
Part-time Librarian is a Lord God

***NOT MY NOVEL ORIGINAL AUTHOR AND RAW LINK BELOW****** After Xiao Ding passed through, he became a librarian, accidentally integrated the godhead, and became the only god of the Blue Star Federation... Behind the scenes + virtual game creation + aura recovery + main god construction + heavenly players! ps: The protagonist is accustomed to shrinking behind the scenes, and is not online every day. ps: The main god recruits people online, granting opportunities including but not limited to crossing, rebirth, system, etc. Author: 吾乃梦境之主 RAW LINK: https://m.qidian.com/book/1023730159

Zoros · วิดีโอเกม
148 Chs

New God Name, New World

"Virtual games, the god of games!"

  "Dream games must be the work of gods."

  " God of games, let all the queues in front of me die!"

  "Jedi Chicken must be the battlefield for the gods to screen believers.

  " Lord! I am willing to treat you as the god of games."

  "The game master of illusion and reality!"


  Xiao Ding dreamed.

  The gods do not need sleep, so there will be no dreams, even if Xiao Ding sleeps habitually.

  Everything in the dream is very clear. Countless people, at least hundreds of millions of gamers, keep praying to enter the dream game.

  This kind of prayers gathered into a flood of faith, rushed into Xiao Ding's gods, and formed a dream.

  "This scene... seems to be very similar to the process by which the Lord of Nightmare obtains the name of the gods."

  Xiao Ding looked through the memory left by the Lord of Nightmare. It gathered a large number of believers, of course not hundreds of millions, but the quality was the highest.

  In order to gain strength, believers who would rather endure the torment of nightmares are at least intermediate or even high-level transcendents.

  They kept praying for the nightmare, and finally at the moment when the power of faith ignited the fire, they condensed into the name of the god of the nightmare lord. As for the names of other gods such as the dream compiler and the source of the nightmare, after the Lord of the Nightmare became a god, he secretly spread the faith everywhere, and new believers gave it the honorary title.

  The name of the god is the predecessor of the priesthood, and the corresponding power of faith is constantly poured into the name of the god, and it will be transformed into the priesthood.

  Of course, the premise is that there is no god in the priesthood, or the god is killed.

  "Most of the blue star people's puppets are ordinary people, but the number is more than a hundred times that of the believers of the Lord of Nightmare, so a new god name has appeared."

  "The Lord of the game, the way to obtain the corresponding faith is to induce people to play with themselves. Games..."

  "This is simply a god name tailored for me!"

  The dream game compiled by Xiao Ding contains dual attributes and can completely acquire game beliefs at the same time.

  This was in line with Xiao Ding's established route, but it was just a lot of steps ahead. Originally, Xiao Ding planned to wait for the dream priest to transform into a real and illusory prince, and then develop other priests.

  With the dream clergy as the core, the other clergy of the whole family harvested divine power at the same time, and then crossed the level of the prince to become the true master, and even got a glimpse of the creation clergy.

  The transformation of the dream priesthood is still very far away, and even the Divine Realm and the Divine Kingdom have not been established, but the second god name appears ahead of time.

  "The two do not conflict, and they can even complement each other!"

  Xiao Ding snapped his fingers, and Xiao Guang got out of the phone.

  Xiao Guang, who was originally a big ball of light, changed its appearance. A three-dimensional loli crawled out of the phone.

  Loli has three good...

  Bah bah bah!

  Xiao Ding could see through the essence of Loli at a glance, it was a round ball of light, there were no three good points.

  Becoming a god has gained a lot, but also lacked a lot of fun. For example, Xiao Guang's new loli skin, Xiao Ding could see through its essence at a glance.

  "Am I that superficial?

  Xiaoguang, return to my original form!" "My god, you are as profound as the sky and the sea! What Drizzt said is wrong, even a god cares about the value of the face!"

  Lolita skin After dissipating, Xiao Guang turned back into a round sphere, and his admiration for Xiao Ding rose by a billion points.

  "That's natural!"

  Xiao Ding was relieved immediately. He was afraid of seeing Xiaoguang Lolita's skin and couldn't help but throw a few magic coins.

  "How about the business situation of the 0-level dream game now? What is the feedback from the forum?"

  "Return to my god, the 0-level dream game is at full capacity at any time and has transformed 350,000 believers."

  "The amount of divine power acquired is low, More than two million people are online every day, and the balance is less than a ray of supernatural power."

  A virtual notebook appeared in Xiaoguang's hands: "There are more than one million joint applications in the forum, hoping to increase the number of Tier 0 dream games."

  "Three hundred and fifty thousand believers, which means that there are 850,000 believers now. To reach my even threshold of 900,000!"

  Xiao Ding is very satisfied with the performance of Tier 0 games. Even if he can't directly earn a lot of divine power for him, he has gained a large number of believers.

  According to Internet thinking, Xiao Ding developed a 0-level dream game for free and no money, which is used to attract a large number of users and form a large traffic pool, and then select loyal users recognized by Xiao Ding, that is, believers.

