
Erald and Mela


"Yes young boss, it's unclear the background she is from but she is definitely not Lukas Santiago's daughter." Josh said with certainty.

Just who is this lady to Lukas Santiago.

"Okay josh, so if she isn't Lukas Santiago's daughter and she runs a chemical company and also runs an illegal business which I doubt Lukas helps her with then she is not just an ordinary lady. Right now you need to find out her background, who her parents are, what's her real name and also her relationship with Lukas. And the investigation must start commencing immediately." I demanded with a commanding tone.

"And make sure, the investigation starts because by tomorrow, I need new informations about her." I added in a firm voice.

"Yes young boss, I would make sure of that." Josh replied and left.

What does this lady have to do with Lukas, and how the heck is she connected to the asshole.

"Don Valentino, I would take my leave now." I announced to dad, while I turned to look at Jake and I saw him with his lips agaped.

"Okay Erald." Dad proclaimed, as I turned to face him.

Jake just sat there as if he wasn't present at all just like a ghost, although he also looked surprised about the information we just heard because I also heard him say something when josh told us about kira.

"Jake, we need to leave now." I said.

"Okay let's go, good bye uncle valen."

Jake said to dad, after dad answered him we both left.

"Dude, don't you think something is off here, given that, that kira girl is definitely hiding something. If she is hiding under the identity of someone else. Wait does that mean that Lukas has no daughter named kira or there is really a daughter named kira. My mind is going to blow up because of such twist." Jake muttered with confusion and curiosity mixed in his utterance. He seemed to be completely flabagasted with such news.

"Yes I know, also honestly I never expected such twist, never thought his supposed daughter isn't his." I replied walking to the elevator.

Ring Ring Ring

I heard my phone ringing, I checked and saw it's dad calling.

"Yes, don Valentino." I answered.

"Erald come back to my office right now, also don't bring Jake with you let him stay back there and meet me up immediately. I have a job for you." Dad demanded imperiously.

"Yes, don Valentino." I said and ended the call.

"Jake go wait for me at the car, I would be back soon."

"But Er...." Jake commenced however, before he could finish I cut him off.

"Not now Jake, okay! I would be back soon." I said decisively as I got walking leaving him.

I went to dad's cabin, when I entered dad said I should have a sit.

"Erald, I just found out by some guards that one of the workers have been giving out informations about all our deals and businesses. I need you to deal with that person with immediate effect." Dad said with anger and bitterness laced in his tone.

"Yes don Valentino, I would certainly do that but can I see the person that gave you the information?" I asked firmly.

"Yes you can, wait a minute, Gabrielle to my cabin now!" Dad said as he picked his phone and called this so called Gabrielle.

Two minutes later a man with a strawberry blonde hair and electric blue eyes, who is 5'7 feet tall stepped into dad's cabin.

"Boss you called for me." he said to dad.

But immediately he layed his eyes on me he began to tremble at the sight of seeing me. He is trying to avert eye contact with me but I called out to him.

"Hey, look back here." I said to him staring him in the eye.

"Y...yes b...bo....boss." He said stuttering.

"Don Valentino, stated you found out that one of the workers has been giving out informations. Who does that worker gives informations to and who is the worker that dares to snitch on the Don?" I asked without any emotions nor expression on my face. I asked him with a cold yet commanding voice that held so much authority.

"Boss Erald, that worker is a man named Kenneth, he has been passing out informations to one of the cosa nostra. I'd actually forgot the name of the member. I heard Kenneth saying he despised boss and you on the account of murdering his brother. So due to that he wants to take revenge on you both. And I tried to talk him into dropping this hatred but he said he won't, I had no other choice other than telling Don because I owe him my life, if not for him I wouldn't be alive right now." He said with his voice full of gratitude at the latter but he wasn't comfortable speaking, I could sense the fear in every word he spoke.

"Oh is that it, his brother must have done something, in which it warrants him getting killed."

"I don't care about his hatred but he would surely pay for what he just did that to at my hands." I said coldly, emitting a cold aura that I know Gabrielle felt it.

"Yes boss E....Erald." He said shaking slightly.

"Erald I would be back, I need to leave to catch up with something." Dad said with urgency in his voice.

