
Chapter 1/2

My university is situated in Switzerland. It's an art university, where you learn how to draw and paint and express yourself in all sorts of different colours and shapes. Art was always so mysterious to me, how can someone possibly be so free with mere paper and pen? I had to try it for myself. It's not like Father and mother would object anyways, they never cared about me from the moment they laid their judgemental eyes on me, so here I am stepping my first step into an art school. A school where you're free, free from schedules and free from time, I want to know what that feels like.

As I step in I smell a strong floral scent coming from behind the campus. I look at my watch " I still have 20 minutes... Might as well give myself a tour!" So I head towards the rosy smell, to discover a magical rose garden behind this immense school it intrigued me so much. I stepped towards it when I heard a voice:

"It's a maze, " said the voice,

"Excuse me?" I turn around to see a girl with a canvas and a hat.


Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading my story!

Philadelphia is a fantasy romance story that won't let you down! I hope you will like my story!

Lots of love,
