
The Accident

Despite the noticeable changes in his physical form, the toll of the past events continued to burden Echo's mind, leaving him in a state of profound exhaustion. For another week, he remained in a deep slumber, his body in a state of recovery. It was early July when we had settled into a semblance of routine, tending to our tasks and taking our meals in silence. Suddenly, Echo appeared in the kitchen, his presence a gentle interruption in the quietude. Methodically, he moved about the room, effortlessly preparing a simple breakfast for himself, the clinking of the cutlery the only sound punctuating the air. We watched him with a mix of relief and curiosity, each of us acutely aware of the significance of this seemingly ordinary moment.

As Echo sat there enjoying his meal, he couldn't help but notice our stunned expressions fixed upon him. With a wry grin, he quipped, "What's wrong with you guys? You look as though you've never seen a Ruffian eat cereal in milk before."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Echo, that's not the issue here. We're looking at you like that because—"

Before I could finish, he interjected, "Oh, so what's the big fuss about then? After Matilda administered that injection yesterday, I slept like a baby for the first time in years. It was as if all the weight of my wearied existence had momentarily lifted. I may not have fully regained my strength, but being alive again feels liberating."

Lady Vice's shocked voice cut through the air, "Echo, it's not just yesterday. You've been in a deep slumber for nearly a year since that fateful day."

His face, once radiant with joy, quickly contorted into an expression of profound sadness. Setting the cereal box down, he slumped back into his chair, the weight of the lost time and the reality of the situation settling in like a heavy shroud.

"To be honest, I don't know whether to say thank you or just burst into tears. I owe my life to all of you and my late fiancé. I understand it's been a while. Please forgive my initial reaction to the news. I'm ... I'm just," he trailed off as tears welled up in his eyes.

We encircled him, enveloping him in a warm embrace, sharing in his overwhelming sense of gratitude and relief. Echo's voice quivered with emotion as he managed to speak, "I'm so grateful to be alive right now!" For the remainder of that day, jubilant laughter and cheers filled the space, momentarily overshadowing the gravity of the situation. We indulged in a celebration, relishing each other's company and the simple joy of being alive.

The following day marked a return to the toil and sweat of our mission. We embarked on the mass production of the purple fluid concocted by Matilda, aptly named Sizzurp. Once synthesized, we meticulously loaded it into syringes for immediate use. Meanwhile, Codex lent his expertise to Echo, aiding in the arduous process of rebuilding his ship.

Despite our progress with the Sizzurp, it was evident that the path to repairing Echo's ship was fraught with obstacles. The integration of the warp drive with the phase shift engine from his original vessel proved to be a daunting challenge. Although Echo had vouched for the capabilities of the phase shift engine, its veracity remained unverified, prompting us to enlist the aid of additional engineers to assist in the intricate process of construction and alignment.

In the midst of the construction and testing phase, we subjected Echo to a thorough examination to ensure his complete recovery. The results were reassuring, indicating the complete eradication of the mutagen from his system. However, our experimentation with the Sizzurp unveiled a limitation; its effectiveness was contingent on the victim's condition, proving ineffective in the face of complete corruption and near-fatality.

With much anticipation and persistent effort, we finally succeeded in resurrecting Echo's ship after an exhaustive month of relentless toil. The gears of the vessel hummed in unison, synchronizing like a well-tuned orchestra, filling the dock with a faint symphony of revived machinery. Yet, our elation was short-lived, as a looming uncertainty abruptly tempered our celebration.

"Hey everyone, the engineers said everything is functioning properly. How 'bout we fire this baby up and see if it's ready to go? You guys have done so much for me, and I want all of you here for this occasion as my new spaceship takes flight," Echo beamed with childlike excitement.

"Well, that's excellent news. Personally, I'm quite intrigued by that ship, if not anything else in this forsaken place!" Codex chuckled, his voice resonating with a touch of pride. "That phase shift engine was an absolute headache to restore. It just wouldn't sync with the warp drive for some inexplicable reason."

"That may be so, but you managed to get the stubborn thing up and running again, against all odds," Lady Vice chimed in, her voice subtly laced with admiration for Codex's mechanical prowess.

"Don't get ahead of yourself just yet. We need to initiate the startup procedure first and make sure the ship can actually depart, let alone navigate smoothly," Matilda interjected as she strode into the dock, her face etched with traces of discontent.

