
Breaking up with Eric

{Juliana's POV}

I was so terrified of what Tiara had told me. It felt so real that she could seriously harm my family so I called Eric and invited him over.

"You sounded terrified on the phone. What happened? I was so worried." He asked immediately he got to my house.

"Tiara threatened to kill my family if you don't go to her sister and if I don't leave you. I'm not sure how but as our gazes linked I believed her. I've been so self-centered with you. I can't risk the chance of being with you." Tears started streaming down my cheek. My mind was racing and I was perplexed.

The reason why I called Eric over was to break up with him. But I can't do it because I love him so much. Before I met him, I was so lonely but when he entered my world, the sky became brighter and I felt loved and cared for. Eric was the best thing that ever happened in my life, but good things never last forever. So it's time I let him go, but I would never forget him.

"I put you in this situation. That girl is not to be taken lightly. I'll contact the cops."

"No, I don't want anyone to get hurt. I called you to inform you that...that..." I could not say the word.

My heart aches right now and the only person that my heart longs for is Eric but I can't follow my heart because it's dangerous to be with him. All I need right now is the courage to break up with him but when I looked into his deep blue eyes, the courage just flew out the window.

"Eric...I...I." Eric placed his finger on my lips

"I get what you are trying to say, you don't have to say it but is that what you want? Do you want us to...break up? " He said.

"Of course, no! I don't want us to break up but given the circumstances, I have no choice." I confessed.

"Just say the word yourself and I promise you that I would leave your life forever?." Eric said.

"Eric, stop making it hard for me. You are the one who caused this, what the fuck is between you and Tiara?." I was so angry at, Eric, Tiara, and myself.

"Say the goddam word," Eric screamed as he hit his fist against the wall.

" Is that what you want to hear, then fine. I don't want you in my life anymore." I screamed.

After I finished talking, Eric walked over to the door. He came to a complete stop just to take a look at me.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, my face red with tears. He walked away and shut the door behind him. I could see the agony in his eyes, the last time we fought was just a brawl but this time it was more. It was perplexing. I threw my pillow away and sobbed.

"How come it is so difficult to break up with Eric?." I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Some hours later, my hair was strewn and my face was pressed. Tears had already dried on my cheeks. My room was littered with two empty bottles of booze. I appeared unhappy, weak, disoriented and exhausted. I limped into the bathroom for a long soak. Once I was done, I changed into my clothes. When I looked in the mirror, I saw the necklace Eric had given me as a token of his affection. I took it off and tossed it on my bed. I tucked the necklace up in my jewelry box and closed it. The jewelry box was then thrown under my bed. I was ready to start a new chapter in my life. I intended to call Sara and apologize for ignoring her the previous day but when I turned my phone on, the wallpaper was a picture of me and Eric. I threw my phone on my bed and inhaled deeply.

Same time: In another Country.

     Tiara walked into a house. She was escorted by two armed men who offered her a seat and a glass of water. One of the men searched Tiara's body and took her phones while the other left them behind and returned with a lady who sat in front of Tiara.

   The lady stood six feet tall, she was quite thin and dark-skinned Her name was Jessica and she was Tiara's sister.

"Can you tell me where he's hiding?." Jessica inquired as she settled on a chair.

"I'm not comfortable among your men," Tiara stated emphatically.

"You are free to leave," Jessica informed the men. The two males obeyed Jessica's command immediately.

"He relocated to Newcastle, New South Wales. He's not coming back."

  Jessica tossed her eyeglass away. She got to her feet and clutched Tiara's neck against the wall. "I will tear you from limb to limb then rip your heart out if you don't get him." Her eyes turned red and her fangs came out. Jessica looked so scary at this point and angry.

"I...I...I will." Tiara stutters with terror as she gasped for air.

    I was writing about my daily activities and my fight with Eric in my diary when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I was greeted by Sara. She hugged me after I apologized for making her furious the other day. We both sat down and chatted for hours. Since my mom was making lunch, we decided to make some dessert. Strawberry tart and chocolate gateau were among the desserts we prepared. We had dessert after lunch. Sara brought up the topic that I was not ready to address when we were eating dessert.

"Have you and Eric buried the hatchet?."

I wore a long face. "We are no longer dating." I put on a sly grin.

"You can't move on, this would undoubtedly shatter your heart. No one knows you as I do."

"I can't be selfish with him. Remember, no good thing last forever." I manage to clean the tears that escaped my eye.

"Silly you, who told you that? I'm sure you'll get through this. You've been a wonderful friend cause you've kept me going. If you break then I would have nothing to cling on to. I came to New Castle to start my life all over again when my mother passed away." Sara took my hands in hers as a drop of her tears fell on my palm. We cried and hugged each as if we were children. Suddenly Sara's phone ranged and she answered it.

"Hi, Sara. How are you doing?." Jack said from the other end.

"I'm fine."

"You need to tell Juliana to come over to the bar next to my house. Eric picked a fight with someone and he was booted out. He's inebriated and can't find his way back home." Jack stated.

"Thanks for the update, we would get there as soon as we can. Bye." Sara hung up the phone.

"Eric is drunk. We need to pick him up, I think this break-up affected him more than you."

"Allow me to grab my father's automobile key."

"Can you drive?."

"Yes, I have a license now."

Sara was shocked. "I thought you have to be eighteen to get a driver's license."

"Well, I managed to get mine when I was fifteen and that was like two years ago."

"Okay, enough talking. Go get the key so that we can hit the road."