

In the world of the Blue Planet, where the rhythm of life continued its daily ebb and flow, an unforeseen and cataclysmic event unraveled before its inhabitants. A colossal, eye-like rupture manifested in the sky, a phenomenon now known as the Dungeons, casting a foreboding shadow as it heralded the summoning of all humankind. Within this enigmatic realm, humans were beckoned to forge their own factions amidst a myriad of races. Yet, as swiftly as they arrived, so did the monsters, thrusting chaos and havoc upon humanity. In the face of this upheaval, a dormant power surged within them, awakening the deepest desires they held within. The bestowed systems arrived in three stages, each enhancing their abilities in a unique manner. The Stage 1 system offered a normal RPG leveling experience with a 1x multiplier for stats progression. Advancing to the Stage 2 system granted a 2x multiplier for stats growth, delving into a more profound awakening that plunged the user into a deep slumber lasting anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Finally, the Stage 3 system provided a 3x multiplier for stats advancement, coupled with an even deeper awakening that led to a prolonged deep sleep of 5 to 10 years. On what seemed to be an ordinary day, while engrossed in his routine work and lost in the pages of novels, Chris found himself ensnared in the mundane yet precious activities of his family. However, as the clock continued its steady cadence, an unforeseen tragedy unfolded, plunging their lives into an unimaginable turn of events. As the very sky cracked open and unleashed a horde of malevolent monsters, a resonating sound, both deep and agonizing, reverberated through the air, overwhelming Chris with its intensity until he succumbed to unconsciousness. This marked the inception of Chris's remarkable journey, an ascent from an ordinary human to a force of power amidst a world in tumultuous transition.

YinANDYang · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 5: Awakening V

In the expanse of Chris's mind, an ethereal realm unfolded—an infinite cosmos adorned with stars and boundless void. Within this mental universe, the essence of his being resided, a consciousness adrift in the tapestry of his own existence.

Amidst the cosmic expanse, seven monumental pillars rose, towering in an eternal stretch that defied all sense of scale. These pillars, ancient and unyielding, were encircled by chains of a time-worn nature, yet their strength was unassailable. Each chain bore the weight of ages, binding the pillars to a reality far beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals.

Among the pillars, one stood distinct, untouched by chains—a pristine embodiment that radiated an aura of duplication. It emanated a whisper of potential, an enigma awaiting discovery amidst the cosmic tapestry.

Circling the seven pillars, three orbs danced in a perpetual ballet. Their movement was a testament to their significance, their eternal rotation symbolic of their dominion over the very fabric of existence.

The first orb, radiant with heavenly luminescence, represented the bloodline of the divine—the ethereal realm of angels and celestial beings. It governed the soul, nurturing the intangible essence that animated life.

The second orb, tinged with infernal hues, symbolized the bloodline of the damned—the realm of demons and malevolent forces. It held dominion over the body, presiding over its intricate machinations and vitality.

The third orb, shrouded in an aura of shadow, embodied the bloodline of the underworld—a realm of primordial energy and arcane forces. It governed the very essence that fueled reality, the lifeblood of existence itself.

As the orbs orbited the pillars, they accelerated in an intricate dance, their movements intertwining until their individual forms blurred into a frenzy of motion. Faster and faster they spun, until their once-discernible forms became a mere blur, an indistinct whirl of power that defied the limitations of perception.

In an instant, a brilliant flash of light erupted, piercing the enigmatic darkness of Chris's mental cosmos. From this light emerged a newfound clarity, a resounding awareness that cut through the shroud of oblivion.

And then, as if breaking through the barrier of a long-slumbering dream, Chris's eyes opened. His gaze, once veiled by the passage of ten years, was now unshrouded by the depths of time. The world around him awaited his awakening, a canvas upon which his actions would paint the story of his rekindled existence.


In the room, a mix of confusion and relief gripped the family members as they stared at Chris, the ancient sword now resting beside him. The surreal turn of events left them grasping for understanding.

