
Chapter 4

After what Xander's had said there was not even a word uttered between the two of them

At Xander's place

As they got to their destination, Xander exited the car not caring one bit about Alexandra.

She got out of the car chasing after her husband. It seems that her husband did not even want to be one more moment in the company of his wife.

Alexandra: Can you please slow down a little bit so I can't keep up with you?

Xander: How is that my problem? If you had paid attention to me in the car, the last thing that I want to do right now is to be next to you. And can you please stop playing the victim card with me? Both of us know that you wanted to get married to me to attain the title of Ms. Evelin. I know your type, you are all about fame, and playing the victim but in reality, you are not more than a bitch.

Alexandra's heart was stabbed so much by her husband's words, but she could not defend herself because she understood that he was hurt by the fact that he could not marry the girl that he loved, and he had to marry her ugly self. Even her father did not love her, how could she expect a random stranger to fall in love with her.

Alexandra: Can we at least be friends?

Xander got to the front door and while he opened the door he said: Friend…? With the likes of you, I am better off without a friend. You can have my money and my family's reputation but don't even dream about attaining my friendship, love, or company. You are something that I am disgusted with to my core.

As he said that he got into the house. Alexandra's eyes were so full of tears and her heart was so hurt. The last thing she could do was to defend herself but the words were stuck. She cried in front of the house to get rid of the emptiness and frustration that she was feeling before entering the house.

As Alexandra got into the house she found in the living room a petite woman with a stern look on her face. Alexandra guessed she was the housekeeper of the house.

Housekeeper: Good evening, madam! My name is Alice and I am Mr. Evelin's housekeeper.

Alexandra: Good evening, Alice! It is a pleasure to meet you, I will be in your care from now on, said Alexandra as she took the elderly's woman hands in her own hands. You don't have to be so formal to me, you can call me Alexandra by the way, madam sounds like too much to me.

The elder woman was so shocked to find out that the personality of the madam was not like the one that she expected. But maybe she was putting on an act in front of her, still, the warmth of her hands was saying to the old woman that she was not faking anything and that what she was doing was 100% genuine.