
27. New Bonds are Forming

Disclaimer: You know…I'm finding it hard to believe I still don't own Harry Potter. Hey! Rowling! Can you hear me? I want HP!

Parenting Class

New Bonds are Forming

Draco walked down the silent corridor towards the babysitter he hoped would agree. After dinner, Hermione had taken Harry upstairs to get him ready for bed and told Draco to go and bring the sitter he'd chosen.

Pausing outside the door, Draco raised his hand to knock. Rapping lightly on the wood, he could only hope his godfather would do as he asked. The door opened, revealing Snape with a scowl on his face. But it vanished as soon as he saw Draco and a smile replaced it. "Come in," he offered, gesturing for Draco to sit on the couch. "What brings you down here so late?" he asked, sitting down in his armchair.

"I had a favor to ask of you, Uncle Sev."


"Well…Hermione and I are…well, we're going somewhere. And we couldn't find a babysitter for Harry and-"

"-You were wondering if I could watch him?"

"Yes," Draco said softly. "I know you don't like him much…but he's different, honestly."

"You want me to baby-sit Potter," Snape said evenly, steely gaze boring into Draco.

"Harry," Draco corrected. "And yes, please Uncle Sev?"

The Potions master sighed. "All right." He never could say no to his godson.

Draco gave him a grateful smile. "This means a lot to me…and Hermione too. And Harry is getting ready for bed…the most you'll have to do is read him a story and tuck him in. Just…just treat him like he was me."

"How soon do you need me?"

"Does now sound all right?"

"That's fine, just let me grab some tests to grade." Picking up a neat pile of papers from a shelf on the wall, Snape followed Draco out of his rooms and locked the door behind him.

"I'm back," Draco announced, stepping into the Rainbow Room with Snape blinking behind him at the colors. "Just let me go grab my jacket and then we can go."

Hermione exited from her room, a dark red windbreaker on to keep some of the rain off of her and her wand in hand with Harry following behind her. The child was dressed in a pair of light blue pajamas, the pants covered with little soccer balls. In one hand he held a storybook and with the other he was clutching onto Hermione's jacket and looking at Snape fearfully.

Butterscotch padded out after both of them and went over to Snape and jumped up on the teacher. "Down Butterscotch," scolded Draco. "He won't be much trouble," he informed Snape, holding tightly on to the collar. "You can put him in his cage if he gets to be too disruptive."

Letting go of the dog, Butterscotch ran over to Harry and sat down in front of him. "Harry, be good for Professor Snape, okay?" Hermione said, kneeling down before him. Harry nodded. "Good boy. I'll see you in the morning then." Giving him a soft kiss on top of his head, Hermione started for the portrait hole, Draco following reluctantly behind after giving Harry a goodbye hug. "Thanks so much, Professor," Hermione smiled.

As soon as the two left, Harry was left staring at Snape and Snape at Harry. "Would you like something to drink?" Harry asked timidly.

"No, thank you," Snape said shortly, sitting down on the couch and spreading out his papers in front of him.

Unsure of what to do, Harry sat down on the opposite couch, the book tucked under his arm. Butterscotch jumped up next to his young master and curled up to go to sleep. The only sound in the room was the scratching of Snape's pen as he wrote the scores on the papers.

After a few minutes, he glanced up to see Harry looking at him with bright emerald eyes.

'Thank you so much Professor! Thank you!'

'Just…just treat him like he was me.'

'He isn't James, Severus. Give him a chance.'

Snape snorted at the last thought that had invaded his head. Dumbledore had told him that as soon as Harry Potter had been admitted to Hogwarts. He knew of the deep hate Snape felt towards James and didn't want him to take it out on Harry. But he had.

"Would you like me to read you a story?" he sighed, stacking his graded papers back in a pile. Tentatively, Harry nodded and walked over to the couch, sitting about a foot away from Snape. Wondering why he was being so nice, Snape reached over and plopped Harry down on his lap, much to the child's surprise. "What story would you like?"

"You can pick, Professor," Harry whispered.

Taking the storybook from the child's hands, Snape flipped open to a muggle fairy tale, The Snow Queen. "Is this one all right?" Harry gave a tiny nod. Placing the book on Harry's lap, Snape said, "When we finish a page, you turn it, okay?" Harry gave another little nod.

"Once upon a time…"

"Draco, we're going out there," Hermione said, pointing out the door at the lake. "We made a deal, remember? And you're not going to back out of it."

"But why can't we just stay here?" he pleaded. "I can still see it."

"We're going outside," the girl said firmly. "The only way you'll ever be able to fully face your fear is to experience it. So we're going out. Now come on." Draco remained firmly attached to the pillar, his silver eyes focused on the floor.

