
Returning Voyage

Looking at a panel next to the door with the words 'Hoverfalcon gen 3' i realized that this was one of the approved prototype models by the government. The room smelled of strong copper as the amount of wounded almost outweigh the officers and soldiers not wounded, Alina was accompanied by two medics who were treating other wounded officers from the ambush.

Mary was seated next to me but i dont think she notices that, "Thanks out there" said Mary "You're welcome" i replied. My wounds disappeared as they healed with the virus, the muffled noise of the engine filled the room coupled the occasional grunts and sound of Alina tending to the wounded. I stood up and crouched next to Alina who was very busy patching up the wounded officer. "Need anything? Im doing something here" asked Alina sighing, "Yeah anything i can do" i replied. "Great, hold him down"

I pushed my hands down on the officer's shoulders, Alina retrieved some sort of liquid from her bag. Pouring the solution on a thick cloth she padded the wounds of the man, the man struggled with pain and grunted for a while. Alina started to put medication she had and bandages on the wounds, "Thanks Damon, you can be my assistant if you want" said Alina with a sardonic tone to her voice. She stood up and went to the second man with a medic already tending his wounds, this man had three gunshots wounds on his chest, all hitting vital organs but it seems Alina's treatment helped.

Since the trip was bound to be long i decided to find other things to do since Alina was already almost done with her job. Walking to Mary i remembered that she had a wound on her leg, looking at the lower part of her leg was a hole gushing with fresh red blood dripping onto the floor. "It hurts like hell, you got some bandages or something?" Mary asked looking she would faint with every passing second. "Hey Damon" a voice shouted from behind, looking back a roll of bandages was heading at my direction. Instinctively i grab it and it's medical bandage wraps, "Help her and the others Damon, need more medics here" said Alina. The bullet was lodged into her leg which is hard to remove with bare hands, checking my pockets one of them had a hunting knife maybe as part of the standard issue things given to me.

The knife was long and sharp, the knife was sharp on both sides. I slowly pushed the knife into Mary's leg while she groans in pain, feeling inside her wound with the knife it hit something solid and made a small cling sound when i hit it with the knife, its the bullet. I slowly moved the bullet with the knife making sure it wont cause more damage as i remove it, the bullet fell out of her wound onto the ground with the same cling sound. Using the bandage that Alina gave me i started to wrap it around her leg with each wrap getting soaked in blood, some kind of tourniquet landed next to me, looking back again it was Alina with her thumb up looking at me with a smile. I wrapped the tourniquet on her leg tightening it as much as i can so the flow of blood doesnt drain out as much and cause more problems.

"Thanks alot Damon" said Mary beginning to lie down i helped her rest comfortably on the seat. Luna was standing in the corner of the hoverfalcon checking her gun, it seems like she doesn't want to be disturbed. Stephen was checking his gun maybe checking for problems, Sebastian though is just looking down on the floor, i walked to his side of the falcon and sat next to him. "Were you a medic before the huntsman or had any medical knowledge for patching wounds?" asked Sebastian, "I had some skill in the medical part of training but that was it." i replied. "why do you ask? i just patched her wound with a bandage and tourniquet" i asked. "No reason just curious" replied Sebastian.

Stephen sat on one of the seats in this ship, resting one of his legs on a seat next to him, fixing his sniper rifle or adjusting it. I walked to Stephen in case he needs help with something, "You ok Stephen?" i asked. Stephen looked up still fixing his rifle "Yeah i didn't get hit thankfully but my rifle did, savage shits don't care about anything but money now. We saw them before, they were once respectful and polite but now, just savages that tear out the flesh of anyone that step into their path to a reward" he continued. "What did you see in the forest with Mary?" Stephen asked. "Two apcs with Burnwick mercenaries coming out of both meanwhile another apc comes while the other drives away" Stephen looks back at me with a shocked expression on his face "Theres more of them?" he asked, "Yeah alot of mercenaries" Stephen mumbles something under his breath.

Looking around, i saw Nora sitting by herself also checking her weapons for damages or fixing them, i walked up to her and sat next to her. "I got many kills this time" said Nora. "Is the wound gone?" she asked, "Yeah" i replied.

She seems busy as well, Thalia was leaning on the wall next to the pilot door. Walking up to her she looks up to see me, "You have skills Damon I'll give you that" she said. "What makes you say that" I asked, "I mean have good aim with your rifle, a capable fighter, and skilled in video games, which reminds me you're still keeping the crown until next game night" she replied. "Education got better in this country than before, not only that but mercenary work became an encouraged career and an established part of some lucky schools like us. It isn't really related to our task at the moment but you showed good skill these past days, able to kill enemies just like us but there's something with you that sets you from the rest, but I don't know yet, nevertheless continue helping, you make a great addition to our team " she continued, and with that she goes back to thinking in her mind.

Marcel and the others seems too busy with tasks at hand, so i headed back to my seat next to Mary. Sitting down i felt the relaxation from the seat kick in, "Thanks Damon, always looking after friends as usual eh?" Mary chuckles with her arm on her eyes. "No comrade left behind right" i replied, Mary laughs loudly while resting on her back. She seems to be doing well after patching her up, by this time Alina finished tending to the wounded and went to sit down on the seat and rested.

The hoverfalcon went to a stop and began to land, the doors open and we were in front of a hospital paramedics rushed inside with hospital gurneys and medical equipment, they began lifting the officers outside into the hospital. "Don't worry were gonna drop you guys off at the school, i think they have better medical equipment there" a police officer said while helping the paramedics to lift wounded officers.

My hands had dried blood drenched into my gloves with some drops more recent than the other, "When i joined i mostly did it for the adventures and fighting, right now I'm kinda stemmed on that decision. Sometimes i regret my choices and that leads more punishment by the school so i decided to become a soldier, surprisingly i passed the course and became a huntsman" said Mary still in the same position as before. "what about you Damon? have any doubts on thus huntsman decision" asked Mary.

"It ain't honest work nor safe work but i do this for adventure and newer friends, that's all and maybe the money" i explained, Mary chuckled "You and i are not that different after all" said Mary.

Looking again my wounds looked normal already, the scarring of the wound disappeared like it was never there. My rifle looked damaged as it fell and suffered other punishments, but it still seems functional.

The hoverfalcon stopped and began to land again, the doors open and i was introduced to a large helipad on a roof with a flag at the edge, with the school. I didn't know the school had a helipad as well, medics rushed to the falcon then inspected everyone if they were wounded. They carried Mary with them to a nearby elevator while everyone else stepped out of the falcon. As all of us got out the hoverfalcon lifted off and flew away. Finally back in the school i was almost missing the school already, we went to the two elevators and Stephen pressed a button, one of the doors opened and the inside was spacious, we all stepped into the elevator.

Stephen presses another and the doors close, the elevator descends and today's mission ends and the next task awaits outside these elevator doors.