
Paradise of Sinners

Welcome to Paradise of Sinners! Where your Sins, are your Reward! If your reading this than that means that you have been chosen by a god to compete in our game! Would you like to be a god among men? What about mountains of riches as far as the eye can see? Or how about Prestige? Anything you want can be at your finger tips!.... We follow the Sinner Miles McClaren, who has unintentionally joined the game P.O.S., whilst gaining an unknown power. Will Miles become a god of his own accord? Or will he lose himself to the beast inside?

JesterRage · สยองขวัญ
4 Chs

Miles McClaren

Growing up with a gambling addicted mother and an alcoholic father, Miles was neglected throughout his childhood. Never had what most would consider a "normal" family, being abused by his father and utterly ignored by his mother, he became cold and distant. With his mother's gambling addiction, they were always poor. So he unfortunately never had anything, didn't even hardly have any clothes for when he went to school. Luckily for him his next door neighbors always watched out for him.

Unable to actually have a child of their own they did everything they could for Miles. Bought him brand new clothes and even got him a few toys and game systems. Though the unfortunate part was when his mother didn't have anymore money to spend on her addiction she would raid his belongings to sell for cash.

One day at the age of 7 his father had decided to send him to military school for the sole purpose of "Not needing to spend anymore money on him."

After getting sent off Miles luck only worsened, the other kids there would constantly bully him for being so small and frail with practically no muscle on his body at all. But it was one day when he had been sent for toilet duty, scrubbing they entire restroom and showers with nothing but a tooth brush for coming in dead last in the physical exams that he had decided it was enough.

For the coming years he trained his body harder than anyone else in the school, honing his senses and muscles to near perfection. Slowly he had climbed to the top of the food chain bringing up his name in both fame and rank within the school.

After he turned 18 he graduated from the school and returned to his mother and father.

After he had gotten back he found out that his father's excessive drinking had ended up putting him into an early grave shortly after he left, and his mother went into a depression gambled even more, lost the house, and everything.

Miles could only look at her with disdain, he had decided to leave and let her wallow in her pit that she had created herself.

Miles went on to go to college and try to get his bachelors degree. Working at a lumber yard to pay for his classes as well as his housing. In his spare time he would collect scraps of lumber that were left over at the end of the day. He had developed the hobby for wood carving, he wasn't very good at it at first but he filled up his entire apartment with carved art he made himself.

It's been a few years since he started college, and today is the graduation ceremony.

Miles got up from his bed and went straight to his daily routine of exercises, he kept up the same daily routine even after he left the military school, and it's been 7 years since. Miles has always made it a point to keep his body in top peak condition for any occasion.

Looking at himself in the mirror, standing 6'3, black hair with a high and tight cut, and two black stainless steel earing studs in his left ear. Miles has always had an extremely toned and muscular body since he was young, scars were visible all over his body from the training and exercise he had done, as per almost destroying his body shortly after he had entered military school.

All of the women at the college campus fawn over him, being an incredibly handsome man with whom any woman would be drop dead lucky to have a chance with. Unfortunately for the ladies, Miles doesn't have the insatiable appetite that most men his age do.

Miles could never over look his past with his parents, the way he saw everyone was just animals trying to satisfy their lust and greed. So he was always skeptical of everyone around him.

But, there was one woman with whom he had never felt any of that with, Sarah.

When Miles first started college, he had gone into his 3rd class of the day, Literary Knowledge, just as he was walking in, he froze at the door. He could see her sitting at her chair in the 2nd row getting her books ready. When she made a passing look, they had both locked eyes and couldn't stop staring at each other. For both of them it was love at first sight.

Sarah was a striking beauty standing at 5'8, long dark curly blonde hair and dark blue eyes that could make him feel as if he was looking into the sea itself. With her figure she could easily be a runway model, showcasing all of the new trending clothes, but she would always were modest clothing that had matched her personality.

Getting dressed Miles wore a white tank top, black cargo pants with the legs tucked into his military boots. As he heads out the door, Miles stopped to grab the dog tags that were hanging next to the front door and hangs them from his neck.

On his way out the door of his apartment he heard sounds of crashing and screaming coming from the next apartment over.

"You mother fucker! Where is that bitch hiding!?" The voice of an older woman could be heard while thrashing sounds reverberated throughout the halls of the apartment complex.

Listening in Miles couldn't help but stare in the direction of the noise blankly. Suddenly the sound of glass shattering hit his ears and more slamming as a scream coming from a young girl sounded.

