
Chapter 599 The situation of Xiauyue and Fei Long

After finishing the little vermin that tried to kill her, Xiauyue wiped the blood off her sword with a thoughtful expression. Although she had tried to appear nonchalant, Xiauyue was somewhat worried by this latest attack. Xiauyue knew that the situation had been deteriorating recently. Still, she thought it would never reach the point where she would be attacked on her territory.

This time, the assassins had failed, clearly underestimating the true extent of her strength. Xiauyue expected her enemies to make such a mistake on only one occasion. At the very least, for Xiauyue, this was a small victory as not even those people could sit back calmly once they heard that they had lost a top-level two-star class assassin. Furthermore, losing a dozen experts at a level below two stars took a lot of work to ignore.