
Palworld: Washed Up Outsider

Dying during a pirate raid, and washing up in a different world wasn't something I expected. Especially not in a world that was just newly introduced to me. My whole situation is unnerving, but I'm quick to move on and adapt. So even if there's magical bullshit now it doesn't affect me much. I just have to survive... should be simple enough. (SI sorta)

BiazarKaiser · วิดีโอเกม
13 Chs


I was just going to post this normally, but I got a system notification that this book has frankly reached the point to end up on "fresh stories" tomorrow, then yadda yadda crap contract... So yeah apparently only four in and people managed to get it recommended


Looking at the blanching bastard I stepped on the fresh corpse at my feet. Walking slowly towards him as he struggled to pull out of the Anubis who now rather vengefully used his vice to trap him. The fat piece of shit more terrified of losing his dick than being cut or stabbed to death.

"Release him, and hack that filth up."

The Anubis in response violently kicked the bastard right at me. Hearing the fat piece of shit and waste of life screaming as he came flying at me. I side stepped him, holding my new sword sideways and just right enough that he essentially disemboweled himself mid flight. When he landed near the tent flap he was whimpering and trying to scoop his insides back inside.

"Guahhh… gaaaah! It hurts so much… Why isn't it working?! Why aren't they staying in… I need my sweet little healer…. My sweet little doll… surely breaking him would help me… feel better…. AAAAHHH YOU BASTARD! YOoooou'll paaa…."

Walking over to him as he blubbered on, I shot his balls and dick into a red paste and nothingness. The fact white fluid mixed in with the blood was absolutely disgusting to me. Even when dying the bastard had to climax in some way, and that pisses me off. So as he screamed his threats I swung my sword cutting his lower jaw off along with most of his throat in the process. His tongue flapping about before the light finally left his eyes.

Behind me I could hear the quiet sobs and vomiting of the Anubis. Opening the tent flap I didn't pay attention to the mayhem I just requested something. Even as Humans and Pals screamed while dying I ignored them to do what I felt was right.

"Any Pal that can use water and help soothe a traumatized mind please come here. Someone could use your help in this shit hole."

A Penking missing his right eye and having horrific burn scars waddled his way here, a Dinossum Lux following after him. Her flower wilted, her body scared with bite marks, cuts, bullet holes, signs of someone eating her flesh then healing her, and sexual abuse. Yet the big flowery dinosaur dragon had a fire and resolve in her eyes, opening the flap wider and moving aside I let the two large Pals enter. The Penking kicking the one known as Markus out of the way.

While the Dinossum upon seeing Trudence bellowed a war cry and mutilated his corpse beyond recognition. Besides being a bloody smear painting the ground, ceiling, and tent walls you'd never know it was Trudence if you didn't see him dead. While the Dinossum did that I heard the whispers again, and they sounded depressed. Closing my eyes I wished the late soul a peaceful slumber

"A mother's wrath unleashed, a son taken and used like a toy. A healing slave no longer for they now sleep in my embrace."

Leaving the tent as the two helped the Anubis out I walked through the mess outside. The Direhowls and Bees forced FPA and RSM forces onto their knees in submission in the camp's center. The Pals who were still alive mentally and bodily, itched at a chance to murder them. Impaling my sword into the ground beside me with a purpose I addressed the filth before me.

"I won't make this needlessly complicated. You're all facing Summary Execution for your crimes so you're not living past tonight. But I'm not the one who deserves to give your WORTHLESS lives your execution."

I could hear the fussing of two Pals chasing after a set of footsteps. The Anubis from the tent walked up to my side and stared at me as I moved towards the shaking Elizabee.

"No, your deaths are for her to give out. You wronged every Pal here, but she is the one with the greatest authority to execute you how she sees fit."

I could hear my sword being ripped from the ground before the sound of death and carnage commenced. The Pals which were waiting for a chance to jump the captive humans with Murderous glee had done so. Grabbing Elizabee's shoulder I guided the queen bee away from the camp. Taking the time to help calm her down as the queen bee broke down, wailing at the sights she likely saw for the first time. Meanwhile, I was already desentized to it by games, movies, and my own sociopath nature so I just took it in stride.

I gave her time to grieve and process the horrors she had seen, committed, and will never forget. My words are uncaring seemingly, but they're words anyone leading needs to hear at least once.

"Eliza, what you saw is only a fraction of the dark stuff every creature is capable of. You can't break down like this all the time, especially not in front of the enemy or your people. It's okay to do it if it's too much, but sometimes you need to harden your heart and steel your mind and march forward. The way we're going, we're going to see more of this. Not for some noble cause or heroic bullshit, simply because they'll either come to us or we come to them. They don't deserve to live, their monsters in human skin and as you saw likely, that also includes Pals who ENJOYED every second of it.

You did NOTHING wrong. You did your duty as a queen, you brought order to chaos for your people. You showed you cared and were willing to put a stop to barbaric practices. Practices that even most criminals in my old home wouldn't tolerate as even the worst of them had STANDARDS for what they did. These monsters? They didn't, so they deserved what they got. Pay kindness with kindness, evil with evil, violence with violence. If they threaten you and your people, you crush them without mercy, feel sorrow or empty after the job is done. But never forget, for these situations you did what needed to be done and no one will blame you."

