
Paradise of Sinners

Welcome to Paradise of Sinners! Where your Sins, are your Reward! If your reading this than that means that you have been chosen by a god to compete in our game! Would you like to be a god among men? What about mountains of riches as far as the eye can see? Or how about Prestige? Anything you want can be at your finger tips!.... We follow the Sinner Miles McClaren, who has unintentionally joined the game P.O.S., whilst gaining an unknown power. Will Miles become a god of his own accord? Or will he lose himself to the beast inside?

JesterRage · สยองขวัญ
4 Chs

The Game Begins

After dealing with the gangsters Miles was running a bit late for graduation So he had started to run hoping to get there at least on time.

After reaching the college campus he could see that there wasn't a soul in sight, figuring that they had all already gone inside for the ceremony. He continued to run inside the building and ran to where everyone else who was graduating was located.

Because everyone was going to be basically marching into the auditorium they had prescheduled everyone to be ready at the side entrance.

Picking up the pace he managed to arrive just in time while everyone was beginning to march. Quickly grabbing a graduation gown he threw it on quickly and looked for Sarah.

The day prior Miles had promised her that they would walk together in the ceremony, so Miles looked around frivolously for her. Looking around he could see a hand waiving in the distance, looking a bit closer he could see Sarah. Miles ran over quickly and stood next to her as if nothing happened.

"Geez, late much?" Sarah said sarcastically as she bumped into his shoulder.

Miles smiled a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey sorry, I got caught up with some business!" He said with a chuckle. Sarah looked at him and couldn't help but smile. "It's okay goof ball! At least you made it on time! I would have been upset if I had to walk alone." Miles looked at her and couldn't help but feel comfort.

Since they had met at the beginning of college Miles had always had a crush on her. They sat next to each other in their class and always enjoyed each other's company. Miles couldn't help but feel a little upset that he had never had the guts to ask her out, Sarah had been single throughout their entire time in college. Miles had finally decided he was gonna make a move, and ask her to be his girlfriend.

While they were standing there waiting. Miles clenched his fists as butterflies swarmed in his stomach. Then he finally spoke quietly, "H-he-hey Sarah?" Looking up at him with sudden interest, with the way that he had just spoke her heart skipped a beat. Thinking that this was finally the moment, Sarah even had a crush on Miles. They both felt the exact same way about each other, but neither of them could ever speak to do anything about it.

Looking to Sarah, Miles spoke softly. "After the graduation ceremony... Do you uh- think that uh- we could go out to dinner?.. L-l-like maybe as a couple?..." After speaking Miles suddenly got embarrassed and immediately looked to the floor while standing stiff as a board.

Sarah had wide eyes and blushed as well as chuckled a bit. She grabbed his hand and intertwined her fingers with his, moving closer she gripped his arm. "Miles, I've been waiting for you to ask." She spoke back softly, while she pulled on his side a bit and kissed his cheek.

Seeing her reaction Miles couldn't help but get red and smile like a goof. They both didn't say anything else to each other, but smile as they walked into the auditorium with the rest of the graduates.

As the graduates marched into the auditorium and take their seats behind the dean of the college. Miles and Sarah took their seats while still holding hands, then the dean began his speech.

After about a half hour of the dean speaking he had started to call up students to hand out diplomas. Sarah had gotten hers first and sat back down next to Miles. He was so excited that he had a girlfriend and it was a woman that he had actually liked. He was day dreaming about having dinner with her and how everything was gonna go.

Just as Miles name was called, the lights had gone out. The entire auditorium was pitch black, everyone had started to talk about what was going on. Even Miles and Sarah were quite confused as to what happened. Suddenly doors started slamming shut by themselves, the slams were so loud they could be heard echoing throughout the auditorium. Everyone began to panic and became restless.

Suddenly everyone's phones had received a message at the same time. Miles looked at his phone to see a little devil emoji resting on a beach chair with shades on. Underneath him a paragraph was writing out.

As the Message read, "Welcome to Paradise of Sinners! We proudly announce that you have been selected as participants for our next game! Wolf hunt! Your role has been selected for you!"

Suddenly the screen goes black, the only word that was left on the phone was, "Sheep."

