
Owning A Dungeon

In a world infected with mysterious dungeons, brave adventurers conquer them to gain superpowers, wealth, and riches. The higher the dungeon tier, the more powerful the monster within. Meet Alaric, a cunning and intelligent protagonist, who stumbled upon a dungeon that changed his life forever. With the help of the dungeon's robotic voice, he learns to upgrade it, control the monsters within, and even create a warp gate. But with power comes danger, as Alaric must navigate treacherous factions and fight against powerful monsters to survive. Join him on an epic journey full of action, strategy, and adventure, as he uncovers the secrets of the dungeons and rises to become the strongest conqueror in the land.

Alaric77 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 8

With the new structures in place, I decided it was time to put them to use. I called upon my goblin leader and instructed him to gather all the monsters in the dungeon and lead them to the training area.

As the monsters gathered in the open space, I watched as they eagerly awaited their next orders. I instructed my goblin leader to explain to them how to use the training area and to assign them specific training partners.

The goblin leader stepped forward and spoke in his raspy voice. "Attention monsters! This is your new training area. Here, you can spar with your fellow monsters and level up your skills. You will be assigned a training partner, so find your partner and begin training!"

The monsters quickly found their training partners and began to spar with one another. I watched as my giant spiders used their agility to dodge attacks, while my Minotaur used his brute strength to overpower his opponent. Even the goblins, who were often seen as weak and insignificant, were able to hold their own in battle.

As the monsters trained, I could see them improving and becoming stronger. Their movements became more fluid, and their attacks became more precise. I knew that this new training area would be a valuable asset to my dungeon and would help my monsters become even more powerful.

After the training session, I instructed my spider queen to oversee the library. She eagerly accepted the task and began to organize the books and scrolls.

I watched as she used her spider-like abilities to climb up to the high shelves and carefully place the books in their proper places. I could see the excitement in her eyes as she discovered new information about monsters and dungeon management.

I was pleased to see that the library was being run efficiently and effectively. The spider queen was an excellent choice for overseeing the library, as she was intelligent and had a keen eye for detail.

Finally, I turned my attention to the portal room. I instructed my Minotaur to use the strange markings on the stone platform to create a warp gate to a nearby city.

The Minotaur stepped forward and placed his hand on the platform. The markings on the stone began to glow, and a portal appeared in front of him. He stepped through the portal and disappeared.

A few moments later, he returned with a large crate filled with goods and resources from the nearby city. I could see the excitement in his eyes as he showed off his new skills and abilities.

I was impressed with how quickly my Minotaur had learned to use the portal room. He had taken on the role of overseeing the portal room with ease and was able to use it to transport goods and resources with ease.

Overall, I was thrilled with how my monsters had taken to using the new structures in the dungeon. They had all taken on the roles assigned to them with enthusiasm and had proven to be efficient and effective in their tasks.

As I watched my monsters go about their daily routines, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. I had created a powerful dungeon filled with loyal and dedicated monsters. With the new structures in place, I knew that my dungeon would only continue to grow and become even more powerful.

In the coming days, I continued to oversee the running of the new structures. I watched as my monsters used the training area to improve their skills and abilities, the spider queen to learn new information, and the Minotaur to transport goods and resources.

I was pleased to see that each structure was being run efficiently and effectively. My goblin leader continued to oversee the training area, ensuring that the monsters were training properly and improving their skills. The spider queen continued to organize and catalog the books and scrolls in the library, while the Minotaur continued to transport goods and resources through the portal room.

I walked back to the guild house, I noticed a bulletin board filled with various quests. My eyes were immediately drawn to a quest about a dungeon located deep in the forest. I decided to take on the quest alone since I wanted to challenge myself.

I approached the receptionist and accepted the quest. She warned me that the dungeon was dangerous and filled with strong monsters, but I assured her that I was capable of handling it.

I then set out into the forest, following the directions on the quest scroll. As I got closer to the dungeon entrance, the trees grew thicker, and the air grew colder. I drew my sword and shield, ready for whatever lay ahead.

The dungeon entrance was a massive stone archway covered in moss and vines. I stepped inside, and the door creaked shut behind me, sealing me in. The first room was dimly lit, with torches lining the walls, casting flickering shadows across the floor.

I cautiously walked forward, listening for any signs of danger. Suddenly, I heard a growling noise coming from the darkness ahead. I tightened my grip on my sword and shield and crept forward.

As I entered the next room, I saw a group of goblins waiting for me. They were armed with rusty swords and shields, and they looked hungry for blood. I charged forward, slashing my sword at the nearest goblin. We engaged in a fierce battle, exchanging blows and parries.

The goblins were tough, but I managed to take them down one by one. I was starting to feel the strain of the battle, however, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to last much longer.

Just as I thought I was about to fall, I remembered the portal spell that I had learned. I quickly drew a circle on the ground with my sword and recited the incantation. A portal appeared in front of me, and my monsters came charging out.

They were a mix of different creatures, ranging from goblin to massive Minatour. They attacked the goblins with ferocity, tearing them apart with their sharp claws and teeth. I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I watched my monsters take care of the remaining enemies.

I continued through the dungeon, fighting my way through various rooms and encountering more challenging enemies. Each battle was a struggle, but with the help of my monsters, I managed to make it through.

Finally, I reached the end of the dungeon, where I faced the boss monster. It was a massive dragon, with scales as black as night and eyes that glowed red with fury. I knew that this would be my toughest fight yet.

I charged forward, dodging the dragon's fire breath and slashing at its scales with my sword. My monsters joined in, attacking the dragon from all sides. We fought for what felt like hours, the battle taking a toll on both me and my monsters.

Finally, with a mighty roar, the dragon fell to the ground, defeated. I let out a sigh of relief and collapsed onto the ground, exhausted but triumphant.

As I rested, I reflected on my journey through the dungeon. It had been a challenging experience, but with the help of my monsters, I had managed to emerge victorious. I knew that I still had a lot to learn, but I felt a sense of pride in what I had accomplished.