
Paradise of Sinners

Welcome to Paradise of Sinners! Where your Sins, are your Reward! If your reading this than that means that you have been chosen by a god to compete in our game! Would you like to be a god among men? What about mountains of riches as far as the eye can see? Or how about Prestige? Anything you want can be at your finger tips!.... We follow the Sinner Miles McClaren, who has unintentionally joined the game P.O.S., whilst gaining an unknown power. Will Miles become a god of his own accord? Or will he lose himself to the beast inside?

JesterRage · สยองขวัญ
4 Chs

Wolf among the Sheep

After walking for a ways, Miles had made it back to the Auditorium. The screams had subsided after he had just entered, looking around all he saw was dead bodies and scattered metal chairs lining the floor of of the auditorium.

Two individuals stood amongst the bodies looking at their phones. "Phew, well we at least took care of the majority! Smiley should be handling the stragglers." Spoke the woman as she looked up from her phone to the man.

Hearing her words Miles could only seethe with anger as he clenched his left fist and his right arm tensed.

Looking closer at these two individuals the female had blonde hair and wore a red dress with matching red high heels as if she was ready for a show. The male wore simple clothing such as sneakers and blue jeans, with a leather coat. Not much was note worthy about them other than the words they spoke.

"Well Jess, it looks like smiley won't be joining us..." The man said snidely as he showed his phone to her. A group of 3 emojis together, one blonde, one wearing a leather jacket, and a smiley emoji that's been crossed off with a red "X,"

"What?! How could that have happened Ned!? Smiley was a 2 Star Sinner, almost 3!" Jess yelled.

Looking at his phone in disbelief Ned was baffled. The ranking system of Sinners wasn't something that you could work around or even falsify. A 2 Star Sinner was considered the evolved state of the physical form, acquiring a special ability. Smiley's was 'Aerokinetic Blades', which definitely wasn't an ability to scoff at.

Looking around the room Jess noticed that Miles was standing in front of the doors. "H-hey... Ned..." She murmured as she nudged Ned's shoulder grabbing his attention from his phone.

Looking up to see the individual standing there tensed up Ned spoke out. "Hey there bud! We seem to be missing a friend of ours!"

Jolting a bit from hearing them speak to him from across the auditorium Miles loosened up a bit and released his tightened grip on his left hand.

Seeing the young man relax a bit Ned smiled a bit and put his phone into his pocket. Sliding his hand around to his back where he had a pistol he had stowed in the waist of his pants. "You see his name is Smiley." Ned spoke wryly as he walked closer. "Of course because he had a Smiley Mask!"

Miles looked up with tears flowing down his face, all of the muscles in his body immediately tightened rippling through his arms, and chest. "That was you're friend?"

Jess looking at this young man from a distance felt instant fear. She couldn't explain it but she could tell something wasn't right. "Ned, something is wrong with him!" She cried out.

Suddenly an alert chimed from the phone in her hand. Holding it up it read, "Turn of Events! Will the Hunters become the Hunted!? Event - Wolf Among the Sheep!" Her eyes went wide as she looked up from her phone to see that Miles wasn't anywhere near the doors, he was standing right behind Ned.

Another alert chimed from her phone.

"New Player has entered the game! Miles McClaren!"

"Your "Friend" killed my first girlfriend before I could even take her on our first date." He said leaning into Ned's ear.

Sweat dripping from his chin Ned quickly jumped away from Miles pulling out the pistol taking a couple of shots at him. 3 shots each burrowing a hole in Miles, but at this point Miles had become numb due to rage. One in the left shoulder, another in the right leg, and one in the stomach blowing several organs to shreds.

Standing there looking down at the shots he just took, Miles looked up at Ned with a big smile across his face. Leaving a blur in place Miles appeared right in front of Ned and slammed his bloody nub of a right arm into his face, sending Ned flying into the wall next to the doors.

Jess collapsed to her knees trembling. After all both Ned and Smiley were far stronger than she was. She herself was still just a 1 Star Sinner just starting out.

Ned was a 3 Star and Smiley wasn't that far behind him.

