

Author's POV

"Did you give him anything to take after he got back home yesterday Anabelle?" Asked Valentino Balencentra.

"Yes sir, I gave one of the maid lemon juice to go give him because I know he is going to have a hangover this morning so I just gave him so his hangover wouldn't be that bad." Anabelle answered Erald's dad.

"Okay then, josh told me that Caryl came home, is that true?" Said don Valentino.

"Yes, Caryl came home but left, I didn't know when he left. When Erald came home yesterday I told him about it and he stormed into Caryl's room, but he was nowhere to be found and I didn't see Caryl going out either." Anabelle said.

"But I guess Caryl is going to come back today and if he meets Erald they might get into a fi...." before she could complete her sentence Erald stopped her.

"What the hell are you saying aunt Anabelle, Caryl is gonna come back AGAIN? He still wants to come back? HOW DARE HE!!" Erald said stupefied at what aunt Anabelle just said, the anger he felt run freely in his veins making it's way to his head.

He felt a stinging pain in his head, which caused him to groan.

"Arhhgg......." He groaned. Aunt please give me some of your remedies for hangover, I feel like my head's spinning." He added looking at his aunt with an emotionless expression because he's raging with the flame of anger in him that made his headache worsen.

"Okay, I'll get it right now." His Aunt Anabelle told him.

"Erald calm down and when your headache comes down a bit come meet me in the office." Erald's dad said before leaving his room.

Immediately Erald's dad left the maid brought in the pineapple juice Anabelle made for him.

"Boss Erald the senior chief sent this for you." The girl said literally shaking so bad that she tried hard to control herself but she couldn't because she knew she just entered in the Lion's den when the lion is ready to feast on anyone that stepped in his den.

"Drop it and get out." Erald yelled at her, letting his anger for his older brother take control.

The maid stormed out of his room, in the process of running she mistakenly hit someone, she didn't notice him coming towards her direction.

"What the fuck is wrong with the servants in this house?!" Caryl said with his tone a bit high as he rolled his eyes.

She didn't know who Caryl is due to the fact that the maid is new, she only heard about Erald's heartless ways but never about Caryl because he wasn't well know in the mansion, because he didn't stay there for many years after murdering his mum.

"Am sorry." the maid said and left.

"What's wrong with all these maids and guards in this mansion the don't seem to be focused." Caryl said paranoid by everything his been going through since he came in to the mansion.

"Anyways, I need to get to dad's room to get the documents before anyone sees me that I'm going to dad's room." He said before zooming off.

Little did Caryl know that there are hidden cameras all over the mansion, which Erald is watching and when he spotted Caryl going towards his dad room he stormed out of his room without even wearing a shirt.

Though Erald is so angry in the inside but he choose to stay calm in front of his brother.

"Hello dear brother!" Erald said to Caryl with a cold expression and a devilish grin.

Caryl got startled by Erald's voice he never expected out of every one in the mansion it's Erald he's going to see.

"Erald h-hi!" Caryl said, confused on what words should come out of his mouth.

The moment Erald heard Caryl's voice, he felt like a volcano is erupting in him and he couldn't stay calm anymore, so he went straight to the point.

"What are you doing here? After several years of not being here, why did you have to come back?" Erald asked with anger laced in his voice.

"Well I just came to pick some of my documents I need, and I will leave after that." Caryl answered Erald, lying through his teeth.

"Oh well, my dear BROTHER you need to leave now, whatever documents you need will be given to you by the guards. Just inform them where it's kept and it would be brought out." Erald told him, whilst he sarcastically pronounced the word brother.

"Erald, please let me just get the documents myself and I promise I would never set foot in this mansion again." Caryl begged as if his life depended on the documents he was about stealing from his dad.

"You aren't staying here in this house any longer, if you really need this documents you'll ask the guards to get them." Erald said sounding impatient he couldn't take it anymore. His brother's presence is suffocating him that he feels nauseous.

With the way Erald is sounding Caryl knew best not to push Erald further, or else his dead body would be laying on the floor in a matter of second.

"Okay, I would leave." Caryl said when he wanted leaving, sighing in defeat but he was stopped by Erald, thinking Erald would give him a chance to go pick up the documents but it turns out that it isn't so.

"Caryl, why were you going towards dad's room and don't you fucking lie about it because I saw you." Erald said with a roaring tone.

"No.... thing." Caryl said trembling with fear that this might be his last day on earth. "I tho....ught dad i....is in his room so I..I ....I wanted seeing him." He said stammering.

Erald knew Caryl is lying but, he didn't push further and he told Caryl to leave and never set foot into the mansion again or that day would be the end of him.

Erald went back to his room, bathed and changed his clothes because he wanted to going out. After he was done dressing, he left the mansion for his dad's company, which is also his, at least if not now then in the future.

When he left the threshold to the entrance of the mansion he asked Renald his assistant to get the black Lamborghini Bugatti, so they could get going. After the incident that happened in the morning, the anger is still seething inside his heart, which he's trying his best not to unleash, because he knew it would be disastrous if he eventually does.

In a matter of second the assistant asked two guards to get the Lamborghini Bugatti, and they guards drove Erald and his assistant off.

Immediately they reached the company's building he dropped down from the car. But, he was then surprised because he saw his class mate back then in high school.

"Hey Erald!" She said with a surprised look just as Erald.

She walked to his place swaying her curvy waist to him and smiling.

"Hey Leona, what's up, what are you doing here?" He asked her.

"Am good, i'm here for a business meeting with Valentino balencentra. I have an appointment with him, his my dad's business partner. How about you, what are you doing here?" She said.

"Fuck! I never enquired about all these, girls would always be annoying." He groaned internally.

