
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

New Life

During the revenge, Stonexia Yrrah also get to know about some other features of OPS got unlocked like scouting, experience points, etc. With scouting feature Stonexia can check stats of other living beings just like in games HP, Life, Current Age, Expected Age and other miscellaneous stuff. Practically he can check anything on anybody. This can be done in both live mode and demo mode.

Once when Stonexia pushed a motorbiker bully for his revenge he also noticed an notification from OPS giving him 1 experience point for killing an ant, which was unfortunate and got crushed under the weight of the motorbike. This also worked in both demo and live mode.

He can do self scouting as well and knew that he is very weak and was at level zero of human. Even the normal people who used to hard labor were at level 1 but he was at 0. So he kept killing ants, rats, flies and other common insects to gain some experience and level up. He did these killings in demo mode so that it has no effect on real life of those insects and creatures. After only one month he leveled up to 2. Level 2 humans are generally bouncers, wrestlers, fighters, cops and military men in the real world. Of course that one month was only 1 second in real world as well due to being in demo mode. This way the benefits of system were being revealed to him slowly. Although it was 1 second in real life but boredom and mental fatigue was equivalent to one month. So he immediately went to sleep after reaching level 2 in real life.


Real World, outside the house of Stonexia

Rats, flies, mosquitoes, ants and various other insects were swarming around the house of Stonexia. They attacked the rations and emptied whole house. Mr. and Mrs. Yrrah were terrified by the scene. Mr. Yrrah soon came out of his stupor and hurried towards room of Stonexia to wake him up for their escape. Stonexia wasn't waking up as mental fatigue was too much on his brain after his training for one month in demo mode. Mr. Yrrah tried picking him up but was surprised to see that Stonexia's weight is now too much for him to lift unlike before. Also its now that he noticed that even the physical structure of Stonexia is much more muscular as compared to his old self. For a second he felt that maybe his son started taking steroids? But he can't think of any way by which his son can buy those expensive drugs, as their family has hardly enough money to eat and they can barely afford the basic amenities. Also not waking up of Stonexia put suspicion in mind of Mr. Yrrah that their son is currently drunk or drugged.

Mr. Yrrah shook hurriedly and put all negative thoughts on the back of his head and quickly grabbed nearby jar of water and threw it on Stonexia. And thus sweet dreams of Stonexia came to end where he was acting as superhero of the Earth and praised by whole earth.

Mr. Yrrah explained the situation to Stonexia, and Stonexia didn't took time to figure that the so called disadvantage mentioned by system is this. He quickly confirmed it with system and got an affirmative. It's actually the instinct injection that is injected while killing/injuring/bullying during demo modes. Although the victim who is killed won't know who actually killed them so many times in demo mode but their body will naturally develop an instinctual animosity towards their killer. And as Stonexia was lazy during his training and thus hunted all insects near his house only and thus insects got a gut feeling that stonexia is their lifelong enemy, and thus they attacked house. Even insects themselves don't know that why are they attacking this house, its something that their bodies are naturally doing and brain can't stop this activity of body as they have been killed so many times that negative instinct values are too high to be controlled by tiny brains of those insects.

Mr. Yrrah also presented his suspects of drug addiction and alcohol consumption by Stonexia, but Stonexia immediately refused them and although Mr. Yrrah was unsatisfied by stonexia's explanations but due to the immediate crisis he has to let that matter go.

Stonexia relaxed little bit and asked for a solution from the system itself to protect them from this insects horde.


Suddenly evil ideas started popping in Stonexia's mind after hearing System's explanation...

"Wow its too good. I will have my insect army and I am currently myself as strong as wrestlers. We are gonna rule the world. Also I will have another method to teach those bullies of mine some new violent lessons."

Stonexia at once entered the kitchen and caught some raw vegetables, wheat, and other daily eatables and tools for digging. Then he activated demo mode on OPS. Whole real world paused.

(Teleportation sfx)

In demo mode, the brains of insects won't be as sharp as their real selves so it was easy to come near them and dodging their silly unconscious attacks, but he still can't dodge the enormous numbers of them, so got wounded. Even after getting wounded, he still persevered. He started feeding and caressing all the insects near his house's vicinity, and then lured them away towards their homes where he killed them earlier. Their he rebuilt the mounds for ground insects, and dug few holes for rats and provided new habitat for every insect and just doing this along with normal caressing raised the instinct values in positive numbers almost plus 200 for every creature. He continued caressing them until he felt bored and finally the values reached 1000 plus for each and every creature. Now those creatures destroyed their newly created homes themselves signalling that they want to follow Stonexia.

Stonexia brought them back home and switched to live mode, and thus his real body appeared in outside world. Mr. Yrrah was searching for him as he had just disappeared just from behind him. On seeing him back he was little relaxed and held the arm of Stonexia to pull him towards exit door. But Stonexia remained unmoved, and showed a smile and said, "Chill Dad".

Mr. Yrrah was surprised, "Chill your head, idiot, let's hurry or we will be insect food in no time."

Stonexia still remained calm and told "What's the problem dad, they are my pets?"

Stonexia picked up few rats and put them around his shoulder and also made few flies and insects sit over his body. And those insects seems to be not hostile at all, instead they seem like enjoying as if Stonexia's body is their home. Exit door suddenly opened as Mrs. Yrrah entered who was very worried about both Stonexia and Mr. Yrrah as they had been delaying too much for their escape from this insect crisis. She was surprised too by seeing rats, mantis and flies sitting over Stonexia.

