
Chapter 165 A Long Forgotten Anger

(the City of Karx, two years in the past; Third person POV)

´´ Boy, here is your money, don't even think about haggling, you know that construction work has been scarce within the city; Plus I shouldn't even have hired you because of your age in the first place. ´´ A somewhat overbearing hoarse voice came from the stocky middle-aged man handing an envelope of money to a young boy with black hair and blue eyes.

Desmond having received the money limited himself to feeling the thickness of the envelope knowing that there was no point arguing with the person in front of him, although Desmond knew that the middle-aged man was taking advantage of his circumstances; Desmond still needed the money.

On the way home Desmond was dragging his feet slightly exhausted from the day's work, but he still wore a smile on his face, anyone who knew the young man would know that the reason for his smile was the beautiful girl he cared for, Claire.