"This is my dad's company, I'm Valentino balencentra's son." He told her with pride laced in his voice.

"Nice meeting you, we would chat some other time goodbye." Erald said ending the conversation.

He left without waiting for Leona's reply.

After going to his dad's cabin, he met a man that his dad introduced to him as one of the Cosa nostra who was away for sometime hence he couldn't introduced them but he came back due to family emergency.

Erald didn't feel any sort of welcoming emotions for the man. But he did tell the man 'welcome back.'

After lots of talks between the man and his dad the man finally left. That's when Erald and don Valentino got into business mode but suddenly he remembered that Leona came to meet his dad but she wasn't anywhere to be seen so he asked his dad.

"Dad did you".....he couldn't complete his sentence because his dad stopped him mid way.

"Erald from today hence forth, you'll never call me dad when we are in the office or anywhere else apart from home, understood?" His dad said coldly turning into the mafia king tone that he has always used.

"Yes don Valentino, understood. Don Valentino did you have any appointments with a girl named Leona Hart?"

"Oh yes I do, you met her outside right? I'd asked the secretary to make her wait because I was busy when she came. Okay then let me call the secretary to let her in, you wait because I have a job for you that need to be worked on urgently." Said don Valentino.

"Okay don Valentino." Erald said without any emotions nor expressions.

He called the secretary to send Leona Hart inside for their meeting. After they were done with the meeting Leona left. And Erald came in to his dad's cabin because he had gone to his own cabin.

He didn't want to join the meeting because of Leona she was gawking at him like some predator ready to devour her prey. And he hated being gawked at. But when he was doing his business he doesn't care about all those stuffs because that time he had become the heartless killer he is and no emotions could find their way into him. He would become immune to emotions or feelings.

"Don Valentino, you said you have a job for me can i hear what this job is all about?" Erald said.

"Oh yes, Erald one of the Cosa nostra whose name is Lukas Santiago is trying to assassinate me and my whole family in other for him to become the new mafia king. He has another accomplice who is yet to be known but Josh is already working on it. But what I fail to understand is who else would be helping him. Right now, I want you to work on this find out who his other accomplice is and also what the other person would gain from assassinating me and my family because i already know Lukas Santiago is interested in the position of the mafia king. But, before you start your mission you would get the full information on Lukas Santiago, hold on a minute let me call josh to get them." Don Valentino explained.

"Josh to my cabin now." He said with a straight voice into the telecom.

Few minutes later

"Boss you called for me." Josh said.

"Yes, get those informations of Lukas Santiago and give them to Erald from today he would be in charge of the mission." Don Valentino said.

"Yes boss I would get them."

Josh left the boss cabin and went to get Lukas Santiago's information for Erald.

Erald didn't say a word since when he and his dad started the conversation so he decided to speak.

"Don Valentino if I may ask whose the closet to Lukas Santiago in the syndicate?"

"There is a member whose name is Joseph Anthony, they are best of friend he runs a fabric company but I don't think Joseph would denounce me because he literally owes me his life for sparing him after he betrayed the Cosa nostra. I don't think he would dare to make that same mistake ever again. Because I told him if he dares to denounce me again that would be the end of his lineage, I would take his entire families life that there won't be any one left in his lineage to take over him but if you think it's him then you need to get to the root of this, if you have to kill do that and spare no life." He said.

Knock knock

Josh entered with a black file and handed it over to Erald.

"Young boss this is the information of Lukas Santiago."

Immediately Erald heard that, he collected it and began to flip through the pages.

Name: Lukas Santiago

Age: 45 years old

Place of birth: Wellington

Married with two grown up children a boy and a girl, the boy's name is Grath Lukas Santiago while the girl's name is kira Lukas Santiago. His wife is no longer staying with him but they aren't divorced yet.

"Lukas is a business man, who owns a multi national company in California and also runs an illegal business which is the smuggling of cocaines and other hard drugs into the country."

"His parents are still alive and the dad is also part of a syndicate known as Valeina and the syndicate is been controlled by a woman whose as fierce as a lioness. Rumors has been said that Lukas and the woman that runs the valeina mafia empire is having an affair that is why his wife left."

"Lukas has a sibling named Traven Santiago he also has a business running, he's industry is world wide known industry known as Traven pharmaceutical industries ltd. But unlike Lukas and his dad Benjamin Santiago that are into illegal business and are in different syndicates, Traven isn't, he's clean.

"Lukas has a best friend named Arnaldo Fernandez but no one has seen Arnaldo Fernandez's face till date he is been hiding perhaps under a disguise or rather as rumors says he has a syndicate in a city in Italy called Milan. But ever since he and Lukas separated in college for years no one knows where he is." Josh explained.

"As per my investigation Lukas wife Roseline Diego, is planning on killing Lukas as a revenge for what he did to her in the past. From what i gathered Lukas is responsible for the death of Roseline's parents and her illegitimate twins. He tortured them before taking their lives all because Roseline's dad said Lukas wasn't going to marry his daughter. After Lukas killed Roseline's parents in her presence, he electrocuted the dad and humiliated the mum by sexually assaulting her before killing her by burning her alive in Roseline's presence and her 12 year old sons were watching everything, little did they know that they were also going to die."

"After killing her parents he told her if she doesn't marry him her twins would also leave her and join her parents, out of desperation and helplessness she got married to him, after the wedding was done, he killed one of the twins right before her and took the other to drown him and kill him. Since then Roseline swore with her life to avenge her parents and her twins death. Those two children she has with Lukas wasn't by her will, he raped her and she got pregnant." Josh added..

"Oh well then I have got the basics of Lukas Santiago, now it's time for me to have fun with my next beloved victim." Erald said with a devilish smirk.