Hermione gave a soft sigh and went over to the Slytherin, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's hard," she whispered. "But I'll be right there with you. I promise I won't let anything happen."

Slowly, Draco nodded and took a hesitant step towards the door before stopping. "Promise?" he asked quietly, refusing to meet Hermione's gaze.

"Promise," she smiled, taking his hand in hers and pulling him outside, giving it a tight squeeze to try and reassure him.

The storm hadn't yet started yet, though large dark clouds hung low in the sky and a chill wind was starting to brew. Draco paused on the top step and looked up, shivering as a streak of lightning shot down from the clouds.

"It's all right," Hermione comforted. "The thunder hasn't even started yet. Let's go sit down by the lake."

"Are you crazy? We could get hit by lightning!"

"We won't…trust me. As long as we don't go in the water, we'll be fine. You do trust me, don't you?"


"Then come on…the storm is going to start in a few minutes and we should be ready." Draco allowed Hermione to pull him across the grounds; eyes staring vacantly back at the castle.

Harry squealed and ran to hid behind the armchair, a large grin on his face. Slow, loud thumps sounded and he giggled, before darting to another hiding place.

After he and Snape had finished reading the Snow Queen, Snape realized that his charge wasn't quite tired yet. And during their reading time, both had reached a new point in their relationship as each realized certain things about the other.

Harry realized that Professor Snape was very good at telling stories; he liked to give each character a different voice. And that he wasn't as scary as Ron had dubbed him…sure, his hair could use a good scrubbing (Draco was really good at washing hair. Maybe Professor Snape would let him wash it…) and he almost always had a scowl on his face, but right now he was looking quite amused.

And Snape had finally discovered the long time truth Dumbledore had been attempting to show him since Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Harry really wasn't James. 'He's more like Lily,' Snape realized, momentarily abandoning the chase and standing still to contemplate. 'He may look like his father…but he's caring and kind like Lilly…nothing like James.'

And so, Snape had decided to attempt to tire Harry out as well as entertain him. He'd played this game hundreds of times with Draco when he was little and Lucius was out on 'business'. And it had always worked quite well on his godson and he was only hoping it would have the same affect on Harry.

The rules of the game were simple. Snape was the dragon and Harry was the little boy who didn't want to go to bed. He could stay up as late as he wanted until the dragon caught him and he was then tucked in.

Snape let out another roar and looked behind the chair Harry had just left. Spotting the child, hunched down beside the bookcase, Snape walked slowly forward, his steps purposeful and loud. Harry, seeing him gave another shout and dashed away from the Potions Professor.

"You can't catch me!" Harry laughed, speeding around the room in circles.

Snape merely smiled, watching as his current charge continued to run from one hiding place to the next. "I don't have to," he chuckled. "You're tiring yourself out." And true enough; Harry sat gasping behind the couch, his legs too sore to continue. "GOTCHA!"

Harry shouted as he was suddenly picked up and tossed in the air before landing safely back into Snape's arms. "To bed with you."

"Awww," Harry pouted. "Can you read me another story, Professor?"

"We'll see…now let's go brush your teeth."

As it turns out, a simple task like that could be quite hard…when Butterscotch is loose. As Harry was preparing to squirt toothpaste (Blue Sparkle!) on his toothbrush, the puppy had bounded in and grabbed the tube from Harry's hand.

Snape, who'd been leaning against the bathroom door, made a grab for the dog, but Butterscotch jumped out of reach and ran into Draco's bedroom. Harry leaped nimbly to the floor from the little step stool and tiptoed towards the Slytherin's bedroom, mouth dropping in horror.

"Draco isn't going to be very happy when he gets back," Harry whispered. Snape joined the boy at the doorway and felt his own eyes widen.

The puppy was sitting innocently on the bed, the destruction he'd caused done in a matter of seconds. All of Draco's books rested on the floor, pages torn out and covered in toothpaste. The blue gel also had soaked into the emerald carpeting and splattered the walls.

The pillows on Draco's bed were ripped beyond repair, feathers sitting on the tattered blanket and mattress. Inkpots were spilled on his desk, staining the dark cherry wood into various shades of black and green. The teenager's wardrobe doors hung open, the paneling scratched up with splinters on the floor. Clothing hung out, several pieces torn and every single shoe chewed.

Snape was surprised to hear another sound…a soft sniffling. Looking down, he saw Harry rubbing his eyes, tears already streaming from the large ivy orbs, before he burst into sobs, covering his face with both hands, trying to muffle the noise.

And Snape hadn't a clue what to do.

