

Penny has three brothers: one is a billionaire CEO, the second is the youngest military lieutenant, and the last is a successful actor. These three successful men had only one common ground: bullying Penny, their sore-eye of a little sister. The sister they never wished to have, and the one who claimed to be their real sister, while the sister they treasured all this time was a fake. After living a life of maltreatment in her aunt's home, some people of high standing came to Penny with news of her real parentage. She thought she was finally saved from her aunt’s clutches, unaware that what awaited her was worse. At 13, Penny only wished for one thing: for her brothers to love her and treat her like family, just as much as they loved their fake sister. She worked and studied ten times harder than anybody else just to be accepted by them. In her desperation, she foolishly fell into a trap set by a malicious person, not knowing her actions would result in the downfall of her brothers and her ending up in jail with a death sentence. On her execution day, Penny had only one thought in mind: If she ever got to go back in time, her brothers could pamper their fake sister for all she cared! She wanted nothing to do with them! And much to her surprise, Penny found herself back on the day it all began: the day she was born. As promised, this time, she wouldn’t foolishly try to earn her brothers' love and affection. Never mind family! She’d just make a lot of money, live in luxury, and make a family of her own! But wait, why is it now that she didn’t want anything to do with her brothers, they kept poking their noses into her business? Weren’t they supposed to pamper their fake sister? Why won’t they leave her alone?! And how on earth was she married in this lifetime? To make matters worse, this husband she never had in her first life was suddenly volunteering to be the father of her children?!

BAJJ · สมัยใหม่
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Growing hatred, jealousy, and inferiority

During the meal, Haines and Charles couldn't contain their excitement. Penny thought since she indifferently brushed it off, they would drop it. 

Allison usually didn't like this type of conversation at the table, but she made an exception this time. This also made her proud of Penny. The rest of the kids had to listen, though the older children couldn't help but inquire as it earned their intrigue. 

The only one who wasn't happy with it was Penny... and Nina. It was hard to feign a deaf ear when they were almost shouting about it in front of her ear. If only Penny knew this would happen, she would've been extra discreet!

Why was Nina so nosy?! 

Nina was also not pleased with how things turned out. She was trying to put Penny in a difficult position, but it only ended with everyone praising her that heaven could even hear them!

After breakfast, Haines showed Charles the files Penny made last night.