
Overpowered Trap in the Multiverse

Audrey was a normal teen in an abnormal world, that may or may not look like a woman, after the ending of humanity and the eradication of not only his family but his entire world by monsters, he was determined to continue on living, given the chance to start over and travel between the vast Multiverse.

lSpacel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Goodbye home

It was 6AM and I remembered it so clearly, I woke up at this time like any other day. I had another nightmare. Much like the night before. It was so vivid that it felt like it wasn't even a dream. Then I heard the familiar tune of the morning news coming from the living room as a worrying story was told

"Good morning everyone, today we have some somber news for you all" The newscaster said in a somber tone, "Sadly overnight a band of SS-Rank hunters ended up failing to raid the gate located in northern California" then something clicked in my mind, 'W-wait, SS-Rank hunters ended up dying when raiding a gate? that wasn't good, that means unless the government throws tons of people in the gate to delay it, there is a large chance that Northern California will be lost in a dungeon break.'

Sadly, I wasn't lucky enough to awaken as a hunter to have the ability to protect myself, in a world where people can cast magic spells, and shatter mountains with just their hands, I was unlucky enough to not have the capacity to awaken any abilities besides looking rather feminine, even though that wasn't a good thing. The amount of people that flirted with me, just to find out that I had a third leg. I may sound and look like a female but that doesn't mean that I am one.

Then from the living room a familiar voice called out "ARIYA BREAKFAST IS READY" This was my mom, waking me up at 7:50AM everyday without fail even though it was summer break and I didn't have anything to do. "Coming mom!" as I sprinted out of my room and seating myself at the dining room table waiting for my mom to fill my plate with food. "Ariya! Great news me and your dad managed to save up enough money for a awakening tome to let you finally live up to your dream of becoming a hunter!"

My eyes nearly popped out of my head, it was nearly $500,000 to buy a awakening tome, and that is not money that the average American family can afford to buy on a whim. I managed to speak with all these thoughts in my mind, "Th-Thank you mom, you didn't have to buy this for me, I could have done what you did and go to college and make a living, you didn't have to!" my mom replied, "We are your parents honey we want you to be able to love the life that you want."

My mom reached into a bag and grabbed what looked like a dusty old book and handed it to me

[Requirements not met to use {Awakening Tome} please try again in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes]

Breakfast went on as usual and I went back into my room to read the newest released chapters of my favorite manhwa and managed to soak up an hour of my time. Due to my fast reading rate there was sadly a lack of new chapter that kept me occupied for very long as a news bulletin blared out of the TV, "WARNING, WARNING, A HIGH RANKED GATE HAS BROKEN NEARBY PLEASE FIND YOUR WAY TO THE NEAREST SHELTER OR STAY IN YOUR HOME, TURN OFF ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES" this repeated a few times before a loud thud sounded from outside.

I looked in horror as a huge 15 foot tall monster that looked like a bridge troll stomped a few innocent civilians to death. I held my breath as there was no way I wanted that thing to know I was there. After a long and tense 12 minutes there was no more sound from outside, as if it was a wasteland. Then, the TV which we didn't manage to turn off let out a loud pitch before news that sealed the fate of humanity came across the screen. "WARNING, MULTIPLE SS-RANK GATES DETECTED AND MULTIPLE NEARBY DUNGEON BREAKS PLEASE STAY OUT OF SIGHT FROM WINDOWS AND STAY BARRICADED IN YOUR HOME." As that message finally reached my ears a large projectile pierced through the wall of our home as I heard my mom scream from upstairs.

A dark elf came through the hole in our wall and slowly walked over to where my mom was located as he was about to bring his sword down on my mom's head, he looked in my direction, 'If only I awakened as a hunter, it's all my fault, I failed my family' as if some higher being awnsered my calls, I opened my eyes to see nothing but a bright open space

[Time limit exceeded]

[Welcome new user to the Multiversal Exchange System]

[Sadly due to the state of users original home world there will be a required relocation due to prolonging of the users life]

[Please state the world you wish to be moved to]

'WAIT, I can go anywhere?'


Then I choose 'Classroom of the Elite'

[Choice Accepted]

[Distribution of starter rewards]

[Level 1 Multiversal Exchange Shop granted]

[Skills {Androgynous Appearance} {Ultimate Poker Face} and {Above-Average Intelligence} Aquired based on past life experience]

{Androgynous Appearance: S-Rank - Passive}

Description: Due to genetics no normal person won't be able to tell what gender you are

Luck: +10

Charm: +15

{Ultimate Poker Face: SS-Rank - Passive/Active}

Description: Your poker experience and your ability to mask what you were feeling during your life, few beings will be able to tell what you are thinking based off of your body language, When active there is a chance that people will believe what you are saying based off of your charm and luck

{Above-Average Intelligence: B-Rank - Passive}

Description: The religious studying in order to prove to yourself that you are not a failure ended up paying off

Intelligence: +25

'HOLY SHIT' I thought to myself 'I can't believe that my gambling and studying habits paid off even In events like this'

[Giving new user 1500 points to start out, please view the store in order to finalize the new user process]

'Wait, will I ever be able to see my family again?'


'Wait how, I didn't even say bye'

[That is up to the user to find out]

'Fine, {View Store}'

[Please select channel]

{User ran shop}

{System Shop}

'Uhhh {System Shop}'

[Welcome user to the System ran Gacha store, would you like to use 1500 points on a platinum skill loot box, it has a guarantee of at least an A rank skill!]

'Once a gambler, always a gambler, Yes please'


{Congratulations on receiving, steel rapier (D-Rank), basic swordsmanship (D+ Rank), Heavenly Cultivation Technique (S+ Rank)}

{Heavenly Cultivation Technique: S+ Rank - Active}

Description: One of the strongest cultivation techniques that gives one strong foundations at the cost of speed

{Basic swordsmanship: D+ Rank - Passive (Upgradeable)}

Description: The basic understanding and ability to wield a sword and gives a small boost to damage dealt by bladed weapons

Bladed Weapon ATK Speed +10%

Bladed Weapon ATK Damage +5%

Well I doubt that will help in this world, but here goes nothing

[Thank you user {Ariya} for completing the intro]

[May luck stay on your side]