

The full moon shone down on the forest, which laid down shadows from the shimmering light.

The silence was only broken by the wind that debris in the trees of the forest that surrounded the small plain.

In the shade of the trees if you followed well after you could see four shadows lurking through the lower part of the forest.

The shadows moved on past a small house. Where a kid looked, from the window where he was sitting.

There a faint voice could be heard in the wind, as if the wind was taking it with it in the dark night. The voice was weak, but if you listened, you could hear that two persons were talking.

Desperate to find a way out.

The shadows moved on, and with them the voice followed.

The shadows suddenly stopped in a small clearing, which was lit up by the full moon.

In the light you could see four people. One held something that looked like a small child. Where they stood in the light, two of them could be heard arguing about something.

Suddenly the wind got stronger, as if the people were getting little time. They disappeared back into the shadow.

Miranda was freaked out of mined. She felt so little compared to what was chasing them.

They ran from The enemy through the darkness. And even though they were in superiority to it, they were no mach for what was after them.

The shadow behind them came approaching and closer. There they ran without a chance of winning over what was now almost to foot with them.

The wind blew so badly that she couldn't hear the others anymore. She was too frightened to look behind her after them, so she ran around a tree and around a few rocks to shake herself off the enemy.

If she was caught then there was no hope for the future of the kid she held in her hands.

After a little, Miranda grabbed the courage and looked behind her. She was no longer followed, and the kid she brought with her was safe for now.

She knew well that the enemy was after the little child, but she had to keep the child safe or there was no hope left.

After a while, she started running again so as not to get caught up to. When she came to a small house behind a large bush, some people appeared walking up to her.

Miranda had seen them before, but didn't see them clearly enough in the dark to separate them.

She asked them what they were doing here. Are they out of there mined. She was followed by the most dangerous thing that had lived in a long time.

She paused for a while and stared at them. Miranda waited a while until they came up to her. Now she could see the faces of the people clearly. It was one of the leaders, and two of his assistants.

They told her to come home and leave the kid with them.

Miranda trusted these people, so she gave them the kid and walked into the portal behind them.

Miranda didn't ask any more questions. All hope was on them now, and at that thing would not find the kid until the child found her and the others.