
Passive Collector

"Did you enjoy it?" "I did. Thank you." "Don't mention it. You do remember our deal don't you?" "I do. I'm yours for eternity." ______________________________________________________ After breaking up with who he thought was his future wife our MC, Seth, decides to go back to his hometown and think his future through. What he did not expect was to awaken his Ability on the way. His Ability allows him to enter the world of Awakeners where his life become even more complicated. Join him as he walks the path of an awakener while trying not to kill everyone that annoys him. ______________________________________________________ Disclaimer: I am only posting this story on Webnovel. I am not responsible for this story being illegally posted on any other site. ______________________________________________________ Also, if you like this story then consider supporting me by donating to Ko-fi. Here's the link: https://ko-fi.com/mobj108871

Mobsjourney · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 20 - No idea what to name this

First off, let me just finish my authors note.

1) I have no idea what 'TFTC' means. Y'all gonna need to explain what it means somewhere.

2) The thing with Seth and him being concerned with what Kate will think... He's been in love with her for years, possibly even since childhood so he's not going to immediately lose feelings for her. The only reason he's as detached as he is, is because he spent like 2 months away from her with no contact.

3) Support me on Kofi https://ko-fi.com/mobj108871

That's all for now, I may have forgot or missed something, tell me somewhere if I missed anything.


"I heard you broke up with Kate?" 

"Hmm." I absentmindedly nod my head.

"You also got a duel with one of the fourth years." 


"And Miss Kira wanted to give you a blowjob." 


"You didn't even react to the last one."

"It's weird." 

"What is?" 



"I don't know... I just feel weird, like something's missing, something's supposed to be there but it isn't. Like, like I'm lost. I don't know what to do with myself and it feels like my reality is merging with fantasy. Time is moving too slow, too fast, or not at all." 

"Does it feel fragmented?" 


"Does your sense of time feel like fragments, sometimes you're here, then you're there. You could be doing homework and in the next second you're sitting in class with the work you've already completed." 

"Y-Yeah, now that you mention it. It has felt like that for the last few days, I've just been here and there, not really knowing where I'm going or what I'm doing." 

"I see. This is a severe case of disassociation." 

"Huh? Disassociation only affects your emotions though"

"Not really. You can experience time dilation or fragmentation in rare cases. Usually when someone has been through enough stress your brain heavily disassociates to cope with the trauma and not go insane. How long would you say you've been having these 'episodes?' "

"I don't know, a week at most. Wait! Where am I? Who are you?!" 

"Don't you remember my dear Seth?" The figure in front of me changes form, hollow black eyes fill my vision and twig-like arms wrap around me. I can't breathe! "I'm the one you fear the most"

"N-N-N-o!!!" His body wraps around me as I continue to suffocate. The words I try to say die in my mouth as it's filled with something. 

"I'm the one you hate, the one you love, your darkest nightmare and brightest dream." The voice becomes sinister as it laughs. "I'm the entire package and I'm-"

Everything stops. The world stops moving, my breathing stops, the figure stops, the very air around us stops moving, and nothing disturbs the silence. 

"-YOU!" The figure shows me a mirror before it breaks into me and starts laughing.

"HAH!!" I wake up sweating. My breathing is ragged and the blanket is thrown on the floor. "What-hah- What was that?!" 

[Host! I sense your vitals are abnormal. You had a nightmare!] 

No fucking shit!

I focus on my breathing trying my very best to forget what I just saw. I'm sure dreams don't have any meaning. 

[That is not entirely correct.]


[While most dreams have no meaning, certain dreams foretell a prophecy. However, these are only in the dreams of...]

In the dreams of who?

[In the dreams of the heroes]

Shit. I'm a hero potential so... How do I find out what that was about?

[Visit a psychic]

For real? You believe in those.

[Certain Psychic abilities can tell the future, there are many fakes, however, who will sell you lies. The host will also be able to use Psychic abilities if he unlocks the shop.]

The shop sells abilities?!

[Error!! Information restricted due to low level!]

But you just told me-

[Please level up to unlock more information. ^_^]

But you just!! You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

[Whatever do you mean host?]

Revenge!! It will be mine!

[You will only hurt yourself, Host]

We'll see... Oi, I still don't know your name.

[My name is 321546897 of the-]

How about Eva? I watched a movie with a robot named Eva before so it should fit

[Sure, why not?]

Right then, We'll see about that Eva.

[Your timing is impeccable.]

That was sarcasm. 

[I am not capable of sarcasm which is one of the lowest forms of humour]

You insulted more than 70% of the world.

[I stand by my statement.] 

Cool. Doubling down, I can respect that. 

Hmm, I look at my watch and see it's three-seventeen in the morning. Shit, I got around two hours of sleep. For some reason, my insomnia is getting worse. It could be anything really, my terrible eating habits, stress, anything. It doesn't matter now though, what I have to focus on is getting strong enough to easily win the duel I have scheduled for next month.

That Dina girl set a time and a place for our duel. Instead of telling me directly, she went straight to the teachers and had them officially recognize the duel so I couldn't back out of it. Wise move, she does not know me or my personality so it was the best choice for her. Even if I understand, it doesn't mean I'm not pissed. She's the one who came up to me and proposed the duel, kind of forced me into it and somehow, everyone's supporting her.

Instead of trying to go back to sleep, I know I won't after my nightmare, I change into one of my many gym outfits and decide to have an extra long training session. My power has been steadily increasing in the last two months or so and due to not getting proper training my control is lacking. I also have not started going for the awakener classes, the school said they will start the classes the very day after my duel. They said I should focus more on the duel than classes that will only help me at the beginning. 

What they don't understand is I am at the beginning, I don't know shit about being an awakener since I never paid attention in class before this. The only thing I've got is raw stats and passive skills. Nothing else to help me, shaping mana requires control so I have close to no skills there. I'm basically self-taught! Why the hell am I even going to school if I have to teach myself everything?!?!

Hah! Calm down. Sigh. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. My anger has been getting the best of me lately. I have a cold shower to wake myself up and change into my gym clothes. There should be no one using the training rooms now so I pick the one closest to me. It takes a minute and a half to reach the room and I can hear fighting coming from the room. I immediately choose the next one with no sounds coming from them. I'm not making that mistake again. 

I walk into the room and it is thankfully empty. I don't always avoid people but with the ones I've been meeting lately, I might start. The closest person to me is Ray and he slept with my ex while we were dating so yeah... excuse me for having a problem with trusting and tolerating those around me. I might start hating humans as a whole. Vibes.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see someone here." 

Fuck me. 

I nod at the dude and walk toward the weapon storage. Like usual I pick up a sword. I'm practising swordsmanship now and will go back for archery. Once I pick up my sword, I see the other male walking toward the storage and picking up a sword too. He has a greatsword while I'm using a shortsword. 

"You wanna spar?" I think about it. Practicing with someone is more beneficial than alone where the only thing I have to hit is a shadow or pole. 

"Sure. Why not?" 

And thus begins the battle.