"And make sure that son of a bitch pays for what he did. I want you to torture him so much that he begs for death but death won't come for him. Make him face hell on earth that he wish he had never betray me. Make him beg for his life but he shouldn't get an atom of mercy. Torture him so badly in a way that he becomes a lesson to everyone that works both in the legal business and the mafia empire. Make him beg for death to come to his door step but you wouldn't let that death enter into his room because now, you own his life." Dad said with a cold voice that held no mercy for his betrayers nor does it hold any sympathy.

"Yes don I would make sure of that, I would make sure he doesn't have an easy death but a slow and painful death, you can trust me on that." I said with a devilish smirk.

"I trust you, now I must leave." Dad said and after that he left.

Promptly after he left, Gabrielle began to speak.

"Boss Erald I now remember the member's name, he's name is Lukas sa..... I don't actually remember his last name." He said with a little confusion in his voice.

"Is it Lukas Santiago?" I asked as I stared at him right inside his electric blue eyes.

"Yes boss Erald, it's Lukas Santiago." He said with certainty, even though he sounded certain I needed to confirm again.

"Are you sure, it's Lukas Santiago?" I said with my voice a little bit high. He shrieked a little at the sound of my voice but then spoke again.

"Yes boss Erald, I am very sure it's Lukas Santiago."

"Bring me to that asshole Kenneth now." I said with a calm voice but little did he know what sort of lava was boiling inside me. I had no fucking time to wait for him, I have to get him myself.

"Yes boss Erald." He said stuttering.

"Let's go."

I left dad's cabin and called jake to inform him that we aren't leaving so soon. After I told him we left with Gabrielle to hunt my new prey.

"Boss Erald, we are going to his house, because he didn't come to work today." He said with a hint of fear.

"You know his house right?"

"Yes boss Erald I do."

"Okay let's go then, Jake get into the car let's go."


I saw a man with an army green lounge suit, and a blonde curly hair. This is him, it's him, looking through his eyes and i saw that same grey iris that haunts me in my every nightmare.

"It's damn him, what the hell is he doing here?" The voice said a little bit petrified just like I am.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know." I replied back.

I didn't know when I began to shiver. I got shivering so hard that my heartbeat became so fast, I could literally hear it beating in my ears.

"What if he does same thing here?" My inner voice said but I couldn't answer cause I have lost all focus.

No no no noooooo!!! This can't be, what if he does that same thing to me here, no he won't do it here he wouldn't do such thing to me, ira won't let him do that.

"No Mela, calm down, just fucking calm down."

Before I could control my anger it got to the better part of me.

"Ira why did you bring him to me?" I yelled still trembling slightly.

"Calm down Mel, he asked to see you." She said with a shrug.

"So!? You then brought him here to me?" I said with anger not considering the fact that ira is my best friend.

"Mela hear me out." He said with a pleading voice.

"Don't, don't you dare call my name with your filthy mouth, you monster." I said angrily, with a raging voice as I pointed my index finger to his face.

"Ira, I need you to come drive me to some hotel to stay, I'm not gonna fucking stay here!" I yelled contemptuously.

Still shivering like a fragile animal who's freezing, I felt as if hands were crawling out of my skin. Irritation, anger, hatred, pain, overwhelming anxiety, fear, all these emotions were creeping into me so easily like a knife cutting through water.

Cold feeling coming up my spine, I suddenly couldn't move any longer, all those memories were coming back, they came rushing. Memories that I am still trying so hard everyday to forget about but it isn't working because this same man torments me everyday even if he wasn't in my presence.

I didn't know what to do anymore, I hid under the duvet, no no no this couldn't be happening to me again, he would do it again. Yes he will, he is a beast after all. He wouldn't care if Mira was around he would do it. What if he harmed Mira? No! He wouldn't, she's like his daughter, no he could also harm Mira, if he could harm his own daughter then he could also harm her. I already got panicking at this point, I felt suffocated, restless and clueless, I don't know what to do and what not to do.

"Mel you're having a panic attack, calm down." My inner voice said calmly like this man's presence doesn't affect it's sanity.

"Ain't you affected by th...." I got speaking when I heard Ira's voice.

"Uncle, you need to leave right now, Mel isn't in a right condition to talk to you." She said with fears coated her voice.

"Am not leaving. " He said scornfully.

"I won't leave to anywhere." He yelled with furiousness and I could feel a dangerous anger seething from him.

