
PART TIME MATCH MAKER (My beautiful monster)

Synopsis. Do not grieve, for everything you lost comes around in another form. The paths of two star-crossed lovers,Mythel and Rex, intertwine across multiple lifetimes. Bound by a mysterious and tragic destiny, their love story takes a captivating twist as they navigate the complexities of time, immortality, and a profound secret that threatens their happiness. In this modern age, Mythel is reborn once again, unaware of her past lives or the true nature of her connection with Rex. Determined to find her, Rex meticulously searches for the woman who holds his heart. However, burdened by the knowledge that revealing their shared history could shatter her fragile psyche, he chooses to conceal their past from her. This clandestine enigma has tormented them through countless lifetimes, casting a shadow over their chance at lasting happiness. Unraveling this mystery becomes paramount as Mythel's life is threatened by malevolent forces drawn to the secrets she unknowingly carries. Rex embarks on his mission to protect Mythel in a race against time and fate,with the depths of love, sacrifice, and the power of shared history. Will Rex's decision to hide their past ultimately protect or destroy their chance at eternal happiness? Will Mythel discover her true identity and the secrets that lie dormant within her? Prepare to be enthralled by this mesmerizing tale of love and destiny, where the past, present, and future collide in an epic battle against the shadows that threaten to consume them.

thornprincess · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


I am so sorry guys for going MIA and stuff. I didn't mean to. Was just busy with school and exams. Currently, I am still writing exams. I hope you all bear with me.


I ran with all my might towards the cafeteria but unfortunately bumped into Ruby and Acapella on my way. I instantly froze and contemplated turning back so they won't see me but I was way too late and the looks Ruby was shooting at me was enough to stop my plans.

I took a deep breath before walking majestically towards them, Acapella looked at me and scoffed before bursting into laughter.

" What is funny?" I asked as I stopped In front of them.

" Where were you?" Ruby asked instead not giving Acapella the chance to answer my question as she folded her arms around her chest.

" Can we not talk about it?" I was pleased but who was I kidding? They both refused so I just signed before telling them everything as we walked into the school cafeteria.

" OMG!" Acapella giggled. " You and Hottie were alone in the school garden?" She asked in disbelief as she moved to my front, her hands palming my two cheeks.

" Enough with that Acapella" Ruby scolded. " We are in Cafeteria" She reminded and thankfully Acapella left my cheeks alone and returned to her position beside Ruby.

" If you ask me" Ruby began. " I think the guy is weird," She said and I turned to look at her wondering if I should let her know they bear the same name and were from the Same Country. I omitted that part earlier when I was explaining the situation to them.

" Seriously Ruby?" Acapella asked with a frown.

" What?" Ruby asked. " I just said my thoughts," She said shrugging her shoulders.

" Well your thoughts are the ones weird" Acapella scowled and I signed. ' These two were not bickering again' I thought.

" Hello there, I believe I am entitled to my thoughts," Ruby said. " And if you are not okay with it, go knock off a wall or something" Ruby added before storming off angry obviously.

" Okay, she is mad," I told Acapella as I moved closer to her but she just scoffed.

" I don't care if she is, Little things get her angry too easily and it's frustrating" Acapella reminded and I signed wearily.

" You know you were wrong," I told her as we made our way toward the chef to grab our trays of food.

" And how?" She asked, her face turning Red.

" Easy, now don't get angry with me"

" I am not" She lied and I smiled.

" Your face is glowing red" I informed her and she gasped. " Did you chew a chili'" I asked mockingly and she glared at me before filing her tray hurriedly.

" Can't wait to get away from me" I teased and she groaned before dashing off to our usual table. I laughed as I started filing my tray also, I grabbed a hamburger, Fries, Apple, and a soda. I will eat light today. I always also make sure to have fruits with my food.

It helps with the weight, not that I grow fat anyway but it still doesn't hurt to be conscious right? I was about to leave when I heard the voice of my current nemesis.

" Saw something interesting" I froze before turning slowly to see his handsome features. I gulped silently as he seductively ran his tongue above his lower lips. I found myself imagining what it would be like to have a taste of them.

" Snap out of it girl" My subconscious whispered and I immediately got myself. ' What the hell was I thinking?' I thought before looking up again at Rock to see a smile plastered on his face.

I ignored him and just took my lunch and made my way to my friends. I heard him release a chuckle from behind me and tried my best not to blush. I hurriedly sat down when I got to where Ruby and Acapella were. Even though I made sure not to look back, I could feel his piercing gaze on my back.

" Someone is blushing" Acapella teased and I glared at her. I am guessing it's payback Time.

" Ugh, grow up already," I told her but all she did was smirk to infuriate me more.

Ruby was just silently eating her lunch ignoring us all. She just had a banana inside a tray with a glass of milk. ' Was she on a diet?' I wondered.

" Are you on a diet?" I decided to ask to satisfy my curiosity, I think that was when Acapella also noticed for she gave a stunned look upon seeing just a banana and a glass of milk on Ruby's tray. I couldn't blame her though, I was stunned. The Ruby we knew was a heavy eater.

" Danny told me I am adding weight" She explained and I felt my Jaw drop.

' was the guy blind?' I wondered.

" Is he alright?" Acapella asked but Ruby just ignored her. I guess she was still mad at her.

" I wonder the same" I replied and Ruby just shrugged.

" So you are telling me you aren't eating because lover boy told you you are beginning to add weight?" Acapella asked again and I nodded.

" But Ruby you know you don't grow weight" Acapella reminded her and she froze like she was just remembering.

" I know but maybe I am starting to now" She replied.

" Of course not, even the doctors assured you, so what are you saying?" I asked.

" I always knew something was up with that guy," Acapella said clenching her fists.

" Naturally Danny should not care even if you are growing weight especially if he truly loves you," I told her and she signed.

" You guys know how much he does love me?" Ruby reminded us but now I was starting to have doubts.

"Then why is he asking you to go on a diet?" Acapella asked.

" He didn't ask me to ask" She answered and I dropped my hamburger instantly.

" What?" I asked to be sure.

" He didn't ask me to go on a diet, I just did" She repeated.

" Are you dumb?" Acapella yelled furious now. I was furious.

" Ruby, how could you?" I asked calmly so as not to agitate her.

" She knows how your health is" I reminded her and she looked down sadly.

" And so does Danny, yet he asked her to go on a diet" Acapella raged looking like she was going to kill someone.

" He didn't ask me to, I did it myself" she insisted.

" Yes, because the jerk said you were growing weight" Acapella explained.

"But wait! Isn't he suppose to be happy instead?" She asked and I gave her a confused look.

" Look at how thin and small she is" She reminded me and I understood what she meant. Ruby began crying instantly and I immediately moved to gather her in my arms. Acapella looked at us for a while before groaning and joining us. I smiled at that.