"It'll be okay," Hermione said softly, her grip tightening on the Slytherin's hand. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." At that second, a large burst of lightning crackled through the sky, the whole area being lit a dazzling shade of yellow. And then a few seconds later, thunder sounded, accompanied by the arrival of the rain.

Draco yelped in alarm and Hermione had to strengthen her hold on his hand to keep him standing next to her at the lake edge. The wind blew stronger, the wet spray of water soaking them both and making them shiver. "Can we go back now?"

"Are you still afraid?"

Another clap sounded and Draco jumped.

"We're going to stay until you realize it won't hurt you. Listen…what else do you hear besides the thunder?"


"And what noise does the rain make?" she asked gently.

"Soft splashes," he answered.

"Is it scary?"


"And neither is thunder. Now relax and close your eyes and just listen. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Draco did so, but as soon as the thunder rumbled in the distance, his eyes were wide open, stark fear showing clear as crystal.

"Why are you scared?" The question was so soft, barely heard over the rain pounding the earth. "What makes you so frightened?"

"I don't know," Draco responded just as softly.

"There's a reason behind everything," Hermione continued, wind whipping her hair out behind her. "What's yours?"

"I don't know!" Draco snarled, turning his back to the girl. "I'm going back up to the castle." Just as he turned to leave, Hermione yanked back on his hand, forcing him to come to a standstill.

"You do know," she murmured, honey eyes searching his face for the answer. "You just don't want to tell me."

"And if I don't want to, that's none of your business!"

"I was just trying to help," Hermione said quietly, trying not to make the Slytherin angrier. "If you want to go back to the castle, then go. I'm not stopping you."

Hermione turned to look at the lake, and Draco stood behind her, simply watching the girl. "It was my father," he whispered, voice fading into the wind. "That's why I'm afraid. It was the first time he ever hit me…when the thunder started."

The Gryffindor pivoted, eyes warm with sympathy and comfort. "Then the thunder really isn't the main cause of your fear…it's your father. He's the real thing you're afraid of."

"It's okay," he shushed, against better instinct drawing Harry into his arms. The boy immediately went rigid, displaying he was ultimately scared. "What's wrong?"

"It's my fault," he whispered, emerald eyes staring at the mess his puppy had made. "I ruined Draco's room. And he'll get really mad."

Snape puzzled over this. He knew his godson had a temper and could sometimes be downright dangerous if he was incredibly angry. But he also knew that Draco would never hurt the child he appeared to care for so much.

"Draco won't be mad at you," Snape comforted.

"Yes, he will," Harry sniffled. "I messed up his room."

"Your dog did that," the Potions professor pointed out.

"But Butterscotch is my dog."

"And I will take full responsibility if Draco gets angry."

Now it was Harry's turn to think over what Snape had just said. "Why would you take all the blame though?"

"Because I am watching you and any accident that goes on while I'm here will be directed at me."

"But you couldn't stop Butterscotch!"

"And neither could you," Snape pointed out. "Now, it's time for you to head off to bed and I'll clean up this mess later." Not leaving any room for Harry to protest, Snape strode into the child's room and tucked Harry beneath the covers.

Butterscotch jumped up on to the foot of the bed and gave Snape a lick across the cheek as if to say 'sorry'. The once golden fur was stained with various colored inks and feathers clung to parts of his tail. Snape sighed. "You're forgiven," he muttered, awkwardly petting the puppy on his head. "Good night Harry," he said gentler. "And don't worry…I'll take care of everything."

"Good night, Professor." Snape ruffled the boy's hair and then exited, blowing out the candle on his way out. The room was plunged into darkness and like he always did for Draco, Snape left the door halfway open so he could hear if his charge needed anything.

Going back to his godson's room, Snape began to flick his wand at various objects, some repairing themselves and others not. The pillows and blanket mended quite nicely, but the stain wouldn't leave the desk and the toothpaste refused to leave the carpet.

"At least the waterfall is intact," the man muttered. Despite how old Draco was, Snape knew the boy could still be afraid of the dark, especially on nights like this. Speaking of which…where had Draco gone? He'd been terrified of storms since he was about four, he remembered.

When he'd been over at the Malfoy's manor and a thunderstorm had come up without warning, Draco had turned from perfectly poised child to one who was bordering on the edge of hysteria. And when Snape had asked his tiny godson what scared him, his reply had been the thunder.

And if it was storming, then why wasn't Draco curled up in bed or next to the fire? "They went outside," he breathed, realization hitting him full force. What was going on?

As the man settled back onto the couch to grade more papers, the soft padding of feet sounded. Looking up, he saw Harry standing next to the couch with a large red blanket in hand. "Can I stay with you, Professor? Just till Hermione and Draco come back? Please?"

