store helped us with this! Let's go."
When they arrived at the shipping building, Billy guided them inside; they dodged people hauling lumber and steel; when they reached the correct location, Billy walked around trying to find the correct one. "I just remembered how I hate this place; too complicated!"
Yunmi and Nawaki followed along, looking at the sights. "So, this is where everything ends up before going into the village?" Yunmi asked.
Billy nodded. "Yup, they come here for inspection to check for any temperament or illegal stuff that may be smuggled in. Oh, there we go." He pointed at the tallest location.
Nawaki nodded. "All right, Billy, you stay here; Yunmi and I will go up; we don't know if these racks can hold your weight."
Billy shrugged and watched them jump from one rack to another until they reached the last location; when they reached it, he saw them jump back down while dodging.
Billy quickly brought his fists up, ready for whatever was coming to them.
Slowly his eyes widened. 'No…NOnonononono! (Wait, WAIT, WAIT! SHIT!)' Billy screamed inside of his mind at what he saw!
Black hair with black armor covering the body, a sword on his back, with a Konoha mark.
Billy slowly backs away a little. 'Fuck not this guy… Please, not this guy. ANYTHING BUT THIS GUY!' He swallowed and readied himself.
A dark voice talked back to them, seemingly unimpressed. "Took you long enough, no matter we will fix this in the future."
Billy watched the Shinobi with a cross-shaped scar on his chin. "The fucking war hawk." Billy, out of shock, said that out loud.
Danzo looked at Billy. "Good God, they make them this big, and no one called me that before; I like it." He gave them an unimpressed gaze, trying to find faults in them.
He sighed. "My name is Danzō Shimura. I will be your sensei before we commence. If you damage any of the goods, you will fail." He threw six kunai at each of them.