
Overturned Demonic Rule

In a world where demons had seized control, humanity's last hope rested upon the shoulders of a remarkable young woman named Miyu Fukumoto. Amidst the despair and destruction, she secretly concocted a deadly poison capable of eradicating the demons. Aware of the risk, she devised a plan to administer the poison without endangering herself: a dart gun armed with poisoned darts. Now that her plan was set, all she needed now was a team. Can she assemble the last remaining survivors? And together can they save humanity?

Daoist8fkcFQ · ไซไฟ
1 Chs

Chapter 1 : A World Overrun

Chapter 1 - A World Overrun

The sun, once a symbol of warmth and life, had become a distant memory in Miyu Fukumoto's world. The sky, perpetually shrouded in darkness, cast an eerie pallor over the desolate landscape. Demons, creatures born of nightmares, now ruled the Earth, their malevolent presence felt in every corner.

Miyu had known a time before this darkness descended, a time of laughter, blue skies, and the comforting embrace of her family. But those days were gone, replaced by a ceaseless struggle for survival. She had become adept at navigating the shadows, evading the demons' watchful eyes, and gathering whatever resources she could scrounge.

Today, she crouched behind a crumbling wall, her breath shallow, heart pounding like a drum. A demon patrol was passing by, its members grotesque and otherworldly. Their leathery wings brushed against the air as they moved, their eyes gleaming with an otherworldly malevolence. Miyu pressed her back against the cold stone, willing herself to blend into the darkness.

As the patrol drifted away, Miyu dared to steal a glimpse of the world beyond her hiding place. The landscape was a twisted mockery of what it once was. Once-vibrant cities lay in ruins, their skyscrapers now hollow and crumbling. Nature had been twisted and corrupted, mirroring the demons' malevolent influence.

Miyu's thoughts turned to her family. Her parents had fought valiantly when the demons first emerged, but they had fallen to the overwhelming forces. She had managed to escape their grasp, honing her survival skills through hardship and sheer determination.

The demons' rule had brought humanity to the brink of extinction. Those who survived were scattered and fractured, each struggling to stay hidden from the demons' all-seeing gaze. Communication was scarce, resources scarcer. But Miyu harbored a secret, a spark of hope that burned within her.

In a hidden corner of the ruined city, Miyu had established a makeshift workshop. It was here that she had stumbled upon a discovery that could change the course of history. A forbidden book salvaged from a decaying library had contained an ancient recipe—a formula for a poison that could kill demons.

Miyu's eyes flickered to the workbench where vials, chemicals, and equipment were arranged meticulously. The poison's creation was a slow and delicate process, requiring a level of precision that she had learned through trial and error. Her hands moved deftly, mixing ingredients, measuring, and recording her progress in a worn journal.

But Miyu knew that merely crafting the poison was not enough. The demons were too powerful to be defeated in direct confrontation. She needed a way to administer the poison without getting close, a strategy that would exploit the demons' weaknesses. And that's when the idea struck her—an idea that had the potential to change everything.

A dart gun. She could coat darts with the lethal poison and use the dart gun to inject the demons from a distance. It was a risky plan, but it was the only chance humanity had. Miyu's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She knew that if she succeeded, the tides of this grim war could shift.

As the moon cast a pale glow over her workshop, Miyu sat back, staring at the prototype dart gun she had fashioned from salvaged materials. She felt a surge of determination, a newfound purpose that eclipsed her fear. But she also knew that she couldn't face this battle alone.

Her mind turned to the other survivors she had heard whispers of, those who had managed to evade the demons' detection and form small pockets of resistance. They were out there, fighting their own battles, clinging to the hope of reclaiming the world that had been stolen from them.

With a resolute expression, Miyu closed her eyes and made a silent promise to herself. She would find those survivors, unite them under a common cause, and lead them in a daring mission to save humanity. She knew it wouldn't be easy, and the risks were immense, but she couldn't let fear paralyze her.

Dawn was still hours away, but Miyu couldn't sleep. As she stared at the dart gun, she envisioned a future where demons no longer reigned supreme, where humanity's spirit persevered against impossible odds. With that vision etched in her heart, she began to plan her journey, ready to step out into the world and find the other survivors who shared her determination to reclaim what had been lost.