
Palworld: Washed Up Outsider

Dying during a pirate raid, and washing up in a different world wasn't something I expected. Especially not in a world that was just newly introduced to me. My whole situation is unnerving, but I'm quick to move on and adapt. So even if there's magical bullshit now it doesn't affect me much. I just have to survive... should be simple enough. (SI sorta)

BiazarKaiser · วิดีโอเกม
13 Chs

7: Yanderes, Mark, and Hostage, Assemble

Kneeling at a strange bowl I saw the Outsider I had come to help free. However, things looked to be very bad for business as whatever was in that bowl they were trying to use it and do something to the man. Yet each time they dunked his head in and pulled it out, asking if he now needs the call. I could only see the rage building in the Outsider, the commander here, Francine Sunring, seeming to take that a good sign. Yet I couldn't help but back up slowly over time as the Outsider wasn't yielding to whatever is in the bowl.

Instead whatever they were doing to him just kept adding onto his anger. Then he screamed and I was sent flying past the unlocked cages of the Pals who volunteered to come here. My skin burning as something dark burnt at my body, only to be put out by what looked to be a ghostly Katress walking into the continuous exploding darkness.


Before sleep took me I swore I heard the ghostly Katress speaking. Seemingly to the air….

"You dare touch what isn't yours Prophet, Devil King? You dare conspire against me and mine? Then I shall show no mercy, I shall save my Outsider and bring nothing but what you desired from him and my descendant. Hah! Folly? You hold no sway over him or his future, he resists for he KNOWS what he wants out of life… like Warsect did with his garden. So I shall not be idle if you dare go against his wishes like so, for it makes you no better than the Human and Pal Tyrants we once felled."

\\// 16 Hours Earlier, ???????? POV, Penking Jail //\\

I have to admit getting thrown back into a cage because I couldn't not get aroused wasn't a good thing. The old Penking tapped his flipper on a sign reading "Don't be a pervert in public" as he stared at me. This was my tenth time in three days that he was trying to get the message into my sex addled mind. But it was just hard not to admire everyone and stay unaffected! My species is meant to keep both Pal and Humans plentiful. Well Humans more so after one of our ancestors discovered we could indeed be impregnated by Humans.

Though compared to the other Humans I had found the one that just drove me crazy with DESIRE. Just thinking about him and my body's natural reaction caused the Penking to sigh. Giving me a tired if not the exasperated look of a father to his young which stung to see. He moved to speak before his mate, Dinossum Lux, opened the door to his makeshift prison. A prison for specifically me… and a Depresso the Human who lives in the church called "Mark."

Out of his species Mark was truly an unmotivated, yet motivated, bastard that loved getting violent. The Depresso being unnaturally violent towards anyone who smiled at him. Said Depresso was currently dangling in a cage across from me. Looking done with life, as he used his teeth to clink a small watering hole on his cage's bars. Behind the Penkings mate was a Human dressed in white and red clothing looking around curiously.

"Huh so you lot set up shop outside the old Lunarian Church and built a jail for som…. Ah I see a Lovander and a Depresso… a Depresso named Mark? Alrighty then. Anyways you were the Pal I was directed to sir Penking about business and asking a question."

The Penking rumbled something at the Human while tapping on another sign reading "Prison." The Human just chuckled.

"Yes I can see this is indeed a prison my good sir. Why else would you have a Lovander locked up? But no, I was wondering if you had excess goods I could purchase or trade for, and if you knew a purple glowing eyed man."

At the last part we all stared at the Human, Mark dropping his watering hole and letting it shatter in his cage. The Human looked at us perplexed before speaking.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

Even though the Penking gave me a look I bent the bars to my cage and broke its door. Stalking over to the Human, glaring at him as my finger shined a dangerous light.

"Where is he?!"

"Uh ma'am, I'm assuming you're a female as you don't have the signs of being a male Lovander, I don't understand what you just said. However, I think I get the meaning as your species is known to be very crazed should you find a male or female you like more than the rest. But by how threatening you're being I'm guessing he's not turned up in the two days it took me to find this place?"

A flipper slapped my snout, a very gruff and dangerous voice sounding from the Penking. One word and I shuddered, taking a step away from the Human under the Pals gaze.


The Human sighed before a large green paw landed on his shoulder. The Dinossum silently stared at the Human who looked anywhere but into her eyes. Meanwhile, he tried shuffling away only to fail as the Pal kept him in place by holding onto his shoulder.

"Okay I'm guessing that this a sign that yes he hasn't been here. But do not fret. I may know where he is! It's just a very unfriendly and dangerous location that the Ryne Syndicate calls home near the Ancient Tower. Though if you wish to get him back, just showing up will end poorly. So as a good business man I shall give you an in, if you help me get your Outsider to do business with me. what do you say?"

There wasn't even a moment to make a choice. The Penkings' mate took the Human outside and screamed.


Before I could be locked up again I scurried out of the den with Mark blurring by me with shadows. From the small mountain which the Outsider called home, two blurring figures approached quickly. Although they didn't crash into the ground their landings still caused small fissuring craters. The Outsiders favorite Nitewing with a positively small Quivern hanging onto her neck, and a twitchy if not crazed Elizabee. Who looked around before spotting the Human and readying her staff to kill him. If Penking didn't slap her arms down the Human would be a smear of blood.

Funny thing about Elizabee's and Beegarde's from what I remember my kin mentioning in passing. Is that they become absolutely loyal to Outsiders who earn their attention. Much like us Lovander's who fall so hard upon finding our one favorite target of affection. So the Human had no clear idea how close he had truly come to dying by a worried insectoid woman. For she, like me, probably instantly judged him guilty as how can he know our Outsider yet not bring him back? Unless he'd done something to him…

If he did something he'd not see the sun ever again. However, to get into the den he was at, the Human suggested playing with the idea of us being freshly captured "merchandise." The Humans' idea was nonsensical, but he had a point. If we didn't want to die we needed to invade the den of the deranged Humans through a ploy of being helpless. Much like how my mother did so before entrapping her mate and my father as no sane being approaches us sadly.

//\\ Present Time, Mark the Depresso POV \\//

My nemesis will be returned to us. For it is even more unmotivating to live without his playful smile. If the only motivating thing disappears, I will just kill everything I see until I'm dead. As life sucks, Humans suck, Pals suck, everything just sucks. Even my mate used to suck to be around. Yet that irritating smile annoys me so much for some reason that I just want to rip the Outsiders throat out. Yet I for some reason haven't done so I instead found our brief meetings fun.

Yet at this moment I really HATED life. Gouging the eyes out of a Humans skull I fed the wailing Human their own pasty eyes that clung to my claws. Looking towards where my nemesis was I only saw shadows exploding out from the Human dens center area repeatedly. The screaming of my nemesis makes me scowl.

"My depression is being replaced with rage, I don't like this. Why can't life just let me be depressed and spiteful?"