
Chapter 6: Game On


The atmosphere was awkward, to put it lightly. I clutched my hands in my lap as I bounced my leg, my mind anywhere but the movie in front of me.

My anxiety was crawling upon me the girl I'm having an affair with and now boyfriend is in the same room with me.

Can this day get anymore worst? Or it just had

I felt a warm hand touch my knee and turned to look at Kendra, who looked concerned. Kendra was always that type of person to be there for you if you're feeling anxious or down she'll be the first one to be concerned

I appreciated that form her

"You okay, baby ?" she asked me softly, slightly whispering

I gritted my teeth as I shook her hand off my knee. In the corner of my eye, I could see she looked hurt by that. Dorris was in the room I couldn't have him hear that he is my boyfriend anyways

But the twist is, she doesn't know me and him are dating a double secret I'm keeping in dating the same person who don't know that. How much more of an asshole could I become

I took a quick look at Dorris. He looked between me and Kendra, slight questioning crossing his soft features.

I had small gut feeling inside my stomach it didn't feel good at all I'm worried what Dorris is thinking right now.

Could he be hurt? Jealous? All of the above possibly

"Dorris." Kendra's face cocked to the side.

"Do you mind getting us some popcorn or something?" She asked him

There was a moment of slight hesitation as his eyes flickered from me to her. If Dorris was uncomfortable with the idea of leaving me and Kendra alone together, he didn't show it.

He reluctantly went off to the kitchen to get us a snack. I sighed I'm definitely in trouble.

The second we were left alone, Kendra started talking, "What the hell was that?" Her tone was sharp and edgy.

"What do you-" before I could even finish asking, she was on her feet and speaking in an angry, hushed tone.

"Don't give me that bullshit, Elias. She crossed her arms.

"Last night, you were all touchy and feely, like we actually had something. And now you're cold as ice. Did last night mean nothing to you?" She looked hurt. I quickly had to think of something

"Kendra, baby," I said softly as I got to my feet. I rubbed my hands up and down her crossed arms. "That's not it. That's not it at all"

She looked away, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Then what is it?" Her voice got quieter. "Did it mean just nothing? Us having sex last night?"

"Baby." | cupped her cheek so she could look at me.

"It didn't mean just nothing. It meant so much to me and I loved it. I love what we have between us."

She relaxed a little at my words. "Then why were you so cold just now?"

I shrugged casually. "I'm just not too big on affection. I also don't want my roommate Dorris to feel like some third wheel.

Kendra sighed as she dropped her arms from her chest. "I get it." I inwardly sighed at that. Thank god this was over I did not want to go on about this conversation pretending to care when I really didn't. It's best that she don't find out especially Dorris or else I'll be in big trouble.

Later Dorris came back with the popcorn I noticed a fake happy expression on his face hopefully he didn't hear me and Kendra's conversation.

"I'm back" he says his voice was different it sound hurt I tried not to think about it while Kendra was putting a movie on this will be awkward.

Once she found the movie our eyes attached to the t.v.

- 2 Hours Later -

Dorris had fallen asleep by the time the movie was ended, leaving Kendra and I wide awake. Before another hour had passed, neither Kendra nor I spoke.

"You should go," I said. I told her straight up, and she cocked a frowning head in my direction.

"What? Why?" When she questioned, I grinned. She is aware of the reason why this is so foolish.

."Because of your presence, that is why." She scoffed getting up shaking her head her coming here was random and un invited  I hardly doubt she even came here to see her friend

So called friend she is

"I don't know why I even bothered showing up knowing you don't even care about last night or that I'm here existing." She says grabbing her stuff as she shoved her shoulder pass mine as she was about to leave she turns her head towards me

"Be lucky that I don't tell Dorris about us it'll be be shame if he left you in distress." She threatened as she left I growled clenching my fist

How did she know me and Dorris were dating? I bet she looked through my phone invading my privacy again

Two can play at that game just watch Kendra. Just watch I made my way towards Dorris who was still sleeping peacefully I picked him up taking him to our room laying him down gently.

I kissed him gently before I got into bed Bailey was be sleeping on the floor. I hope Dorris doesn't say a word about what happened

. . . . . ╰──╮

Edited by my friend

Dorris is the omega and Elias is the alpha

Nia name is changed to Kendra

simply_theunknown_creators' thoughts