
The origin of Pasiphae doppelganger 1

{Author's POV}

Vampires and witches have never gotten along right from the beginning of history because the witches believed vampires to be terrible beings on Earth. They weren't even supposed to exist at all.

The enmity between them extended to the level that vampires and witches were forbidden to reproduce in other to prevent the creation of a vampire-like evil creature even more demonic, stronger and powerful than a vampire.

That would be a hybrid. A vampire and witches together would be difficult to kill and they can have an endless lifespan. 

Demetrius who was a vampire fell in love with a witch named Amelia. The both of them became lovers despite the law that forbids the union of the two supernatural creatures. Eventually, Amelia became pregnant. She gave birth to twins and named them Simon and Pasiphae. They were hybrids, meaning they were half vampires and half witches. But their witch side was much more effective than their vampire side.

Soon, it reached the hearing of the witches that Amelia bore children to a vampire whose name was Demetrius. That was a great offense meaning she must be punished severely, so Amelia was banished and her newborn twins were taken away from her. She found it extremely difficult to leave without her newborn twins but there was nothing she could do to stop it. After Amelia was banished, she left with Demetrius, the love of her life.

Simon together with his sister, Pasiphae grew up without their parents. The witches hated Amelia's children and tagged them as ''evil children.'' Pasiphae and Simon grew up in a society where they were hated and scorned. The stigma was just too much to the extent that none wanted to associate with them.

Simon learned the tale of how his mother was banished due to some ridiculous law that says a vampire and a witch cannot reproduce together. Keeping this in mind, he pledge to himself that he would get his revenge on the witches for their terrible treatment on him and his sister.

Along the line, Simon and his twin sister Pasiphae were treated well by a young maiden named Josephine. Josephine would play with them and defend them from bullies. Sometimes, Josephine would give them the food that she had stolen from her mother.

Simon had fallen in love with Josephine from the first day he met her but was scared to tell her so that it won't stop their friendship. But at last, Simon summoned the courage to tell her and Josephine also had feelings for him.

Unlike other witches, Josephine's power was unique and rare. She was the first of her kind. She can see the past and future. She can also transport herself back in time and also to the future but she is yet to discover her power because It takes a long time to discover that kind of rare power.

Josephine's mother, Mrs. Theodore never approved of the union of Simon and Josephine.

She would caution her daughter to avoid the hybrids Simon and his sister Pasiphae. Mrs. Theodore would never allow her daughter, Josephine to get married to Simon. Mrs. Theodore labeled Simon as a dark-powered monster. Josephine was forbidden by her mother from visiting Simon's home or even speaking to him.

Josephine disregarded her mother's advice despite the warning, All because she genuinely and deeply loved Simon.

Simon also had a great passion for Josephine. He wanted Mrs. Theodore's approval for the union of himself and Josephine. So he visited her, Josephine's mother.

Mrs. Theodore made it clear to him that he was not welcomed in her home and as a matter of fact, she would never allow him to marry her daughter because Simon is a hybrid. She said hurtful things to Simon that made him so angry. Simon could no longer contain the boiling anger inside of him, so his dark side surfaced and killed Josephine's mother by knocking her against the wall.

When he calmed down, he felt terrible after realizing what he had done. He did not want Josephine to find out that he was the one who killed her mother, so he left the house.

When Josephine got home, she was shocked and devastated to see her mother laying helplessly on the floor. She was also baffled as to why her mother was killed.

Josephine wept for several weeks. Simon also tried his best to comfort her, which seemed to work because she soon moved on. Simon and Josephine soon got married and Josephine became pregnant. When Simon heard about the newborn, he was overwhelmed with joy.

Josephine still missed her mother so badly which caused her to be depressed and tearful all the time.

Despite the fact that she didn't really get along with her mother that well. She loved her mother and didn't understand why her mother was killed. She wanted to find out who was so cruel to take her away from her.

Mrs. Theodore has always desired to meet her grandchildren but how will she do that now that she has passed away? Josephine made a self-promise that she would never forgive and forget whoever killed her mother, Mrs. Theodore.

Simon could no longer keep the secret anymore, so he told Josephine the truth behind her mother's death.

When Josephine realized Simon was responsible for her mother's death. She hated him! In fact, she regretted ever getting married to Simon and disregarding her mother's advice. Josephine warned Simon to stay away from her and her unborn child.

Simon became sad that the one thing that made him maintain his humanity was gone. So he lost control of his dark side and turned completely evil and started killing people ruthlessly.

Simon used to be a witch with a little touch of his vampire side, but now that he has accepted his vampire side, it is now on the same level as his witch side.

And once you've fully accepted your vampire side. You won't age until you die. If you accept your vampire side at age six, that is how you will be till you die.

You can only be a hybrid through reproduction! If you are born a witch and a vampire turns you into a vampire, you can only be a vampire. Not both.

Josphine eventually discovered her powers and worked on them till she saw a vision saying that someone would be born and that person would conquer Simon. She then prophesied the horoscope to the whole wide world.

Simon was so terrified by Josephine's prophecy that he made his twin sister Pasiphae swear an oath to save him if he die. However, Simon and Pasiphae were hybrids, making them immortal and incredibly difficult to kill.

Josephine gave birth to a boy and named him, Gabriel. Gabriel was a hybrid just like his father Simon. Gabriel married a human girl named Alison.

Gabriel and Alison were in dire need of children. They have been married for two years with no child. The reason for Alison's barrenness was that hybrids cannot procreate with humans, that was why Alison did not get pregnant

Alison eventually took in a young girl from the orphanage whom she named Ariana. Alison did not tell Ariana that she was adopted because she felt that Ariana would love her less and run away in search of her biological parents.

Ariana would always disturb her grandmother, Josephine to tell her about her grandfather. As a result, Josephine told Ariana the story of how Simon killed her mother, Mrs. Theodore. She presented Simon as nasty in front of Ariana.

Am so sorry for the late update.

Mary_Onadujacreators' thoughts