The lights suddenly turned on and the auditorium doors unlocked. Everyone panicked and ran at once shoving their way threw the doors to get out. Several people died as people trampled over them. Miles and Sarah had gotten separated from the mass confusion and hysteria of everyone running around looking for an exit.

"This door is locked!" Called out one of the groups. "This one too! We're locked in!"

"Sarah! Where are you!?" Miles was running around pushing his way through the groups looking for Sarah, everywhere he looked he couldn't find her. Suddenly his phone vibrated again, and that same little emoji appeared on his phone with another paragraph.

"As by now I am sure that all of you have noticed that you are locked inside the college! As I had stated you are now apart of our game! Now let me explain the rules for you my little sheep!" As that message had finished the devil emoji hopped off of the beach chair and stood up as another message appears. "As sheep you are meant to be hunted, now you know what that means! Your gonna be killed, slaughtered gutted and even mutilated! Our Sinners, or hunters I guess I should call them. Will come after you! Each of you is worth 10 points, and our hunters collect those points! Now let the game begin!"

After reading the message Miles attitude became cold, looking at his phone with disdain he knew he had to find Sarah now! As he is the only person here who could be capable of protecting her. He looked forward and vanished.

Miles had trained his body to the very pinnacle of human strength, as he didn't look like he was that strong he was practically inhuman. Searching the entire college he stopped in the middle of a hall way intersection that had three paths. After just coming down one of them he knew that he had to take one of the hallways to try and find her.

"Miles!" Hearing his name and her voice Miles looked to his side and saw Sarah standing there out of breath. "Sarah!" He started running towards her.

Then a sound caught Miles ear, behind Sarah was a man wearing a smiley mask with numerous knives on his person. He pulled back his arm and threw a knife aimed at Sarah.

Seeing this Miles increased his speed and yelled out to Sarah. "Sarah duck!" But it was too late, the knife had increased it's speed and a wind like aura was protruding from the blades.

Miles was stopped by the knife that had hit the ground in front of him, he looked at Sarah as tears were streaming down her cheeks. She had fallen to her knees.

"NO!" Cried Miles as he took a step, her head fallen from her shoulders and rolled directly in front of him.

Miles fell to his knees and slumped his head looking at Sarah's dismembered head. Memories had flashed across his mind of their time together, and all of his pent up feelings for her. They were finally going to start dating, but it was ended before it had even began.

The smiley masked man continued to walk towards Miles with another knife at the ready. Miles was too deep into a trance of his memories with Sarah. The man stopped a few feet away from him, and spoke. "Don't worry, you'll soon join her."

Miles snapped out of his trance and grabbed the knife that had been planted heavily into the ground. He stood up while looking down at Sarah's head. He brought his head up and faced the man directly with a twisted smile on his face. The masked man's eyes grew wide seeing Miles smiling then suddenly vanished leaving behind his graduation gown.

Miles had appeared mid air right next to him as he was in motion to kick his head straight off. Suddenly Miles could feel resistance in the air as his leg was a few inches from the masked man's head, but his kick broke through. Miles' kick landed on the side of his head taking the man off of his feet and spun him in a 180 degree turn directly into the wall. Cracks spider webbed across the wall to the floor and ceiling as the masked man fell to the ground. While Miles landed softly on his feet.

Staggering back to his feet the Masked man was coughing up blood and holding his head trying to calm the ringing in his ears. He looked over at Miles who had started to walk towards him. "Who the fuck are you!? You should be just a fucking sheep!" The man screamed at the top of his lungs.

Miles took each step slowly as he walked towards the masked man, and began to speak with a solemn tone. "I will take your head, just as you did Sarah." The masked man was shaking with fear, he threw the knife he had in his hand at Miles.

As Miles went to block the knife with the one he had in his right hand, it had cut right through the knife. After it passed through the knife it had made it halfway through his wrist severing it. Miles just barely dodged the knife that was aimed for his head.

Grabbing the masked man by his hair, he slammed his foot into the masked man's chest and ripped his head off of his shoulders with the spine still intact.

Miles stood there for a minute with the masked mans head in hand, then his phone vibrated.

"The hunted has become the hunter! Welcome New Player Miles McClaren! Mystery Box has been received!"

Looking at his phone and the message, Miles could only tremble in frustration as tears fell down his cheeks. Down the halls more screams could be heard, Miles looked in the direction and dropped the head as he began to walk down the hall towards the screams.