My words made her flinch, I could see her shift uncomfortably, but she gave a weak mutter of yes. The queen gained some semblance of confidence in her decision in doing her part as she straightened out and muttered more strongly. Meanwhile, I could hear the soft rumble of a Pal guiding a quiet bark away. Patting Elizabee's shoulders I walked back through the decimated camp. Broken bodies, cages, tents, weapons, and blood covered almost every inch in sight. Yet in the center of the camp I found the Penking with the remaining Pals and the Nox covered in blood waiting for me. As I approached the Penking offered me the sword I stole upon the initial attack.

Taking the now clean and cared for blade from the giant penguin, I mutter a thanks. The sword vanished into motes of blue light as my hand touched it. Penking nodding his head as if to say it was no problem. Looking at the gathered Pals, however, I sighed. We definitely were going to need to expand the camp tomorrow even if most of the Pals don't stay.

"You all look like shit, if you're willing you can follow us back to my camp where we can work something out. As frankly most of you look like just taking a shit could kill you, so you need medical treatment and food shoved down your throats. Luckily we have a rather caring queen and her guards willing to gladly care for your medical needs. After you won't die from taking a shit, you could either stay or leave. The choice would entirely be yours. Question is, are you willing to be helped, or are you going to suffer for just being stupid?"

None of them but a Univolt decided to be stupid. So herding around thirty Pals back home. I was surprised by what I was seeing, the Pals had expanded it themselves. Approaching the new gate below our home a Beegarde duo opened the gate with bloodied lances ready. I saw why they were bloodied shortly afterwards while entering through the new gate. I could see the corpses of gangsters that had been tortured to death. Some new Rooby's burned the corpses rather aggressively so I think I understand what was going down.

Looking around I saw that things down here were rather bare, but in the mountain where my church sits I could see signs of tunnels being dug out. Humming curiously I decided to first get our guests some beds to lay on. Outlines of fluffy Pal beds with roofing appeared in one corner of the new lower camp area. Amusedly I watched as almost instinctively my workforce converged on the outlines as they sensed what I was going to build.

"You know I can build those myself right?

A Pengullet looked at me, raised a flipper and essentially told me to shut up. The little girl absolutely gave me a look saying I shouldn't do more than needed tonight. Chuckling I raised my hands in surrender as I don't want to die just yet, though the Anubis is an asshole. She just appeared and shoved a large… Dragon Egg… huh dragons exist… at me as she let go. So I had to grab the thing or it'd fall. That smirk on her muzzle though told me I had been set up. For when my hands touched the egg it hatched and a currently small but still large fluffy dragon hatched. Quivern according to the Paldex.

[Quivern has hatched! Due to being the first creature it sees upon hatching you are now its imprinted parent!]

"You bitch…"

Anubis just chuckled and waved me off as her eyes shined a crystal clear blue color. A rather gruff and mature voice echoing in my ears as her muzzle moved.

'The world's reward, Outsider Kaiser, for helping me. If you hadn't come this child this night to do your deed. They would've been turned into a deranged war machine, forever broken to where only death could free them. So the mother of all and the ancients deemed you fit to raise a calamity averted.'

Sighing as the baby dragon climbed onto my head and my upper back, I just glared at the amused canine. Noncommittedly punching at the canine she catches my fist without much trouble in her current state. Her eyes were shining in absolute amusement until a small gout of fire hit her face. Anubis puts it out with a scowl at the baby dragon trying to intimidate her.

'You little runt….'

"Please stop talking in my head, and don't bully a baby. After all you're 'mighty' Anubis, being able to handle a baby should be nothing."

Anubis just scowled harder and I smirked in petty amusement. Payback bitch. The small Quivern snarled ratherly weakly at the canine, only to get an eye roll and a bark. Didn't need that one translated because it was pretty clear what was likely said. Though I didn't stick around much longer I headed up to the church through the recently dug tunnel. Flopping into my bed as the baby Quivern still clung onto me and just went to sleep.

\\// Elizabee POV //\\

"That Outsider is an asshole… he'll corrupt that poor dragon."

Looking at the Anubis who had come with us, I rather weakly defended the human who is braver than I. For she wasn't wrong, he wasn't a pleasant person whenever he fought. He was cold and distant when he fought, but she was also wrong. He was very kind if not upfront with his words or silent actions.

"He's not bad… just bad at being completely nice…."

"That isn't logical… yet as a servant to those higher than us I know that can be true."

A rumbling laughter sounded as the Penking and Dinossum Lux shook their heads. The Penking spoke rather frankly before heading to bed, his body seeming to age as he walked away with his mate following him.

"That young man is prickly and antisocial like the older Pals waiting to die I've met. But your statement on him corrupting the young queen is false, that young man will do her right. It's just the feeling of an old man though…"

Looking back to the Anubis, I left as well to go help set up my nest for my guards. They were looking forward to making honey once more and so was I. I also looked forward to seeing how tomorrow would be, for there was a little more to live for now than just grief. Along the way I saw Nitewing heading into her roost with a dead Lamball in her beak. Passing by a window I briefly saw the larger avian using it to guide the young dragon away from our Outsider who slept.

Tomorrow really did seem better than today….