
Oxton Stakudz GAME

This story begins when a sorceress woman was killed by the citizens of the Deak kingdom, this woman left a son named Oxton Stakudz o protected from the dark magic, no one ever imagined that Oxton Stakudz the sorceress's son would cause so much damage and his magic would be considered a threat, but before all that Oxton Stakudz had his reasons for his hatred of humanity

Uuquth · แฟนตาซี
131 Chs


Before you can put together a response, the young man is stepping back and gesturing to his companion. "This is Chancellor Bessarion Aton, from the Royal Arcane Academy…oh, but you know that, don't you? He just said you'd met."

You've heard of Chancellor Aton, of course—his introductory magical texts are required reading even for an illusionist—but you still can't quite remember his face. You met a lot of people at the ceremony three years ago.

The chancellor is a tall, fair man around fifty. His sky-blue robes are immaculate, though some of the water that quenched the flames is soaking into his boots. He gives the younger man an indulgent smile. "We have, yes, but I don't believe you've been introduced."

"Oh!" The younger man doesn't look embarrassed, only surprised. "Certainly. I just don't normally…" You realize he was under the impression you already knew who he was. "Never mind that, though. I'm Prince Evander."

You imagine it will be awkward if Princess Despina finds out about this.


Prince Evander isn't exactly what you expected, though there is some resemblance to his cousin as you study him closer, particularly in his eyes and his tight black curls. He's dressed less formally than Princess Despina was, even in her private quarters, though you get the impression he's intended to keep this visit discreet. That may be a lost cause by this point, though. Between the smoke still drifting up from the hedge and the presence of both a prince and one of the heroes of the nation, people are gathering around the courtyard gates and the doors to the great hall.

You remember your manners and give your greetings to the prince in turn. He's clearly eager to speak further, so you ask him the question foremost on your mind.

"Oh, no, he was a friend of my father and mother," Prince Evander says. "I've known him all my life, and he was my tutor before I went to the Academy."

"Given that, Evander, I admit I might have expected you to believe me when I told you the magical defenses the princess regent has had set on the palace grounds are inadequate," Chancellor Aton says, though he's smiling.

Prince Evander flushes. "Well, you didn't have to personally set the hedge on fire to persuade me," he mutters.


You examine the smoldering hedge. Chancellor Aton is right—there are protections that ought to have defended it from magical flame. Princess Despina could have ensured that her grounds were more properly defended, but she seems reluctant to deal with mages. Of course, as Chancellor Aton is demonstrating, the mages are reluctant to deal with her, and she had no way to verify the strength of the defenses without their help.

"Someone could have been hurt if it spread," Prince Evander is protesting to Aton, "and we might have talked to Despina about it first."

Aton scoffs. "Spread, with two mages able to extinguish it at any moment? Three, once Jun arrived. And if there's one person she pays less heed to than me, it's you. We needed evidence of her laxity that she can't disregard. She's putting every soul in the palace at risk! Now, of all times, with the prophecy returning…" The chancellor turns to you. "Jun understands me, I imagine."