Then it donned on her, She looked up to Ned who was crumbling his way out of the wall. He is still a 3 Star! The only way a Sinner can become a 3 star is to collect enough Sinner points to empower yourself and ability. So there is no feasible way that this 'New Sinner' can even compare to Ned.

Staggering to his feet Ned looked up to Miles, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Good one kid! You've got some skill and strength!" Ned thought to himself about how this kid was able to move outside of his perception in an instant even catching him off guard.

"Alright bud, I think it's time I show you real power!" Taking a deep breath in Ned grunts as aura pours out of his being. Raising his pistol he aims at Miles, the aura filling the chambers of the pistol.

At this point Miles was just dead staring at Ned with a sickly smile. Pushing off the ground with his right leg behind him leaving cracks in the floor, he heads for a straight left hook.


Thrown off his balance mid air Miles clattered to the floor flat on his back. Feeling coming back to his body, looking over to his left, his entire left arm had been blown off. He laid there as he dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling.

Ned taking a deep breathe walked over to him and stood at his side. "What's your name kid?" He spoke solemnly as he crouched down next to him.

Miles coughed up blood as the light in his eyes began to slowly fade. Turning his sight to Ned, "Miles. My name is Miles, and who are you bastards to kill my first girlfriend?"

With wide eyes Ned chuckled, "Is that what got you all pissed off kid?" Ned sat down beside him and let out a deep sigh as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, putting one in his mouth, and offering one to Miles. Nodding in turn to the gesture Miles accepted.

Putting one in Miles' mouth he lit the cigarette for him, then proceeding to light his own.

With an exhale Ned spoke quietly. "I don't do this because I enjoy it kid. In fact I'd rather not do it at all." Exhaling another puff of smoke.

With what little strength was left in his body Miles struggled to sit up with frustration. "Then why?! Why are you killing innocent people!?"

Jess at this point had slowly made her way over to Ned's side and whispered in his ear. "He is a Newcomer." Side glancing at Jess, Ned brought his gaze back to Miles.

Sighing Ned stands back up with Jess and begins to walk away. Stopping a few paces away, "Kid, there are many sins in our lives. Hell if you consider it, even just living is a sin. Let me be the first to welcome you to 'Paradise.'" Continuing to walk away Miles could only watch as they rounded a corner.

Miles staggered to his feet and began to walk back the way he came in. Thinking of only Sarah, he stumbled into walls and dragged his bloody stump across lockers. Remembering the times they had together, envisioning the fantasy of them being together.

As he turned the corner he saw her severed head with streaks of dried tears on her cheeks. He fell to his knees and cradled her head in his left arm and cried for a few hours.

Later sirens could be heard all over outside of the building as law enforcers, paramedics, and firefighters came onto the scene. Finding a massacre of the whole entire graduating class and civilians, with only one individual still alive although unconscious holding a severed head.

Miles had later awoke in a hospital bed, observing his surroundings he could see that there were officers posted outside of his room with the door wide open. Turning his head to the right to look out the window to look at the city, his attention was drawn to his shoulder and lack of a right arm.

It had hit him, it wasn't all a dream. The massacre and the blood shed. The two individuals that were apart of the tragedy, and Sarah. The girl with whom he had finally confessed his love to, the girl who had made his life enjoyable and took away from all of the heartache and pain he had endured. Tears had begun to stream down his face again as he covered his face with his nubby left arm.

"Welcome new Sinner!"

Jumping at the sudden shock of hearing a voice Miles sat up and looked around. A red hue had taken over everything, and there was nothing but silence.

A black vortex had appeared at the end of the bed as a man wearing a suit and tie walked out of the void. Bowing with one arm extended an a hand at his chest, keeping his stature his face shot up as he looked at miles with a 'smile from hell.'

"Hello Mr. McClaren! Or should I call you Mr. Wolf?" He asked as he chuckled....

I know.... I know... It's been over 2 years since I even thought of adding another chapter.... Well life happens. I have 2 beautiful boys and a lovely woman that have been soaking that time up. I would absolutely love to write more and provide more story for those of you that want more. Sadly as it is I am the only working member of my home. So most of my time goes to working, and the extra goes into my family. Thankfully I had a little time to work on this chapter this weekend.

JesterRagecreators' thoughts