
Oxton Stakudz GAME

This story begins when a sorceress woman was killed by the citizens of the Deak kingdom, this woman left a son named Oxton Stakudz o protected from the dark magic, no one ever imagined that Oxton Stakudz the sorceress's son would cause so much damage and his magic would be considered a threat, but before all that Oxton Stakudz had his reasons for his hatred of humanity

Uuquth · แฟนตาซี
131 Chs


You're not very surprised to discover that Meredith's "patrol" consists mostly of standing just outside Elith and gazing steadily into the distance. The only part that seems a little odd is that no other guards appear to notice how she's interpreted her orders.

Something occurs to you. "You're not hypnotizing the rest of the guards to keep them away from you, are you?" you ask.

Meredith gives you an odd look. "No. I'm just familiar with the patrol schedules." She heaves a sigh, and it occurs to you that she looks tired. It's not an expression you imagined seeing on her face. "I'm trying to concentrate on something right now, actually," she says. "I don't know that it's the best time to talk."

She says nothing else, and she's still hardly moving. What could she be concentrating on? It's hard not to think that she's been keeping her secrets long enough, but you're likely going to have to do something more than you've been doing if you're going to persuade her to elaborate, by word or deed.

Your hand goes to the hilt of your sword. "You need to tell me the truth about what you're doing, Meredith. And anything else you know. How else am I supposed to keep your demon-lord from crawling his way back?"

Meredith eyes your blade for several moments. Weighing the wisdom of fighting you, you assume. She doesn't look frightened, but she seems to find it very easy to fall back into the dull emotionless state you initially found her in, back in the archives.

"I'm waiting to see if I can sense when the demons arrive for the next stage of your friend's prophecy," she says, shifting on her feet. "If I can find them before they reach the town, I might be able to help. Help all of you, you understand."