
The One Called The Lord

"So, who are you working for?"

Zero directly asked about the mastermind behind all this mess.

"... The Lord! I don't know what his real name is but this is what other Devils call him."

Priestess Helena answered.

Zero was in deep thought. He couldn't remember anyone with that name. He knew the name of most of the Devils who are strong due to the knowledge from the novel but he had not seen anyone with a name or nickname of The Lord.

It meant that Hiro and the others never fought with him. It was possible that he had already been defeated by the time Hiro and the others encountered the devils, or perhaps he would appear later in the story.

"Can you tell me about his appearance? Or maybe something that could give me an idea of his identity."

Zero asked.

Priestess Helena shook her head, fear visible in her eyes. "No, I don't know anything. He emanated an aura of death that made it impossible for me to even look at him."