Snape smiled and nodded, pushing the tests back on to the table. Harry clambered up onto the couch and sat himself comfortably next to Snape, using the teacher as a pillow. Snape gently plucked the blanket from Harry's fingers and draped it over both of them, Harry's sleepy smile all the thanks he needed.

"It's not your fault," Hermione whispered a few minutes later. "You have every right to be scared of him."

"I'm a pretty big coward, aren't I?" Draco muttered. "Scared of my father. Who else can say that?"

"You're not a coward…by being afraid it means that you do have fears and problems like everyone else. It's what makes you special…who you are. If you were perfect and not afraid of anything, then you wouldn't be a person."

Draco looked down at the girl in his arms, while she looked up at him. Her eyes sparkled with a warm fire, her cheeks pink from the cold. Wet ringlets of dark brown hair framed her face, her lips parted slightly in a smile. His eyes had lost the steel about them and seemed to glow, his bangs swept to the side of his head.

Slowly, neither of them registering what was happening, they began to move closer to one another, never once losing each other's gaze. His hand strayed up to cup her cheek; thumb gently caressing the warm flesh. Lightning shot from the sky, illuminating Draco even more against the black background, their lips almost touching, Hermione inhaling a breath as she realized what was about to happen but not doing anything to stop it.

And then the thunder sounded and both froze. "We should head back," Hermione whispered, still staring into Draco's eyes. "We'll get sick if we stay out much longer."

Draco nodded and Hermione took a step backward, heart pumping furiously despite how calm she'd managed to make herself sound. Draco too, felt his own beating erratically, his body hot though he felt so cold.

Hermione turned and began to walk back to the castle, Draco following silently behind. Sneaking down the corridor, the two made it safely back to the portrait, Leviculus snoring gently in the frame. When Hermione said the password, he opened it, though he remained sound asleep.

Draco and Hermione, both feeling quite awkward with each other at the moment, couldn't help but smile at one another at the two on the couch. Snape was sound asleep, one arm draped over the edge of the couch and the other resting on Harry's head. The child was asleep as well, a contented smile on his face.

"Hey, Uncle Sev?" Draco whispered, shaking his godfather gently by the shoulder. "We're back."

"Hmmm?" Snape slowly opened his eyes and blinked. "Oh."

Standing up carefully so he didn't disturb Harry, Snape stretched and collected his papers. "Was Harry any trouble?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Nope," Snape yawned. "Though the dog was…your room might surprise you a bit, Draco. I fixed what I could, but you might want to get some new things soon. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll head back down to my office."

Sweeping past both teenagers, Snape exited the room, leaving them in an uncomfortable silence behind. "I'll go put Harry back in bed," Hermione said softly. "Good night, Draco."

"Night," he whispered, disappearing into his own room. Not even paying heed to the damage, the Slytherin changed into a pair of dry clothes, and crawled beneath his covers, though he was anything but ready to sleep.

He replayed the night's events in his mind…they'd gone out to the lake…they'd watched the storm…he told her about his father…and then…then…

"She's my friend," he whispered, hugging Sparkles. "Nothing else."

If that was true…then why did he almost kiss her?

Only time would tell.

Author's Notes:

Three things. One, I'm incredibly sorry if this chapter wasn't up to my usual standards. I haven't slept in over four nights and I feel awful. Once in a while, I'll get these weird phases of insomnia and I'll wake up almost every few minutes...I've been running on sugar (mainly pixie sticks) for the last few days, so if you see major errors or the chapter is a little off, I'm sorry. I'm just too tired to come up with anything better.

Second, is I hope no one minds the scene jumping. I wanted to split it up so we were constantly seeing both groups. I think this chapter contained everything /except/ humor. Sorry for that too. I can't really write humorwhen I feel like I'm going to fall asleep typing though.

And three...WE HIT 2000 REVIEWS! -dances around (sleepy dance) and throws confetti- I can't believe PC actually got this many! Thank you so much! On honor of this wonderful occasion, everyone may recieve a set of Chibi Teacher Plushies! Remember...do not allow sugar around the Flitwick one.

And another piece of good news. My short story won fourth at the Lit fest! Pretty good since I wrote it during art class on the day it was due and never bothered to spell check. XD

Lastly,I'd like to beg all of you to please read the Author's Notes. I got a ton of people asking (again) when we'd see Hermione and I said it last chapter in the first paragraph of notes. So please, read them. They'll explain things.

I'm just off to upload this and then I must start on my homework. -yawns- I hope I can keep awake that long. As always, reviews are welcome and who knows...maybe they'll wake me up.