
Overseer of Fate

This is a story of certain being . Who for some reason chose to live a normal human life in the mortal world forgetting his past. Many more years pass by, life moved on through good and bad. As he lives through a normal life. In time he became old and death came knocking to him and one by one to everyone he knew . When he closed his eyes for the last time by reminiscing his past ,takeing his last breath , hoping to meet his loved ones on the afterlife. The pain of death came and went away .But it took his life with it. Than he opened his eyes again after regaining his conscious. But he didn't found his loved ones ,nor found himself in the afterlife but somewhere else. His life continues, as does the Story . I will update a cover photo for the novel after I make one. I am bad at drawing so I will edit one . Not like the owner of the photo will find out about it and after I edit it , it's mine right. Hahahaha . If he does find out, well let him come and bite me . Not like he will be able to reach me. Hehehehe (evil laugh) . If he does ,will never mind . This is my first novel . If anybody is reading this then thank you very much for your time . Please pray for me so that I can keep writing this novel. I will try hard to write and update more chapters. Reminder , there is no fix update rate on this novel because I will update when ever I will be able write a chapter of the story . So sorry . Enjoy

4thEmperor · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

World Level 01

Now , time to explain the world's .

Let's begin with the mortal Realm.

The mortal Realm is dividend in two.

1st : level 1 world

2nd : level 2 world

Level 1 world can contain up to rank 5 being . The universal law in this kind of world are the weakest . If anything or anyone stronger or more powerfull than rank 5 stay there , the world will not be able to endure it's power and will collapse. So this type of world usually try to expell if anything becomes more powerful than what it can contain , by sending them to a higher world. If anything stronger try's to enter this kind of world they have suppress their power . If they force their way in , their presence will send the world in chaos .

Now , level 2 world can contain up to rank 10 being. The universal law's are stronger there , so they can contain rank 10 being . Usually being under rank 5 have hard time living in this kind of world . Like the previous world if anything more powerful stayed or came to this world , the world will be destroyed . Since this is the limit of mortal world and above this world is the God Realm , this kind of world has a barrier that keeps the two realm apart .

Well these world's are often called Heavenly realm by normal mortals.

Ok , that's all folks . Till next time .