
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

colloquially known as, "being jumped"

Whatever happened to honor, hm? Mia thought bitterly to herself as the ring enclosed on her. She was confident she could pick them off one by one like she was before... maybe not for much longer. Side bar, how long did it take to pass out from blood loss? But she COULD still do it.

Yet, if they were going to do this... Might be the lightest bit, dare I say, fucked. Well Mia, go out swinging or die like a wimp. If only I hadn't taken that hit... Nope! No time to feel sorry for myself, let's go! Maybe I can still take this.

Mia steeled herself, cut out the self pitying thoughts, and surveyed the crowd. Alright, the only way I'll survive this is if I manage to get away. I might just be able to kill all of them but unless class advancements happen to full heal, I'd still be screwed. I can't take further injury, and I can't stay here much longer either. So who here is the weakest link? Which part of this can I break through?

Mia spun around and glared at every sabertooth with her teeth bared. While simultaneously sizing each of them up, noting those bigger and smaller, wounded or not, she knew her plan.

Mia flexed her limbs once, and she was in motion. Within moments she was flying across open ground, bounding towards a particularly small sabertooth. Maybe a child, maybe she cared? Naaah. Multiple sabertooths moved to reinforce the smaller one as Mia barreled towards it. That's fine, breaking though here isn't the goal anyways.

With a quick flash of her claws, the small sabertooth cried out, bloody gashes raking across it's face. It stumbled backwards and Mia quickly pivoted away, retreating back to the center of the encirclement. Times running low, need to deal with at least two more.

Mia broke left hard, sprinting towards an open gap that had been formed through the other sabertooths moving. Others quickly moved to fill the line, but that was exactly what she was banking on. Her claws struck out again, and cut the throat of her direct opposition. Sending it crashing to the ground bleeding out.

Mia pivoted back to the center again. Dangerously little space left, make or break Mia, time to dance. She shot towards a smaller sabertooth, young adult maybe? Actually she wa-NOT THE TIME! It braced itself, not being so foolish as to go against the enemy who was 10-1 with it's kind. Of course, that made it an entirely different kind of foolish, afraid.

It was so focused on dodging that it threw itself to the side, and then realized that it hadn't even been touched. Mia had shot to the side at the last moment, leaving the sabertooths that had moved to intercept in the dust. She took a 180 and dashed to the other side, snapping at one of the sabertooths again, predictably, other sabertooths from the side moved to reinforce the point of assault.

Mia saw her opportunity arise, by pressing the two opposite sides of the ring, she'd managed to open up the other sides of the ring by forcing the sabertooths to move to intercept. Leaving a very abusable gap in the ring, that Mia sprinted to with all her might.

Haha suckers! I'm... oof, blood loss... Out of her-CK!

Claws raked across Mia's side, digging red gashes into her hide. The wound was shallow, but hurt a lot. Do these things have some kind of skill that just inflicts pain? That's messed up! But im still out of here losers! See you never! Wait a minute, I feel... Heavy.

WHAT THE HELL?! The sabertooth that had scratched her, was HANGING ONTO HER SIDE! Mia immediately began thrashing side to side mid run, which was a bit stupid. As she also immediately collapsed to the ground. Mia wasn't particularly heavy, so this didn't help with her unwanted passenger.

Mia began clawing at her attacker with her hind leg, kicking at it with her claws. She scraped at it's lower half as she tried to stand up again, but it persistently hung on even as she nigh ripped it in half. Get off you PARASITE! JUST! LET! ME! LEEEEAVE!

She tried to stand even as it still clung on, but the imbalance of weight sent her toppling back down to the ground. I can LITERALLY HEAR the rest of you suicidal idiots getting closer! GET! OFF! Unlike you pricks I like living!

With every mental word her kicks grew fiercer, until eventually she felt something give. She literally ripped it in half, and it still did not, LET, GO! Whatever! It doesn't weigh that much anymore, I'm OUT OF HERE!

Mia stood, and almost collapsed right back down. Lack of blood and all, hey did rainbows always form out of the darkness or did they need li-AGH! MIA! GO!

With literal seconds to spare Mia got back to running, thoughtlessly sprinting in one direction. At some point, her "passenger" had fallen off. And so did... Gallons of her blood? Ahahahaha... am I dying? I don't wanna die... really-Holy shit! I really do not want to die keep moving legs!

Mia could feel her legs begin to give out, not from exhaustion, she just literally didn't have the blood to move throughout her body. With one final active decision she took a hard right and crashed into a bush, she would've given a sarcastic ow, if not for the lack of feeling in her body.

Eheheh... ahah... class...

Mia, Lesser Diminutive Shadow Wolf

Level 10

Class skills , Apprentice tracking III, Apprentice magic proficiency I, Low Stealth III.

Skills, natural born hunter.

Stat gain, +6 strength, +6 dexterity, +7 constitution, +3 wisdom +3 capacity, +3 intelligence, +1 charisma, +2 manipulation

Class advancement available.

Ahah... I really, really need constitution. Mhmhm...

Diminutive Shadow Wolf

A natur-bla bla bla bla bla!


Instant stats +20 strength, +20 dexterity, +16 const-nope! More please haha!

Shadow wolf

A adv-don't care!


(RACE CHANGE-Ahah nope! I don't care how much constitution it has... The race change'd probably kill me anyways ehe...

Lesser Razor Wolf

A ad-boooo!



Mia was just about on the verge of passing out, she needed something right about.... Now, or she'd be done for.

Fearful Diminutive Shadow Wolf


Instant stats, +12 strength, +12 dexterity, +8 c-ahahaha.... guess I'm... I... Hah! NO, WAKE UP!

Persistent Diminutive Shadow Wolf


Instant stats, +28 strength, +28 dexterity, +36 constitution-LOCK IT IN!

Mia felt her body begin to change, not nearly as intrusive as the race change to Shadow Wolf had been. But a warm growth in her body, a muffled one. But it was felt regardless... her mind though, it was fading. Mia couldn't repress it any longer, the cold tide of unconsciousness swept over her, and she knew not if she'd wake again.