Looking out of the duvet, I saw his eyes piercing through my skin wanting to tear me apart with his gaze.

"Uncle, please you need to leave." Mira said while holding on to his arm but then he shrieked his hand pushing Mira down. Mira fell hitting her head on the edge of the table close to where she stood, as she fell limply on the floor blood got gushing all over the floor. She's soaked in her own pool of blood.

Mira's breathe began to come out faintly. Her breathe is becoming shallow. "No Mira you can't leave like this, you can't leave me here with this monster." I shouted from the bed, my feet hurts I couldn't stand on my feet.

"Oh no, this man just murder Ira." My inner voice said panicking.


I heard Brayan's voice from outside the door calling out to me. He came in and saw Mira's blood all over, she is completely soaked in her pool of blood, he began to panicked.

"Mel, what happened to Ira?" He shouted, turning to his back he saw the beast that just murdered my best friend standing there like he isn't there.

"Uncle Arnoldo why are you just watching, let's take Mira to the hospital." Brayan said with fear engulfing him completely. But still that beast stood there without any remorse for what he has done. He stood there like he hadn't just murdered a human being not just a human being, she's my best friend, the daughter to his friend. How could he be this heartless to this extent? Just how?

"Uncle Arnoldo, why aren't you moving?" Brayan began shouting at him at this point.

With no single emotions on his cold face he said "she's dead already." He said coldly.

Hearing this words I felt my heart sank to it's deepest dark hole. I suddenly felt lifeless, I felt numb, my body got weak, i didn't have the strength to talk or shout. I couldn't think anymore. I felt as if I was dragged into the abyss. Everything stopped. Forcefully got dragged to the unknown.

I heard a thunderous sound. Turning, I saw Brayan on the floor unconscious. Another fear rushed through me like a bolt of electricity. Another anxiety rushed through me much more than the previous one. Now I am all alone with him defenseless. I had no one with me, he killed Mira and made Brayan unconscious because I could still see his chest going up and down.

I heard a devilish laughter that brought me back, I turned to face him.

"What did you do to Brayan?" I demanded for answers furiously. Instead he just kept staring at me, just like he had done before, those eyes, same way, nothing's changed.

"I said, what did you do to Brayan?" I shouted this time louder, taking him out of his trance.

"Nothing really, I just made him unconscious, he would be up after some few hours." He said with a half smirk and half shrugged.

"How could you do this to the child and nephew of your best friend?" I asked him feeling nauseous and scared that he might do something but I showed bravery outside as I spoke.

"You caused it, had you accepted my pleas and came back to me when I begged all these wouldn't happen. You're the cause of your best friend's death." He said coldly whilst laughing.

"Don't believe him Mel, his trying to guilt trick you." My inner voice screamed.

As he spoke he came close to me, how do I save myself right now. My mind seems to have become blank. I don't know what to do anymore. I turned my head to find anything I could use as a weapon, just then I heard a sound of some one hitting something. I turned to the place where the sound came from. I saw a lady dressed half naked, I think she's the lady Brayan brought home. She's holding onto a large box in her hand which she used to hit that devil. Thinking he would go unconscious but sadly he didn't. He stood there hale and hearty like someone who wasn't just hit by a really large box and perhaps heavy.

"Oh no, he's going to do something to her also, he wouldn't let her go free." My inner voice said.

He turned and grabbed the lady's hair and threw her on the floor by slapping her so hard that blood got dripping from the corner of her lips.

"How dare you?" He shouted like a psychotic person.

"Just how dare you?" He shouted one more time picking her up by her arm and slapping her again. He grabbed her neck and he began slamming her head against the wall angrily. Blood splattered against the wall but he still didn't stop until he was satisfied.

He turned to me coming close to me, I felt sick to my stomach, he brought his hand closed to my.......

I jerked up from the bed sweating profusely, and I saw Ira closed to me.

"Mel what happened? Why are you sweating so much? Was it a nightmare?" She said in a single breathe.

I immediately hugged her so tight, it's a dream, it just a dream, euphoria washed all over me. I can't express how happy I am, I'd thought it was real because it all felt so real. I can't afford to lose my best friend, I didn't know when tears began streaming down my eyes.

"Nothing Ira, it is a nightmare." I answered her, sniffing.