
Path of Saiyan

In this Reality what they seek or desire is Immortality, Longevity or Eternality, or maybe they just want to seek power, revenge, Dao, Truth, Authority, etc. just anything to have control on their own Destiny and Fate. Then a soul flowed from the River of Existence, where all Concepts, Laws, Dao's, even existence of souls of every life in the infinite Realities, to another Reality. .... If you call a GOD the symbol of perfection then this man is next to perfection and this man is named "Aurelian" a name for that symbolizes greatness, genius, and superiority is. A name that heard by many in his world that even all heroes, sages and pioneers that led Humanity to its glory from its ignorance of the world that even living is a luxury against nature to an age where nature needs to adapt for it to sustain itself against humanity from its world changing actions pale in comparison to his achievements that not only brought humanity the stars, but also to explore beyond it. Even then he is only MORTAL, like a candle light slowing burning its light until the light burns away, but will it be his end or will destiny give him a second chance? .... Child: Father Super Saiyans is sooo awesome, they fight and grow strong, I want to be like them too a Hero that saves and protects from bad guys, and brings justice in the universe. Father: Aurelian, my son, when you will finish your homework stop watching fantasies that it will only hinder your studies and think about reality. Aurelian: B-but, Fathe... Father: Enough! Focus on your studies and you will thank me. .... Man standing in front a grave looking at it in nostalgia and said. "Father, Thank you... sigh But you will never see me fulfilling my dreams becoming like Super Saiyan the heroes that being praise."

MellowShroom · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Novaterra I

In this world called Novaterra, a world just like Earth but with different history, cultures, continents, beliefs, and more but with the same progression. A planet orbits in the habitable zone of the sun and a moon orbits it. First, the creation of singular celled organisms evolved into multicellular organisms then turn to a more complex organisms. Then after millions of years the dinosaurs exist then a meteor came down... then you know what happens.


Novaterra, 11 month of ME(Modern Era) 2020

Like every other day of Novaterra, the Sun rises bringing light to the world whether to plants, animals, or humans even though humans have creations that bring light in the night or day they still needs its light that it gives energy for the living beings for food and their creations, and its only survival against the cold void outside their planet.

But that's not what matters, humans in this world in the modern age there are no real struggles that really threaten their species as a whole everything is convenient and easily obtained than in the past ages. The only thing that made them struggle is themselves and of course nature.

Occasionally nature bring them struggles in the world which we're natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruption, typhoons, viruses and bacteria's that naturally slowly adapted through time will bring problems here and there.

The real struggle really is themselves. Humans create problems that don't even exist in the first place, but will be because some of them don't think about the consequences that it will bring to them even though they knew it in the first place that causes to create man-made disasters. Luckily, humans are very tenacious many die or survive in them but many more will replace and continue to reproduce for more.

But are the humans that cause man-made disasters the bad guys? Yes and no, humans are selfish because they are emotional beings and they will do things that are beneficial for themselves, and also they are just by products of progress. Even though they knew it was bad they will still do it for the sake of progress because that is reality of the world and the society of humanity everything has reason for their every action, and also a drive or motivation for it to have a reason to do so.

Anyways, in the Modern Age life is peaceful and lively every person have many ways to fulfill their dreams and ambitions as long it is not absurd and realistic everyone have a chance, but whether they succeed or not that will their problem.


In a country named F.S. - Federal State(Change from U.S. United States)

A mansion located in big field of land that is far enough from the city to cause disturbance to its owners, but close enough to travel back and forth without taking too much time.

The mansion grand and also simple, its architecture style is ancient but it still looks new without any blemish even though of how many years of time it stood against. It means its previous and current owners took care of it very well that it stood and maintained its grandeur for a very long time.

A mansion this grand and size that can be ranked top 3 among to many rich and powerful people in the world that means people who lived here are belong to elite among elites in terms of status, wealth, influence and authority. And of course anyone can guess that even a child, but only some influential, knowledgeable or people with high status know that an ancient and powerful of family lived and prosper to the current age.

Their family name is "Cauterys," which signifies wisdom and caution. You can tell a Cauterys family member by their green eyes and brown hair. They are like their mansion, showing grandeur that signifies their status, as well as simplicity that reflects their wisdom and restraint that they do not flaunt their wealth to others.

They have their own Family crests and coats of arms which use to mark their property and distinguish themselves from others.

Their Family Crest features a shield divided into three parts. The upper left quadrant displays a pair of eyes, symbolizing vigilance and watchfulness, while the upper right quadrant displays a compass and a ruler, symbolizing precision and accuracy. The lower quadrant depicts a snail, symbolizing patience and careful movement. The crest itself consists of an owl perched on a branch, symbolizing wisdom and foresight. The supporters of the crest are two lions, standing on their hind legs with their front paws on the shield, symbolizing strength and courage. The shield itself is blue and gold, symbolizing loyalty, wisdom, and wealth.


In a room, a child around 7 to 9 year old, sitting in front of a desk with his right hand holding a pencil and the other laying on top of the paper holding it down. His eyes dazing off like thinking about something for him to write down, but if don't see his slight smile on his face you will likely think it that way.

Child thought. "That episode is soo... cool! Ahh I wish I could watch more."

"If only... sigh" The child thought sadly.

Then the child heard a knock of the door.

Knock* knock*

"A man's voice, deep and resonant with just a hint of gravel, spoke in a questioning tone soon after the knocking. "Son, have you finished your studies? There's more work to be done today." The man then proceeded to open the door and enter the room."


The middle-aged man with green eyes and brown hair exudes an air of quiet confidence and maturity. His deep-set, piercing green eyes seem to look right through you, revealing a lifetime of experiences and wisdom. His hair, a rich, warm brown, is slightly tousled but impeccably groomed, adding to his rugged charm.

The middle-aged man walked inside and looked solemnly at the child, waiting for him to answer in silence.