
Owning A Dungeon

In a world infected with mysterious dungeons, brave adventurers conquer them to gain superpowers, wealth, and riches. The higher the dungeon tier, the more powerful the monster within. Meet Alaric, a cunning and intelligent protagonist, who stumbled upon a dungeon that changed his life forever. With the help of the dungeon's robotic voice, he learns to upgrade it, control the monsters within, and even create a warp gate. But with power comes danger, as Alaric must navigate treacherous factions and fight against powerful monsters to survive. Join him on an epic journey full of action, strategy, and adventure, as he uncovers the secrets of the dungeons and rises to become the strongest conqueror in the land.

Alaric77 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 1: The Dungeon of Shadows

I descend deeper into the dungeon, my heart racing with anticipation. This is my element - the dark, foreboding corridors, the musty smell of old stone and rusted metal, the distant growls of lurking monsters. I'm Alaric, a seasoned adventurer, and I live for this kind of challenge.

I move quietly, my leather boots making no sound on the ancient stone floor. I hold my rapier at the ready, its polished blade glinting in the dim light of my torch. My companions are not as stealthy as I am, but they are strong and skilled, and we make a formidable team.

Suddenly, we hear a low growl ahead. We move cautiously, readying our weapons. As we round the corner, a massive beast looms before us, its glowing red eyes fixed on us. I recognize it immediately - a black dragon, one of the most feared creatures in the dungeon.

Without a word, we charge forward, our weapons flashing in the darkness. The dragon unleashes a torrent of flames, but we dodge and weave, narrowly avoiding the deadly blasts. I strike with my rapier, aiming for its heart, but the dragon is too quick, dodging my attack and swiping at me with its massive claws.

My companions are not so lucky. One by one, they fall under the dragon's fury, their bodies charred and broken. But I refuse to give up. I've come too far to back down now.

I dodge another blast of flames and leap onto the dragon's back, my rapier piercing its scales. With all my strength, I plunge the blade deep into its heart, and the dragon lets out a deafening roar before collapsing in a heap.

I'm the only one left standing. The others are gone, their bodies lying motionless on the dungeon floor. But I don't have time to mourn their loss. I must continue on, deeper into the dungeon, to claim the treasures that await me.

As I search the dragon's lair, I find a chest filled with gold and jewels, as well as a powerful magical amulet that pulses with energy. I strap the amulet around my neck, feeling its power coursing through my veins. This is what I live for - the thrill of the hunt, the rush of victory, and the spoils of conquest.

As I emerge from the dragon's lair, panting and covered in sweat, I am greeted by a strange sensation. A sudden blinding light washes over me, and a high-tech holographic screen materializes before my eyes.

"Congratulations, Alaric," a robotic voice echoes through my mind. "You have successfully conquered this dungeon. As the new owner, you have full access to all its resources and treasures."

I blink in surprise, struggling to process what has just happened. Acquiring a dungeon is no small feat - it means I now have control over the labyrinthine complex of tunnels and chambers that lie beneath my feet. But it also means that I am responsible for defending it from other adventurers and monsters who would seek to claim it for themselves.

A rush of adrenaline courses through my veins as I begin to realize the magnitude of what I have accomplished. The other members of my party lie strewn about the room, their lifeless bodies testament to the danger of the dungeon we have just conquered.

I swallow hard, trying to steady my racing thoughts. I know that I must be cautious - there will be others who would kill to claim this dungeon as their own. But at the same time, I cannot help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation at the possibilities that lie ahead.

I then tried to call it again and it said this

"Welcome to your new dungeon, Alaric," the robotic voice continues. "This ancient labyrinthine structure is filled with treasures, monsters, and mysteries that are waiting to be explored. As the new owner, you have full access to all its resources, including the magic crystals that power the dungeon's defenses and traps."

I listen intently, my mind racing with possibilities. I had heard rumors of dungeons like this one - filled with powerful artifacts, secret chambers, and hidden passages that only the most cunning adventurers could uncover. And now, I am the owner of one of them.

"As the owner of this dungeon, you have the ability to upgrade and expand it as you see fit," the robotic voice continues. "By investing magic crystals and other resources, you can increase its size, fortify its defenses, and add new traps and monsters to keep intruders at bay."

My mind immediately jumps to the possibilities - with a powerful dungeon at my disposal, I could become unstoppable. But at the same time, I know that I must be careful - for with great power comes great responsibility.

With a final glance at the fallen dragon, I turn and begin to make my way back up to the surface, my mind racing with plans and strategies for the challenges ahead.

I emerge from the dungeon's entrance, the sunlight hitting my face and temporarily blinding me. I pause for a moment, taking in my surroundings - the nearby forest, the distant mountains, and the small village that lies just beyond.

It's been hours since my comrades fell in battle against the dungeon's guardians, and I know that I must be careful. If anyone were to find out that I now own the dungeon, I would become a target for every adventurer and faction in the region.

I quickly conceal my face with a hood and make my way towards the village. I have a story prepared - one where I am the only survivor of our group's expedition, and where I have come to report the tragic news and share the loot.

As I enter the village, I can feel the eyes of the locals upon me. They are a suspicious lot, and I know that I must be careful not to reveal too much about my true intentions.

I make my way to the village elder's hut, where I am greeted with condolences and sympathy. I tell my tale, my voice filled with sadness and grief, as I recount the bravery of my fallen comrades and the horrors we faced in the dungeon.

The elder listens intently, nodding solemnly at the appropriate moments. When I finish, he offers me a small sum of money and tells me that the village will hold a memorial service for my fallen comrades.

I accept the money and offer my thanks, my mind already planning my next moves. I know that I must keep my true identity and ownership of the dungeon hidden, and that means staying low-key and avoiding any unnecessary attention.