"Oh there you are you little whore!" Screamed the older woman as the door busts open and this young teen comes running out the apartment. The older woman had chased her out and threw a vase at her.

The young teen girl had ran by Miles, watching her run past him he looked back to the older woman to see a vase flying right at him. He reacted within a second as everything had went into slow motion around him. Catching the vase with his right hand in one solid piece.

Miles walked over to the older woman who was mortified that she had almost hit her neighbor while chasing out her husband's little play thing. He handed her the vase. Looking down at the vase in her hand she couldn't believe that he was able to just catch it in one piece and so quickly at that.

Miles turned around quickly and just walked away leaving his neighbor absolutely speechless.

As Miles was walking down the street he kept his head forward and looked around with just his eyes. Looking around at all of these people he could only think to himself that everyone is a nuisance. Gangsters were threatening and robbing one of the local convenience stores in front of him.

As he was walking by he suddenly stopped and looked inside while they where shaking the owner down for money. "Just pay us our fee and we'll be on our way Mr. Den." The leader of the group said with a smile on his face.

Mr. Den was an older man who wasn't in the greatest of health, Miles would come in every other day to help him restock his shelves as he couldn't hardly do it himself. Mr. Den spoke with a withered tone, "But sir we've already payed you last week, I hardly have any money to even keep my store open."

The leader of the gang smacked him upside the head, sending Mr. Den falling into the shelves behind him making him hit his head. "I honestly just don't care! Boys take everything!" Everyone of those grunts got a smile on their faces as they started to ransack the place.

Miles walked in and stood at the entrance, one of the thugs just barely noticed him as he was grabbing the cash out of the register. "Hey fucker! You got a problem?!" After hearing him speak the rest of them stopped and looked at what was going on. Miles still just stood there looking around the store, checking out the entirety of his surroundings.

Suddenly the leader spoke up with a solid tone, that suddenly went to disdain. "Look kid, we're just doing our job. Get out of here and get on with your life. Or are you looking for an early grave?" After he was finished speaking he pulled a gun out of his jacket pocket and set it on the counter.

After inspecting his surroundings Miles started to walk towards a shelf opposite of the counter and grabbed a bag of flour. He walked over to the counter and set it down right next to the gun. "Not looking for any problems, just need to buy flour for dinner tonight." Miles' tone was static, suddenly a twisted smile grew on his face as he looked up to the leader of their group. "But I found a problem right in front of me."

After hearing Miles and seeing the smile the head of the group went as fast as he could to go pick up the gun he just set down. Miles dropped down low and kicked in his knee before his finger tips could even reach the gun. The sound of his knee cap bursting and seeing their leader's leg completely caved in the other gangsters reacted as fast as they could, but Miles was faster.

Miles shot straight back up and grabbed both the gun and the flour. He threw the flour into the open in front of the other four gangsters who could barely react and shot the flour bag dispersing it throughout the store giving him cover. Reaching over he grabbed the gangster that was standing behind the counter by the back of the head and slammed it into the counter 3 times knocking him out cold.

Miles ran into the flour dust to quickly deal with the remaining four gangsters. All four of them were blinded by the flour cloud and couldn't see, 2 of them had started to shoot randomly into the cloud hoping to have hit Miles. Miles shot one of the gangsters hand that was holding the gun forcing him to drop it, while the other he had slid in underneath his feet and used his legs in a scissor motion tripping him. He quickly throat punched the gangster he tripped crushing his wind pipe.

The other two gangsters on the other side of the aisle were still utterly blinded and could hear the gunshots. Just as they had gotten out their guns, Miles had kicked the shelf into them and pinned them against the wall, one of the gangsters guns and accidently gone off and shot the other one in the leg.

Shortly after the cloud had dispersed revealing all of the gangsters had been dealt with. One dead due to suffocation, two pinned in between the wall and shelves. One unconscious, and the leader writhing in pain holding his leg.

A group of people had gathered together outside the store just stood there dumbfounded by what just took place. Miles had picked up Mr. Den and took him outside and set him in a chair that was outside the store.

Looking at one of the bystanders that was still staring inside the store Miles spoke, "Call 911, tell them that there is an elderly man that is hurt that is in need of medical attention, and make sure that the cops come to pick up the trash." Then he left as quickly as the fight had ended.

Hey guys! I am redoing P.O.S. for the sole fact that is was just 2 chapters to start with, with very little detail. I want to give you guys a story that the main character's personality is understood yet still mysterious. I hope that I can provide a good and action packed reading experience for you all.

Stay tuned!

JesterRagecreators' thoughts