"Why are you watching our son being attacked by those insects? Hurry and kill them?" ordered Mrs. Yrrah.

Mr. Yrrah replied "Kill them? But he says they are his pets?"

Mrs. Yrrah also remained dumbstruck after hearing this, but was convinced after seeing Stonexia patting and combing the soft furs of rat in his palm.

"Don't worry mom i will make an different house for them outside our house in our little garden, so they won't disturb you."

Stonexia said and immediately ordered all creatures to move outside and they marched like an well trained army and followed stonexia outside where he created new mounds, burrows, holes for those creatures. Some creatures like mantis required dense bushes so he just left them in open and they hid in the plants and trees that were already growing in garden and made their new homes themselves.

Mr. and Mrs. Yrrah were flabbergasted but understood and consoled each other.

"These are good signs, he was always sitting on gaming consoles or internet. It's better to have this kind of hobby rather than those games or novels. Who knows he may become an renowned Insect Expert in future?" said Mr. Yrrah

Mrs. Yrrah also agreed to this and started cleaning the mess earlier created by insects.

After giving creatures their new home Stonexia went in and Mr. Yrrah immediately suggested his idea to him and Stonexia started thinking about it.

"Dad its a nice idea, although rats, flies, mantis and mosquitoes have no commercial use, but they can serve as my army for self protection. For commercial purposes we can tame honeybees and start rearing them for their honey. We can do same for hens, cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep".

Mr. Yrrah "But it will require great investment, we are already poor and live in lowest standard house. We will not only need money for buying those pets, but also a big piece of land for them to live as well. And the pet foods are very costly too. We can hardly feed ourselves you know."

Stonexia chuckled and thought, "No worries I can do robbery anytime with the help of my OPS."


"Yeah right, I am a man of honor, I shouldn't' do such evil stuff." told Stonexia embarrassingly to system in his mind.

Then he replied sincerely to his dad, "I will take loan from bank dad, so don't worry."

Mr. Yrrah was unconvinced as he knew that to take loan some qualification are required like previous Income Tax Returns, Income Proofs etc., so he thought to apply for loan on his behalf instead from a relative who was still nice to them even after knowing the low status of their family. It was impossible to take big loans from banks etc. with their current status. But how much can a relative of a poor family provide them? But at least they can start from low like having one cow, and then investing its incomes to purchase a second and so on. But Stonexia refused the slow growth option, so he got another idea in his mind I will do Fighting or Wrestling or Boxing and all other sports. It will help him grow as well by getting experience points. Mr. Yrrah knew that Stonexia has become strong overnight, but still sports requires training and investment as well?

But Stonexia told his dad to follow him towards an local arena where people do betting and gambling for the local street fights. He told his Dad to put all money on his winning the fights. And he went to the owner of the Arena for his registration.

It was easy to register seeing his physique, Arena Owner immediately agreed and did the paperwork within fifteen minutes. Stonexia urged the owner to fight for rankings to earn quick money. Owner agreed to his demands as well, as he can see the potential of this man. Generally street fighters are not skilled and have a level of 1 or 1.5, but even the best street fighter won't be level 2 as that level is for skilled wrestlers, boxers, kungfu masters and martial artists only. So stonexia was also confident in himself.

Fight for rankings means a continuous bout with other fighers with little rest. There were only 19 fighters registered with Arena Owner as it was local small scale arena. So first fight of Stonexia was set up with 19th ranked street fighter and his level was at 0.9 only as expected by him. He easily crushed the opponent within one minute and earned 500 dollars from fight. He can challenge anybody upto 5 ranks higher than him and thus he challenged 14th rank street fighter who was at level 1.2 and after that he went to his dad to hand over his earnings as he has got 15 minutes of rest before next fight.

Mr. Yrrah had little doubt about the victory of his son so he didn't bet all his fortune and spent only half of his lifetime earnings. Now he has overall 3500 dollars, 2000 (money received after betting) + 1000 (his own earning that he saved earlier) + 500 (earning from Stonexia). He was very happy seeing this quick way of earning, "I knew my son is an hidden genius." Stonexia rolled his eyes listening this "Then why didn't you bet your full amount? And also its the first time i am hearing this from you?"

Mr. Yrrah felt little awkward but shamelessly said, "It was for your benefit, i don't want my son to be egoistic, i was waiting for right chance and today is that chance. Also for betting amount i am little regretful for not betting whole amount but worry not my next bet will be all 3500 dollars. Make sure to make them 7000".

"8000 not 7000, you are forgetting about my prize for next win, it will be 1000 dollars as his purse is higher than the previous fighter."

"Yeah beat the hell out of that guy and keep climbing we must earn at least 100,000 dollars to start our business."

"Yeah no worries dad", he threw the wet towel towards his dad and went towards ring.

After two minutes announcement was made "Stonexia Yrrah is the winner and is new rank 14th." After half an hour "Stonexia is winner and he made it to 9th rank."

After another half an hour "Stonexia is the winner and he has made it to 4th rank and has challenged the top rank Charlee Garcia for the Local Arena Championship."

He did all fights after switching to Live mode and thus gaining experience as well for defeating the opponents, currently his Level is 2.2 as well. Experience from defeating humans was much higher than puny 1 exp of crushing ant or housefly. He made total earnings of little over 40,000 dollars already.

Real life is outside the system.

Real mode and Demo modes are within the system, so these are three things overall.

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