
Moved In

It was a Friday afternoon when the ambulance pulled up to the emergency doors. Mahonri and few other doctors rushed to meet the paramedics.

"What have we got?" Doctor Henry asked, as they pulled her out and started to wheel her into the emergency room.

"Caucasian female, mid-twenties. Unconscious. Broken left tibia, sprained right wrist. She was thrown from her bike when a vehicle hit her. BP 106 over 45 in the field."

"Mahonri," Henry said, "I want X-rays and an MRI stat." He needed to be sure there were no other injuries that needed addressing. Because she was unconscious, he wanted to ensure she didn't have a concussion.

As Mahonri waited for the test results to run their course, he found himself a little distracted. The female he had been assigned was beautiful. He didn't see a ring amoung the things he needed to remove for the MRI. Did that mean she was single? He hoped she was. The printer started to spit out her test result and Mahonri shook himself back to reality.

Her MRI was clean. No other serious breaks or injuries. Lower leg was definitely broken. Wrist definitely sprained. Her left hip was heavily bruised. She was fortunate her injures weren't more serious than they were. Given time, and possibly some physical therapy with her ankle and wrist, she would be just fine. Once they had identified her as Rehabiah Opal, Mahonri was a little disappointed to learn her boyfriend had come and taken her home.

He was surprised when she came back to the hospital five weeks later. She had been beaten. Her nearly healed broken leg had been aggravated and would take several more weeks to heal. Several days were spent in the hospital. Mahonri checked often to see if she would be okay. Her boyfriend never came by. A distant friend dropped her purse off at the front desk. Mahonri wasn't aware of any other visitors. He bought and brought her a bouquet of flowers.

"Rehabiah Opal?" he asked.

"What do you want?" Rehabiah growled.

"I came to bring you flowers and to say, I'm sorry that you've been hurt."

She scoffed. "Why do you care?"

"I... I think you're beautiful."

"Flattery will get you nowhere."

"It's not flattery, it's..."

"Look! I don't know who you are nor do I care. Niceties are all an act until the woman's use it over, so just... leave me alone." Tears came to her eyes and she tried to blink them back. One slid down her cheek and Mahonri automatically reached to wipe it away. "Don't touch me!" she said through clenched teeth.

"Okay. I'm sorry." He left the flowers on the tray next to her bed and left the room.

The day she could check out, Mahonri checked on her one final time.

"Ms. Opal," he greeted. "How are you feeling today?" He was dressed in dark green scrubs and white tennis shoes. He actually remembered to wear his name tag today.

"Fine, I guess," she said, annoyed. She signed the paperwork and turned to limp from the hospital.

"Can I drive you somewhere?" Mahonri asked, following her.


"Do you have a ride?"

"I have nothing!" she yelled. "Why can't you leave me alone?"

"Because, I..."

"Forget it!" Then she entered the elevator.

A look of disappointment depressed Mahonri's face as the doors closed. Her temperament didn't match what he thought. But it didn't stop the attraction she felt toward her. Mahonri sighed then finished his shift. It seemed he had the crotchety wing that morning. Very few of those he was assigned to watch over were polite. Civil at best. He was grateful when he could clock out and walk home.

The air smelled clean as Mahonri walked down the street to his apartment complex. The neighborhood was friendly, though not very quiet since the apartments were located close to the hospital. But he liked it because his brother-in-law, Dale, owned the complex. And he could walk to work. Each apartment was lightly furnished—a couch and coffee table in the front room and a bed in the bedroom. There was a small kitchen, with a stove and small refrigerator, and a closet door that opened up into a mini laundry room. He crossed the parking lot.

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He watched a woman he had not seen at the complex before slowly hop her way up the stairs that led to his apartment. She had a cast on her left leg. The splint on her right wrist clanging against the railing as she grabbed it to hop up the next step. Mahonri reached the steps and took the first few.

"Need some help?" he asked, as she set her grocery bags on the top step.

"No, thank you," she replied, jumping up the last of the steps.

"So, you can be civil."

Rehabiah Opal turned as she picked up her bags. "Are you a stalker?" she asked as he climbed the rest of the stairs.

"No. I happen to live here. Apartment 22."

She gave a stiff nod then limped to her apartment. Number 15. Mahonri watched her until she entered the apartment. He entered his apartment as his phone rang.

"Hi, Dale," he answered as he entered his apartment.

"Hi, Mahonri. Have you met the new tenant in 15?"

"I have."

"She's supposed to be moving in today, but I haven't seen anything yet."

"Okay. I'll check with her."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He waited a little longer before he knocked on her door. He knocked a second time. She didn't answer. He turned to return to his apartment when she opened the door.

"Hey," she called, leaning against the door frame. "You want something?"

Mahonri stopped and turned back towards her. "Just wondering if you needed any help moving in," he said.

"Already moved in."

He looked as if he didn't believe her. "When? Dale's been waiting for a truck or car to bring your stuff by."

"Not needed."


"Was there something else you needed?"


Standing straight, Rehabiah closed the door.

Mahonri shook his head and entered his apartment. He felt drawn to this woman, yet she was the meanest person he had ever met in and out of the hospital. Rehabiah bit without mercy. Was she always like that? Or had this last visit to the hospital changed something for her? There hadn't been any time to learn much about her, but why was she renting an apartment? She already had a home, didn't she? Mahonri opened his fridge. He pulled out his left over Spelt and vegetable casserole and ate it cold. He didn't own a microwave and he hardly used the stove.

He had taken courses in natural healing—in addition to his schooling to become a CRN and physician's assistant. He knew how important nutrition was to the health of the body. He wondered if Rehabiah had similar feelings since she had been biking. He was almost finished when the door to his apartment creaked open. Dale had come over. He only invaded when Mahonri failed to call him back.

He stepped into the kitchen. "So, brother-in-law, does she need help?"