  Loyal users enter the paid large-scale game, the legend of ghosts and ghosts, Xiao Ding can easily harvest his supernatural power.

  Now there is another major benefit. A new game god name appears, which can draw double the power of faith in the 0-level dream game and enter the profitability stage.

  "Perfect ecological closed loop!"

  "As generous as I am, how can I ignore the prayers of hundreds of millions of believers!" With

  a move of Xiao Ding's thoughts, 7,500 wisps of divine power dissipated, and fifteen Tier 0 dream games were incorporated, and the number of seats increased by five. Times.

  At the same time, the number of online users has reached 750,000, and the average daily online number will exceed 10 million. With the current number of people in the queue of hundreds of millions, there is no need to worry about being idle.

  "The first thing is solved, the next step is to get to the main topic!"

  Xiao Ding said: "The dream world of Tier 0 has grown significantly, and the world of Liao Zhai is about to be full. Now the wizard world can be released."

  Xiao Ding waved his hand and recorded the dream world. Books fall into hands.

  The first page.

  [Dream World: Liao Zhai (-10000),


  Tier: Tier 3   Number of Entry: 891128

  Number of Believers: 851,231

  Divine Power Benefit: +51826

  Daily Consumption: 89.1]

  There is only one name on the second page, Dream World: Wizard.

  "My God, the wizarding world has a huge background. The wizard apprentice is already an extraordinary level 1, and the official wizard represents the second order, and the great wizard represents the third level. It has reached the limit of the world."

  Xiaoguang said: "and the morningstar wizard above the great wizard , Xiyue Wizard, Sun Wizard, and even the legendary eternal wizard, have reached the seventh-order legendary realm, which is not the power that the third-order dream world can carry."

  The world that 10,000 divine power can shape is the same level as the Liao Zhai world. The upper limit is third order.

  It is not that powers above the third order cannot appear in the dream, but it will violate the logic of the real dream and cause distortion and confusion in the dream world.

  "Xiaoguang, do you think the upper limit of the Liao Zhai world is the third level?"

  "There are heaven and underworld in the Liao Zhai book, but there are the existence of the first level of immortals, but it is only in the record for the time being, and it does not appear. The same is true in the wizarding world. However, it is different from the way of Liao Zhai World. It is not that it did not appear, but the area where it is not."

  "Now in the Wizarding World, players will only appear in the area on the southern bank of the Wizard Continent, and the highest level is the Great Wizard."

  "There are traces of advanced wizards and even ruins. , But there will be no real mid-to-high-level extraordinary!"

  Xiao Ding proudly said: "At the beginning of creating the world, the upper limit must be increased. As long as the stability and potential of the world have been verified, all you need to do is to invest in divine power in the future to unlock a new plot map. "

  The wisdom of my

  god is as high as the stars!" Xiaoguang kept memorizing the quotations of the gods in his notebook, and would carefully figure it out as long as he had time. As long as he could comprehend a trace of the will of the gods, it was of great significance to the legendary rank.

  After Drizzt appeared, Xiaoguang felt pressure and must maintain the favor of my god.

  Only when you can understand the will of the gods at any time can you be fearless of the three thousand harem beauties.

  "Go and make an announcement, directly define the new world as a seventh-order, you must give the believers some shock, otherwise you will know how to fight every day if you don't want to make progress!"

  Xiao Ding watched the fight for the throne of the Great Zhou all the way. On the one hand, he was pleasantly surprised by the strength of the believers, and on the other hand, he found that he had begun to fall into involution.

  There are so many resources in the world of Liao Zhai, and the site is so big. Throwing in nearly 900,000 extraordinary players will inevitably cause conflicts of power.

  Even believers who no longer disdain power, cannot refuse to be promoted to the transcendent, and their desire for transcendent items is greater than that of power.

  With the emergence of involution, the strength of believers will slow down, which indirectly reduces the contribution of the power of faith.

  The wizarding world is a new opportunity.

  Believers who enter the world of Liao Zhai late and develop slowly will definitely explore the new world, and perhaps a second dark council will appear.

  In particular, the world of Tier 7 must be rich in transcendental materials, and this is true, because Xiao Ding will spend 30,000 divine powers to build the wizarding world, which is the same rank as the world of Liao Zhai, and its transcendental resources will be twenty times richer.   Dreamland Forum.   The administrator [source code] who has been secretly watching the screen has released a new post.   --Shock! The new journey is about to set sail, the wizard will rule all the world!   ——The title should be shocking, and the content should be short: the seventh-order world [Witcher] will be released in 24 hours!   One stone caused a thousand waves!   The Dreamland Forum now has more than 1 billion users, and [source code] users have more than 500 million followers.   More than 500 million people received the push message in an instant, and they were all shocked when they clicked on it.   Yesterday, who was the hottest on Mengnet?   Not the lord of dreams, nor Xiaoguang, but the demon monk Purdue Cihang!   Demon monk.   The security bureau, the video publisher, defines Purdue Cihang.   For the first time everyone has seen the power of the third-order transcendent, or just a part of the power of the third-order transcendent, which has reached an incomprehensible level.