"Why the early-morning grumpiness, Matilda? Isn't this supposed to be a joyous occasion? Besides, we're off today precisely for this reason," Issiac retorted in an attempt to diffuse her irritation.

"It's precisely because it's morning that I'm annoyed. It's freaking 5:00 AM! We never even wake up this early for work!" Matilda snapped back, her irritation palpable in the air. "Well, look at the bright side: after Echo leaves, you can catch up on some much-needed rest for the rest of the day. Besides, he'd be disheartened if you weren't here to bid him farewell," I suggested, attempting to pacify her exasperation with a soothing tone.

"Uh, that is a valid point. Considering all that we've endured, it would hardly be considered a proper sendoff without someone of my stunning beauty and intellect present, now would it?" Matilda conceded with a resigned sigh, her pride momentarily restored. "I'll excuse this unwelcome disruption to my usual routine, just this once."

A collective eye-roll ensued at Matilda's display, but Echo, ever the jovial spirit, erupted into laughter instead. We all turned to him, caught off guard by his infectious mirth, and he quipped, "I love the vibrancy and enthusiasm you all exude. I'm really going to miss each and every one of you. But enough of the sentimentality; let's get this party started!"

We all cheered because Echo could finally go home, even if his mission wasn't guaranteed to be a success. He would at least be able to prevent more people and creatures from falling prey to the corruption. As for how he planned to confront the corruption back on his homeworld, uncertainty lingered among us.

We watched from the docking bay as Echo started up his ship. Initially, everything seemed to be progressing smoothly. We hurried up to the control room to open the hangar bay of the space station. As Echo began to pull out, he activated the phase shift engine, and the ship started emanating a brilliant fluorescent purple and green color. He maneuvered the ship outside the hangar and then communicated through the video com, "Well, everything seems to be in order. The warp drive is ready to be engaged, and that glowing purple and green hue indicates that the phase shift engine is functioning properly. I should be able to depart now. All I have to do is—"

Error ... Error ... Error

Phase Shift Engine Connection Error...

Cannot Connect to Host...

Cannot Connect to Host...

Default Setup Initialized...

"Uh, guys, something's wrong with the ship; it's not responding!" Echo shouted, frustration seeping into his voice.

"Quickly power it down and get it back in the hangar!" Issiac bellowed. Echo swiftly landed the ship and powered it down. As the ship ceased glowing, Echo emerged from it, clearly crestfallen and visibly frustrated. "Dang it! Everything seemed to be aligned perfectly. What happened? All the systems checked out, everything ran as it should have. We were so close," Echo lamented, his disappointment palpable in the hangar's atmosphere.

All five of us and the engineers dashed to the hangar bay, anxious to figure out what had gone wrong. While the engineers focused on assessing the ship, we hurried over to Echo, who was seething with frustration. After a few moments, we managed to soothe his agitation, although our efforts were cut short when we heard the engineers shouting.

A concerned engineer approached us in a rush, asking, "So, quick question: you did shut down the engine, warp drive, and the phase shift engine completely, right? We seem to have a massive problem here." Echo quickly responded, "Yes, I shut down the Phase Shift Engine and the warp drive first, then the ship, and cut the power. Why?"

The engineer continued anxiously, "Because the system is—"

Before he could finish, the space station's alarm system blared, filling the hangar with its urgent warnings:

Warning! .... Warning! ....

Paradoxal Distortion Detected!...

Wormhole Detected in Proximity of Station...

Engaging Emergency Protocols...

"I hate when it does that..." I muttered aloud, my own unease palpable in the tense atmosphere.

Warning! .... Warning! ....

Emergency Protocols Are Now in Effect! ...

Warning! .... Warning! ....

Emergency Protocols Are Now in Effect! ....

As the blaring alarms continued to reverberate throughout the station, we could hear another voice emerging from Echo's spaceship. All of us turned to look, witnessing the engineers scrambling to distance themselves from the vessel, their fear evident in their frantic movements.

Connection Has Been Reestablished...

Phase Shift Engine Engaged!

Activating Warp Drive System!

"What the bloody hell is going on?" shouted Matilda, her voice trembling with fear. "Why is everything going off at once? Last time I checked, this is not how a sendoff is supposed to work."

The engineer, his face stricken with worry, explained, "The phase shift engine never shut down completely, and somehow beforehand, it seems we didn't notice that it had been damaged. There is a huge crack in the middle, causing it to malfunction. Since it didn't shut down properly, it has been attempting to force a reconnection to some foreign system; so much so that it is ripping a hole in spacetime."