Andrei's voice cut through the uncertainty, his tone a blend of curiosity and concern. "What just happened? How did the sword end up beside him? What's going on?" As a holder of a unique System 1 power, his abilities were tied to the world of Minecraft.

Rhessan's brow furrowed as he responded, his own bewilderment mirroring his brother's inquiry. "I'm not sure. It's as if... something changed." His words carried a sense of uncertainty, his mind grappling with the inexplicable phenomenon that had transpired.

Their mother's voice held a note of reassurance, a glimmer of hope amidst the confusion. "Whatever the reason, Chris seems to be alright now. That's what truly matters."

Their father's voice was resolute, his focus on the broader situation. "Rhessan, deal with the enemies swiftly. Randiel, ensure our safety from any potential aftermath. Sierdan, join the fight and seek vengeance for what they've done. Rhessan, before you go, lay down strong anti-invisibility measures. We can't afford to be caught off guard again."

Randiel, understanding the urgency, conjured a protective barrier, his abilities channeled into fortifying their defenses. Sierdan retrieved defensive items and deployed anti-invisibility sentries, fortifying their position against any potential future attacks.

Rhessan nodded, determination burning in his eyes as he turned towards the window. With purpose, he flew out to confront the enemies, his mind focused on revenge and justice. The family had been through a harrowing ordeal, and now, they were united by a common goal—to ensure the safety of their loved ones and to avenge the grievous act that had been committed against them.

Amidst the flurry of action and determination that unfolded in the room, the family members were unaware of the consciousness that slowly stirred within the very center of their focus. As plans were made, barriers erected, and defenses fortified, the one at the heart of it all, Chris, began to regain awareness.

A spark of life ignited within his eyes, dispelling the shroud of unconsciousness that had enveloped him for so long. With a gradual awareness, he took in the familiar faces that surrounded him, their voices reaching his ears with a mixture of concern, determination, and relief.

As his vision cleared, the voices coalesced into a symphony of purpose, each member of his family contributing their unique strengths to the shared goal of protection and vengeance. The weight of his situation began to dawn upon him, and questions formed within his mind, demanding answers to the events that had transpired during his slumber.

Through a fog that was slowly lifting, Chris's eyes roved over each family member, absorbing their presence and absorbing the essence of their intentions. His mother's gaze radiated warmth and concern, her lips moving in whispered reassurances. His father, a pillar of strength, exchanged knowing glances with his siblings, the unspoken camaraderie a testament to their shared purpose.

Images flashed before his mind's eye—the ominous intrusion, the ancient sword, the enigmatic figure. Questions stirred within him, the tendrils of curiosity reaching out to grasp the fragments of information that had begun to coalesce in his awakening mind.

"Where am I, what happened?" Chris's voice quivered with a mixture of confusion and concern as he looked around the room, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his family members. The weight of the unknown hung in the air, his words echoing the thoughts that had filled his mind upon awakening from what felt like an eternity of slumber.

Chris's voice pierced the air like a beacon, drawing the attention of all family members present. His awakening was met with a symphony of emotions, each member expressing their relief, joy, and elation in their own unique ways.

Tears welled up in his mother's eyes as she rushed to embrace her son, her voice trembling with a mixture of emotions. "Thank goodness you're awake. You're back now, and everything will be fine."

His father's words resonated with a sense of wonder and gratitude. "A miracle has finally appeared," he declared, his steps bringing him closer to the bed where Chris lay.

Randiel's jovial tone rang out with humor and camaraderie. "Chris is awake, haha. Rhessan is surely glad this has happened," he mused, his expression a blend of amusement and genuine happiness.

Sierdan's words carried a deep sense of relief and affection. "Chris, you're awake! You've been sleeping for the past 10 years. Thank goodness you're awake now," he exclaimed, his eyes reflecting the intensity of his emotions.

Andrei's voice, filled with a mix of relief and brotherly affection, chimed in. "You're awake, big brother. Be awake for the rest of time and don't leave us!" His words held a heartfelt plea, a testament to the bond that existed among the siblings.