  Just reciting the Buddhist scriptures would cause thousands of troops to collapse, and the thoughts would crush the silver corpse in all directions.

  The Security Bureau did not conceal the defeat in the battle for power in the Great Zhou Dynasty, because it could not hide it, so it is better to admit it generously.

  Moreover, this crime of defeat is not a war, and it has already been won, who knows that the enemy has a high!

  Many military enthusiasts turn Purdue Cihang into a humanoid Gundam, and the destructive power is not limited to Gundam's firepower and power attributes. The Sanskrit sound reaches the soul, and ordinary people can't escape into madness whether they hide in a fortress or a fortress.

  The Security Bureau has issued a military order on Monternet, and it will definitely defeat Purdue Cihang within a year in the real world!

  Most people are not optimistic about this, because Purdue Cihang's true strength has not been shown at all.

  Will Purdue Cihang give you a new surprise when you can restrain the call to life and defeat the Golden Buddha phantom?

  Someone in the forum initiated a vote, and more than 70 people are not optimistic about the revenge of the Security Bureau.

  A third-order transcendent who has caused such an uproar, how strong is the seventh-order wizard?

  The Dreamland Forum left Purdue Cihang behind in an instant, and it was only a third-order one, not worthy of being called a strong one!

  Ordinary people speculate and blow water on the forum, and those who really aspire to create a career in the dream world have frequently initiated various conferences.

  Now that the Federation has lost the network monitoring authority, Monternet's virtual meeting room is extremely easy to use, and there is no fear of being monitored by the Federation. As for being monitored by the Lord of Dreams, this is not a problem at all, because the participants can't wait to say "Praise my God", "Praise the Lord of Dreams" and "My God is eternal" all the time.

  Flattering to the Federation, even if the Federal Parliament knows it, it will not do any good.

  Flattering the gods, once they are noticed by the gods, they are the real gods.

  The Lord of Dreams now has more than 850,000 believers, plus 40,000 people with internal test codes, and millions of people serving extraordinary players, all in a mess because of the imminent appearance of the "Witcher World".

  The same is true for the Security Bureau.

  The think tanks originally estimated that the new dream world would have a high probability of reaching level 4 and a very small probability of reaching level 5.

  The appearance of the seventh-order world directly caused the Security Bureau to be at a loss.

  If anyone on the Blue Star knows the power of Tier 7, it must be the Security Bureau, because they have a special economic department to unscrupulously collect magic coins.

  The magic coin is the confidence of the security bureau. If you can't defeat Purdue Cihang head-on, he will use the magic coin to make him sing and conquer.

  The Security Bureau has so many magic coins and already possesses a Tier 4 item, which has reached the middle-level transcendent according to the transcendental division.

  The power of Tier 4 items shocked the Security Bureau, and the Federal Assembly regarded them as the treasure of the country!

  The Federal Assembly can tolerate messy organizations such as the Dark Council, the Inquisition of Gods, the Court of Dreams, and so on. It only strikes at an extraordinary level, rather than dispatching an army to launch missiles to destroy its humanity. The fundamental reason is to believe in the power of the gods.

  Divine currency has become a federal strategic material.

  Many experts in the economic field have asserted that sacred coins will replace gold and even the reputation of the Federal Bank, becoming the core of all values.

  The Commonwealth Bank desperately printed stars and exchanged them for magic coins within the acceptable limits.

  It is precisely because of knowing the power of Tier 4 items that it is speculated that Tier 5, Tier 6, and even the legendary stage, directly let the old men of the Federal Assembly swallow the heart-relief pills bottle by bottle.

  The seventh-order legend has the power to destroy the blue star!

  This is another institution under the Federal Parliament, with the same grade, focusing on theoretical research. UU Reading www.uukánshu. Com's extraordinary strength is second only to the department of the Security Bureau, the conclusion given by the Institute of Extraordinary Research.

  "The power of destroying the planet! Must be in the hands of the Federation. Others dare to covet it and will be convicted of anti-Blue Star crimes and allow humanitarian destruction!" The

  Federal Parliament soon passed a new interim bill to increase the importance of the "Witcher World" To the limit.

  The Security Bureau drew half of the game players and waited for the release of Wizarding World to enter it as soon as possible.

  Wizards, judging from their names alone, it is difficult to guess whether their background is Western or Eastern. There are legends of wizards. However, experts in the strategic department have judged that it is more than 70% likely to be a world with a Western background.

  The Lord of Dreams needs believers, so he will not ignore the nearly 10 billion Western population.

  at this time.

  Xiao Ding has completed the construction of the wizarding world and is putting soul believers for testing.

  Xiaoguang runs around in Blue Star, can collect 300 to 400 deep soul believers every day, and is the most qualified free tester.

  The kingdom of God has not been built, and believers in the state of soul cannot be transformed into the Holy Spirit for the time being. Entering the wizarding world can be said to be an alternative new life.

  The soul believers accumulate divine coins in the wizarding world, and can purchase bodies for themselves in the real world and complete indirect rebirth.