Cold fear gripped Lady Vice as she realized the severity of the situation. "How could you guys not have noticed something so significant! Wait, don't tell me that it's creating a ---"

"I'm afraid so. That so-called wormhole that's forming is sitting right in our dock. We need to get that ship out of here now!" shouted one of the engineers over the blaring alarms.

Panic started to set in as we realized the gravity of the impending disaster. "That's a great idea, but how do we do that with the entire system in lockdown? We can't even open the hangar doors," I said, my voice betraying my rising concern.

Just then, Echo's ship started emitting a bright red fluorescent glow, hovering above us in the hangar. The air crackled with tension as Codex's words cut through the chaos. "Welp! I hate to be the one to say this, but we have two possible outcomes for this," Codex stated gravely.

Matilda's anger subsided as she recognized the severity of the situation. "Oh yeah! Well, what the hell are they? Do you care to enlighten us to our dire circumstances?" she demanded, her voice quivering with anxiety. Codex, normally composed, seemed visibly shaken. "Well, the way I see it, the two options are like this. The first one is the most likely possibility; we all die in an implosion of a black hole opening up in the middle of the space station."

Lady Vice's composure faltered as she contemplated the terrifying prospects. "Okay, as fun as that option sounds, we'll leave that as a last resort. What is the other option?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "The other one is that we get thrown somewhere random in space, getting split up in the process. Our space station is either damaged or destroyed somewhere unknown, and we still manage to die somehow after that," Codex explained, the weight of their predicament evident in his tone.

I felt a surge of determination amid the chaos. "Then, I suggest we all get in an airship quickly and get the heck outta here!" I suggested urgently, trying to maintain a sense of control in the face of impending disaster. "Don't worry about the hangar doors; I'll blast them open for us," said Echo, his voice resolute despite the growing panic around us.

We then looked around and found one of the old cargo anti-raid ships. Everyone scrambled into the ship, the cold metallic walls and the hum of the engines vibrating beneath us serving as a reminder of the imminent danger. Echo took the helm, his hands gripping the controls with a mix of determination and fear etched across his face. The ship rumbled to life, its thrusters kicking up a whirlwind of dust and debris as we shot out of the hangar with a burst of speed.

As the space station vanished in a blaze of crimson light behind us, the tension in the ship was palpable. The distant stars seemed to blur as we hurtled through space, the ship straining against the relentless force pulling us back toward the station's remnants. Lady Vice's knuckles turned white as she clutched the nearest railing, her eyes fixed on the swirling void ahead. Matilda, usually composed, was whispering fervent prayers under her breath, her fingers tracing a protective sigil over her chest.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the rush of adrenaline clouding my thoughts as we neared the center of the gravitational force. Echo's ship loomed ahead, its fluorescent red glow casting an eerie shadow over the chaotic scene. The ship quaked under the strain, a chorus of warning beeps blaring through the air. Codex, typically unflappable, was muttering rapid calculations, his brow furrowed in concentration, while Issiac was frantically trying to recalibrate the ship's failing engines.

Echo's voice cut through the tension, determined but laced with a tinge of desperation. "Hold on, everyone! We're not done yet. We're not going down without a fight!" His grip tightened on the controls as the ship quivered, its frame protesting against the overwhelming force pulling us back. The darkness enveloped us like a shroud, the distant stars fading into obscurity, leaving only Echo's ship as our guiding beacon.

Suddenly, the ship's display flickered to life, illuminating the dim cabin with a blinding white light. The ship's computer voice boomed through the speakers, its words reverberating off the walls, and for a brief moment, hope flickered in our hearts amidst the chaos.

Connection to Tachyon Planet Reestablished! ...

Connecting to Negative Recon Towers ...

Connection Established! ...

Engaging Warp Systems! ...

Target! Negative Dimension ... Negative Recon Towers ...

Objective .... Planet Pandemia ...

Homebound Beacon Found! Beginning Warp! ...

A blinding surge of light enveloped us, and the ship lurched forward, propelling us into the unknown abyss between dimensions. Echo's resolute voice echoed in the midst of the chaos, carrying with it a glimmer of hope, however faint. "Hold on tight, everybody! We're about to warp between dimensions! Although I wanted you guys to see my home, this is not how I wanted it to happen. Just pray we survive!"